Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:35, 07.05.2019

#Romania2019.eu/ PM Dancila says confident in audit bodies to enhance their modern guardian of public finances' role

Prime minister Viorica Dancila expressed confidence on Tuesday that the audit bodies in the EU Member States will enhance their role as modern guardians of public finances, concerned with the proper use of the…

17:23, 09.04.2019

President of Court of Accounts: It's important that audit institutions be aware of changes at EU level

It's important that the audit institutions be aware of the changes and developments that appear at the European Union level and to play a pro-active role in approaching them, Mihai Busuioc, the President of the…

14:57, 14.03.2019

Court of Accounts' president attends in Jerusalem EUROSAI-ASOSAI Conference on "Emerging Issues and Emergency Situations"

The President of the Romanian Court of Accounts, Mihai Busuioc, accompanied by a delegation of the institution, participated in Jerusalem in the joint conference EUROSAI (European Organisation of Supreme Audit…

12:28, 14.03.2019

Preşedintele Curţii de Conturi a participat, la Ierusalim, la Conferinţa EUROSAI - ASOSAI, cu tema "Probleme emergente şi situaţii neprevăzute"

Preşedintele Curţii de Conturi a României, Mihai Busuioc, însoţit de o delegaţie a instituţiei, a participat, la Ierusalim, la Conferinţa comună EUROSAI (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, n.r.)…