Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:20, 05.10.2022

Law by which administrative-territorial units acquire agricultural land outside towns IS unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) admitted, on Wednesday, the referral of President Klaus Iohannis in connection with the law allowing administrative-territorial units to purchase agricultural land outside…

13:15, 02.10.2022

Klaus Iohannis, alongside other Heads of States, expresses support for Ukraine's territorial integrity

President Klaus Iohannis, alongside other Heads of States of some NATO member states in Central and Eastern Europe, signed a joint statement reiterating their support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity,…

14:41, 30.09.2022

Kremlin says any attack on annexed territory will be an attack on Russia

The Kremlin said on Friday that attacks against any part of the swathe of Ukraine that President Vladimir Putin was about to annex would be considered aggression against Russia itself, adding that Russia would…

19:40, 23.08.2022

PM Ciuca to Crimean Platform: We should stand firmly united in supporting Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity

n a speech delivered virtually to the second Summit of the Crimean Platform on Tuesday, Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that the international democratic community should stand firmly united in supporting…

14:40, 14.08.2022

Imagini cu incendiul care a cuprins biserica din Egipt în care se aflau mii de persoane

Aproximativ 5.000 de credincioși erau în biserica Abu Sifin din oraşul egiptean Giza când a izbucnit incendiul , potrivit unor surse din domeniul securității, citate de Reuters . Cel puțin 35 de oameni au murit…

19:26, 28.07.2022

MAE firmly rejects Medvedev's move to give Ukrainian territories to neighbouring states

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) "firmly" rejected, on Thursday, the move made by the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, who published on a social network "a…

23:21, 25.07.2022

ForMin Aurescu on Hungarian PM's speech: It is regrettable such ideas are propagated from territory of Romania

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, stated on Monday for Digi24.ro, regarding the speech of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, in Baile Tusnad, that it is "regrettable that such ideas are…

19:25, 30.06.2022

DefMin Dincu: Romania becomes a much more important part of the territory that NATO defends

According to Romania's Defence Minister Vasile Dincu, by declaring the strategic importance of the Black Sea, Romania becomes a much more important part of the territory defended by NATO. Fii la curent cu cele…

16:36, 24.06.2022

Doi oameni au murit la Shanghai după ce o mașină electrică Nio a căzut de la etajul trei al sediului companiei

Producătorul chinez de mașini electrice Nio a anunțat că doi oameni au murit după ce unul dintre vehiculele sale a căzut de la etajul trei al sediului din Shanghai. Este vorba despre un angajat al companiei și…

13:50, 24.06.2022

(VIDEO) Doi bărbați au murit după ce o mașină electrică a căzut de la etajul trei

Două persoane au murit după ce o mașină electrică Nio a căzut de la etajul trei al treilea al unei clădiri din Shanghai, a anunțat producătorul chinez, citat de  BBC . Un membru al personalului şi un angajat al…

13:40, 22.06.2022

Romanian Parliament informed about entry, stationing and operation of Portuguese detachment on Romanian territory

The plenum of Parliament on Wednesday took note of the letter of the President Klaus Iohannis informing the Senators and Deputies about the entry, stationing and operation of a Portuguese detachment on the Romanian…

20:25, 10.06.2022

B9 Summit/Joint Declaration:We call on Russia to withdraw from Ukrainian territory, we need to increase multidimensional allied presence

The heads of state who are part of the Bucharest 9 (B9) Format adopted on Friday a joint 11-point Declaration strongly condemning Russia's unprovoked and unjustified aggression against Ukraine, urging Russia to…

21:01, 30.05.2022

Charles, Prince of Wales: Ukraine's territory is being invaded, Romania's response has been remarkable

Charles, Prince of Wales, labelled Romania's reaction in the context of the war in Ukraine as "remarkable," adding that that conflict was "a tragedy of immense proportions." Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

19:25, 23.05.2022

Drone with insignia of Ukrainian Naval Forces, without ammunition, fallen in Romanian territorial waters

The Romanian Naval Forces were notified, on May 11, regarding the existence of an air wreckage (drone) that was drifting in Romania's territorial waters, in an area located between Sulina and Sfantu Gheorghe (southeast),…

17:20, 19.05.2022

Portuguese PM: Russia should have no doubt about allies' determination to defend NATO territory

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa said on Thursday that the Russian-led war in Ukraine had brought about major changes in Europe's security and underscored that the Allies are determined to defend every inch…

