Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:30, 19.06.2022

President Iohannis to attend Three Seas Summit and Business Forum in Riga

President Klaus Iohannis will attend on June 20 the seventh Summit of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) and the fourth edition of the Three Seas Initiative Business Forum organized in Riga, the Presidential Administration…

16:35, 09.07.2021

Energy Minister: Romania will be able to receive gas from Azerbaijan in July 2022

The Bulgaria-Greece gas interconnector will be finalized until July 2022, so that gas from Azerbaijan will reach Romania, wrote, on Facebook, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu, Agerpres informs. "Today [Friday - e.n.]…

13:00, 09.07.2021

Iohannis: Romania remains firmly committed to the Three Seas Initiative

President Klaus Iohannis says Romania remains "firmly committed" to the Three Seas Initiative through "pragmatic action in support of concrete solutions to narrow gaps and strengthen resilience in the region. At…

09:30, 09.07.2021

President Iohannis meets heads of US Congress delegation at 3SI Summit

On Thursday, Romania's President Klaus Iohannis had a meeting with US Senators Roger F. Wicker and Ben Cardin, who lead the US Congress delegation at the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria, on…

18:30, 08.06.2021

Romania's Chamber of Commerce and Industry proposes Eurochambres - 3SI cooperation agreement

Romania's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR) proposed on Tuesday, on the occasion of the Eurochambres General Assembly of member organizations' secretaries general, the conclusion of a cooperation agreement…

14:21, 20.11.2020

Foreign Minister Aurescu has phone call with US Exim Bank President

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu had a phone call today with the President of the US Import-Export Bank (EXIM US) Kimberly A. Reed on the topic of the American involvement in strategic economic projects…

12:26, 16.10.2020

President Iohannis to participate Monday in Virtual Summit of Three Seas Iniative

President Klaus Iohannis will participate, on Monday, in the Virtual Summit and the Web Forum of the Three Seas Initiative, organized by Estonia in videoconference format.According to the Presidential Administration,…

14:36, 15.10.2020

President Iohannis to discuss infrastructure projects financed by US next week in Tallinn, says Transport Minister Bode

President Klaus Iohannis will discuss US-funded infrastructure projects in Tallinn next week, including the Constanta-Gdansk railway and the motorway that is meant to link Lithuania to Greece via Romania, Minister…

20:15, 15.09.2020

ForMin Aurescu, US ambassador discuss Three Seas Initiative, Alexei Navalny case

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu welcomed, on Tuesday, the US Ambassador in Bucharest, Adrian Zuckerman, and they discussed, among other topics, about the Three Seas Initiative and about the case of Aleksei…

19:03, 24.07.2020

ForMin Aurescu, US ambassador discuss upcoming Three Seas Initiative Summit

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu and US ambassador in Bucharest Adrian Zuckerman discussed today at the Foreign Ministry's headquarters preparations for the Three Seas Initiative Summit which will take…

14:12, 25.06.2020

ForMin Aurescu, ambassador Zuckerman discuss regional co-operation, Black Sea area developments

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday welcomed US ambassador in Bucharest Adrian Zuckerman to discuss the recent developments in the Black Sea area and regional co-operation, especially under the…

23:33, 09.06.2020

At meeting of dedicated Working Group, Deputy PM Turcan highlights importance of Three Seas Initiative projects

Three Seas Initiative (3SI) projects could provide important support for the economic recovery, with positive effects on the labor market in the current situation marked by the global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,…

18:39, 22.05.2020

ForMin Aurescu meets US Ambassador Zuckerman; Romania-US Strategic Partnership on the agenda; "very good" cooperation

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu welcomed on Friday U.S. Ambassador to Bucharest Adrian Zuckerman. The two officials talked about bilateral cooperation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the announcement…

22:17, 12.05.2020

Minister Aurescu talks about strengthening Three Seas Initiative at meeting preparing summit in Estonia

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu participated on Tuesday, by video conferencing system, in the opening of the preparatory meeting (Sherpa format) of the 5th Summit of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI),…

17:17, 27.04.2020

Phone conversation between ForMin Aurescu, Reinslau on topic of Three Seas Initiative

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu had, on Monday, a phone conversation with his Estonian counterpart, Urmas Reinsalu, at the request of the Estonian side, and the Three Seas Initiative was one of the topics…

20:52, 16.02.2020

ForMin Aurescu welcomes US announcement on allocation of 1 bln US dollars for Three Seas Initiative

