Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:05, 29.01.2022

Netflix România: 15 filme şi seriale lansate într-o singură lună

Netflix a numărat lansarea a 15 filme şi seriale pentru România, toţi cei care au acces la platformă putându-le viziona deja. Astfel, săptămâna aceasta au fost lansate Three Songs for Benazir, sezonul 2 al Ada…

18:41, 27.10.2021

Creatorii unei criptomonede vor să scaneze irisul a un miliard de utilizatori

Creatorii unei noi criptomonede, denumită Worldcoin vor să scaneze irisul a un miliard de utilizatori, până în 2023. Până în prezent au scanat irisul a peste o sută de mii de persoane. Worldcoin este o monedă a…

18:56, 26.10.2021

Creatorii unei noi criptomonede vor să scaneze irisul a un miliard de oameni până în 2023 / Cum funcționează worldcoin

Echipa care a dezvoltat o nouă criptomonedă vrea să grăbească adoptarea de monede digitale la nivel mondial și pentru a face acest lucru intenționează să scaneze irisul oamenilor; a un miliard de oameni până…

15:50, 10.11.2020

PSD votes for reopening markets while Liberals abstain from voting

Social Democratic Party (PSD) First Vice Chairman Sorin Grindeanu said on Tuesday that the Liberals abstained from voting in Parliament on the amendment to reopen markets because they do not care about Romanians,…

10:55, 14.10.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu says ban on St Parascheva pilgrimage serious violation of the religious freedom

National chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu says banning to St. Pious Parascheva pilgrimage to Iasi amid the COVID-19 pandemic is a serious violation of the religious…

15:45, 10.09.2020

Grindeanu: Measures for starting school year, taken by local authorities; Gov't didn't help at all

The first vice-chair of Social Democratic Party (PSD), Sorin Grindeanu, said on Thursday that the Government did not help at all, "not even with one leu," the local authorities to take the necessary measures to…

14:35, 30.08.2020

Ciolacu: I expect our partners to vote gov't dismissal; statements on arrangements don't count as votes

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu says he expects the Social Democrats' partners to vote for the censure motion and that the statements on certain arrangements "don't count as votes.""The PSD…

20:11, 27.08.2020

Romania: Gov't introduces measures for electoral campaign in decision on extension of alert state

The Orban Cabinet is to approve, in Thursday's meeting, the amendment to Annexes 2 and 3 of the Government Decision 668/2020 regarding the extension of the alert state on the Romanian territory starting with August…

20:05, 26.08.2020

Romania: august 31 set for vote on motion of censure

Social Democratic Party (PSD) national leader Marcel Ciolacu announced on Wednesday that the motion of censure tabled by the Social Democrats will be put up to a vote on August 31."The motion of censure will be…

13:25, 28.07.2020

Gov't to approve this week 1 bln euros for expansion of Romania's gas networks

The government will approve this week a 1 billion euro allocation for the expansion of Romania's gas networks, Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan announced on Tuesday.According to the cited official, Romania's…

10:42, 08.07.2020

Ciolacu on Gov't's quarantine bill: Legislative zombie; we invite civil society to Parliament to repair PNL chaos

The interim president of Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, said on Wednesday that the bill of the Orban Government on quarantine and isolation is "another legislative zombie" and that he will invite…

13:54, 08.06.2020

ALDE says Iohannis-Orban gov't prepare state of alert prolongation to avoid censure motion

The Orban government is preparing to extend the state of alert to avoid the censure motion, an ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, ed. n.) post written on the party's Facebook page on Monday says. "To avoid…

11:42, 21.05.2020

USR's Nasui: State should scrap minimum wage tax

Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Bucharest branch Claudiu Nasui welcomes the government's plans to cover between 35 and 41.5 percent of the gross wage for every employee who returns to work, but considers…

22:40, 05.02.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Fall of Orban government, a very big step for Romania's democracy

The interim chair of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Wednesday that the adoption of the censure motion is "a very big step for Romania's democracy", especially the wellbeing of Romanians.…

13:29, 30.01.2020

Censure motion tabled in Parliament: Orban Gov't must be urgently dismissed

The Orban Government must be urgently dismissed, both because changing the electoral system on the eve of elections violates the European standards, and because the adoption of these changes was made unilaterally,…

19:48, 10.01.2020

PLUS's Ciolos: Early elections - only alternative to political impasse we are in

Early elections are the only alternative to the political impasse we are in, says PLUS leader Dacian Ciolos, quoted in a release issued on Friday for AGERPRES by the Save Romania Union and the Liberty, Unity, Solidarity…

08:56, 18.12.2019

PNL's Turcan: We've decided to take responsibility for budget as PSD has proven lack of responsibility in Parliament

Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan said that the Liberals have decided to take responsibility for the state budget, given that in Parliament it has been proven that there is "lack of responsibility and long-term…

13:33, 12.12.2019

Gov't takes responsibility on draft law approving caps of some indicators specified in 2020 fiscal-budget framework

The Orban Government has taken responsibility in the joint plenary meeting of Parliament on Thursday on the draft law approving caps of some indicators specified within the fiscal-budget framework on 2020.  "The…

13:33, 12.12.2019

Gov't takes responsibility for draft law regarding regulation of some measures in passenger transportation

The Orban Government has taken responsibility on Thursday, during the joint session of Parliament, for the draft law regarding the regulation of some measures in the passenger transportation field.  "The reason…

13:09, 12.12.2019

Gov't takes responsibility on postponing deadline to increase seniority for magistrates' accession to INM

The Orban Government has taken responsibility in the joint plenary meeting of Parliament on Thursday in respect to postponing the deadline for increasing seniority for magistrates' accession to the National Institute…

15:08, 24.10.2019

Holding 2020 general elections, resuming debates on justice laws, short-term objectives in gov't programme

The Orban Cabinet's government programme includes short-term objectives regarding the proper organisation and conduct of the political elections scheduled for 2020, the resumption of public debates on justice legislation…

18:17, 12.11.2016

Tehnologia lui Jarre a uimit Polivalenta FOTO

Tehnologia lui Jarre a uimit Polivalenta FOTO Maestrul muzicii electronice a prezentat în premieră publicului clujean melodii de pe ultimul său album, dar și hiturile care l-au consacrat de 30 de ani încoace. Sala…

11:13, 27.10.2016

Lasere, ecrane speciale si efecte 3D la concertul Jean-Michel Jarre de la Cluj

Lasere, ecrane speciale şi efecte 3D la concertul Jean-Michel Jarre de la Cluj Artistul Jean-Michel Jarre revine în forță pe scenă după o pauză de nu mai puțin de șase ani. Aproximativ 200 de persoane iau parte…

07:55, 30.03.2015

Zdob şi Zdub, pe Arenele Romane din Bucureşti

Trupa Zdob şi Zdub va concerta la cea de-a doua ediţie a Festivalului Shine, care se va desfăşura pe 4 şi 5 iulie, la Arenele Romane din Bucureşti, evenimentul avându-i ca headlineri pe belgienii de la Triggerfinger…