10:05, 08.05.2022

(FOTO) Semnele tragediei pe ușile apartamentelor din Mariupol

Inscripții teribile pe ușile apartamentelor din Mariupol, oraș port de la Marea Azov distrus de forțele ruse. Localnicii scriu datele aproximative ale morții oamenilor și data la care a fost găsit cadavrul, relatează…

13:45, 06.05.2022

Iohannis: Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia should result in restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity was the only acceptable option in the country's negotiations with Russia. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

12:15, 04.05.2022

Accident grav de circulație în Ucraina: cel puţin 27 de oameni au murit

Accidentul a avut loc, marţi, în apropierea localităţii Sitne din regiunea ucraineană Rivne și au fost implicate mai multe vehicule, relatează DPA, citată de Agerpres.Cel puțin 27 de oameni au murit și alți 12…

15:15, 12.04.2022

Țările din UE care primesc refugiați ucraineni vor beneficia de o prefinanțare suplimentară de 3,5 miliarde de euro

Consiliul European a adoptat marți, 12 aprilie, un act legislativ prin care încearcă să faciliteze preluarea refugiaților din Ucraina ca urmare a agresiunii ruse. Statele europene vor beneficia astfel de o sumă…

12:25, 12.04.2022

Ucraina: Ţările UE vor beneficia de o prefinanţare suplimentară în valoare de 3,5 miliarde euro pentru primirea refugiaţilor

„Acest act introduce modificări pentru a majora prefinanţarea din partea iniţiativei privind asistenţa de redresare pentru coeziune şi teritoriile Europei, REACT-EU („Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories…

12:00, 06.04.2022

30 Syrian migrants, willing to reach Western Europe illegally, detected in a minibus

Southwestern Mehedinti County border police have detected 30 Syrian citizens, including minors, in a minibus in Hinova, their intention being to reach Western Europe illegally, informs a release of the Territorial…

12:45, 03.04.2022

(VIDEO/FOTO) Prăpădul lăsat în urmă de forțele ruse în Bucha şi Izium

Cadavrele a cel puțin 20 de civili au fost găsite pe stradă în orașul Bucha, la nord-vest de Kiev, după retragerea forțelor ruse din zonă, relatează CNN. Morții, îmbrăcați în haine civile, sunt găsiți în poziții…

17:50, 30.03.2022

(VIDEO) Noi imagini de coşmar cu Mariupol

Cele mai noi imagini din Mariupol arată un oraş distrus aproape în totalitate. Aproape 5.000 de persoane au fost ucise în Mariupol, a anunțat un purtător de cuvânt al primarului. Mariupol, în sudul Ucrainei, este…

14:50, 30.03.2022

(VIDEO) Imagini de coşmar în Mariupol

Cele mai noi imagini din Mariupol arată un oraş distrus aproape în totalitate. Aproape 5.000 de persoane au fost ucise în Mariupol, a anunțat un purtător de cuvânt al primarului. Mariupol, în sudul Ucrainei, este…

19:25, 24.03.2022

Nine Ukrainian men applied for asylum after arriving on Romanian territory

Nine Ukrainian men were discovered by border police on Romanian territory after crossing the Tisza River, Dan Buca, the spokesperson for the Maramures County Emergency Situations Committee (CJSU), informed on Thursday,…

14:35, 13.03.2022

Grindeanu: We make available to refugees from Ukraine app for green transit corridors on Romanian territory

Minister of Transport Sorin Grindeanu announced that an app will be made available to those interested, starting with Sunday, with the green transit corridors for the refugees from Ukraine on the Romanian territory.…

17:00, 08.03.2022

Crown Custodian on Ukraine war: It's hallucinating, terrible, this tragedy has united us

Custodian of the Romanian Crown Margareta, the president of the Romanian Red Cross, on Tuesday stated, during her visit to the Suceava County, that the war in Ukraine is "hallucinating, terrible," and the news…

21:55, 04.03.2022

ForMin Aurescu reiterates Romania's strong support for Republic of Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu reaffirmed today "Romania's strong support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders". Fii…

14:50, 26.02.2022

Romania kicks off procedure of suspending right of overflight and landing for Russian aircraft

Romania has kicked off the procedure of suspending the right of overflight over its territory, as well as the right to land on the territory of Romania for the aircraft belonging to the companies of the Russian…

20:05, 21.01.2022

NATO Deputy Secretary General rules out any negotiation of NATO military presence on member-state territory

Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana has ruled out on Friday any possibility of negotiating the military presence of NATO on the territory of member-states, after Russia has requested all foreign troops,…