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu attended on Saturday, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, the round table on the Three Seas Initiative, on which occasion he welcomed Secretary of State Mike…

19:43, 28.11.2019

Albu (EximBank), about 3SI Investment Fund: Return on investment will probably be double-digit

The return on investment for the projects to be financed through the Investment Fund of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) will probably be double-digit, stated on Thursday Nicolae Albu, member of the Fund's Supervisory…

19:43, 28.11.2019

There is much interest from American investors for Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund

Investors in the United States show much interest for the Investment Fund of the Three Seas Initiative, stated, on Thursday, for AGERPRES, Pawel Nierada, member of the Oversight Council of the Fund on the part…

20:29, 20.11.2019

ForMin Aurescu underscores importance of strengthening cooperation between Romania and Poland in security

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, had a meeting on Wednesday with his Polish counterpart, Jacek Czaputowicz, on the sidelines of the meeting in Brussels of the foreign affairs ministers from the…

20:42, 06.06.2019

President Iohannis: Bucharest summit priorities, reconfirmed at Three Seas Initiative summit in Slovenia

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday welcomed the fact that the summit of the Three Seas Initiative in Slovenia reconfirmed the priorities set in 2018 at the Bucharest summit of the organisation, mentioning…

16:13, 06.06.2019

Romanian president Klaus Iohannis: 'Bucharest summit priorities, reconfirmed at Three Seas Initiative summit in Slovenia'

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday welcomed the fact that the summit of the Three Seas Initiative in Slovenia reconfirmed the priorities set in 2018 at the Bucharest summit of the organisation, mentioning…

21:45, 03.06.2019

President Iohannis to participate on Wednesday and Thursday in the Three Seas Initiative Summit in Slovenia

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday and Thursday will participate in Slovenia in the 4th Three Seas Initiative Summit (I3M), informs the Presidential Administration.On Wednesday, the head of the state will participate…

13:06, 16.02.2019

At Munich Security Conference, Ciamba emphasizes Three Seas Initiative role in strengthening EU, transatlantic partnership

Minister Delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba emphasized on the first day of the Munich Security Conference the role the Three Seas Initiative can play in strengthening the European Union and the transatlantic…

19:35, 07.02.2019

Deputy PM Ana Birchall, US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross discuss economic ties, investment opportunities

Deputy Prime Minister Ana Birchall had a working meeting with US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, with the agenda of talks including subjects such as strengthening the economic dimension of the Strategic Partnership…

20:23, 14.12.2018

Deputy PM Ana Birchall coordinates first meeting of Working Group to implement approved projects at I3M Summit

Deputy Prime Minister Ana Birchall coordinated on Friday the first meeting of the Working Group to monitor and coordinate the implementation of projects approved at the Three Seas Initiatives Summit in Bucharest,…

14:09, 14.12.2018

Birchall a coordonat prima reuniune a Grupului de lucru pentru implementarea proiectelor aprobate

la Summit-ul Inițiativei celor Trei Mări (I3M) Vineri, 14 decembrie a.c., sub coordonarea viceprim-ministrului Ana Birchall, a avut loc prima reuniune a Grupului de lucru pentru monitorizarea și coordonarea implementării…

23:08, 23.11.2018

Gov't adopts memorandum on monitoring implementation of projects approved at Three Seas Initiative Summit

The Government adopted on the sitting on Friday a memorandum on the setting up of an working group to monitor and coordinate the implementation of projects approved at the Three Seas Initiatives Summit in Bucharest,…

09:57, 20.09.2018

ForMin Melscanu welcomes American-Romanian Business Council delegation

Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu on Wednesday welcomed the American-Romanian Business Council delegation (AMRO), paying a visit to Romania on the sixth annual mission on economy promotion, the Foreign…

19:28, 18.09.2018

PM Dancila, Speaker Vondracek about intensifying political dialogue and strengthening bilateral cooperation

The importance of intensifying political dialogue and strengthening bilateral cooperation were the main topics discussed by Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Tuesday, at Victoria Palace, with the Deputies' Chamber…

18:18, 18.09.2018

Prime Minister Dancila, Polish counterpart Morawiecki discuss good stage of bilateral strategic relation

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met on Tuesday, at Victoria Palace, with the Prime Minister of the Polish Republic, Mateusz Morawiecki, on the sidelines of the Three Seas Initiative Summit, context in which they…