Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:06, 15.05.2024

PM Ciolacu on price increases in stores: No economic grounds for such practices

PM Ciolacu on price increases in stores: No economic grounds for such practices

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday in Constanta, when asked about such products that have been reduced in quantity but are sold at the same price as before, that, in his view, there are no economic…

19:30, 26.02.2024

Postage set marking 200th anniversary of Avram Iancu's birth to hit the stores on Tuesday

The National Stamp Company Romfilatelia announces the release, starting on Tuesday, of the anniversary postage set titled "200 Years Since Avram Iancu's Birth". According to a Romfilatelia statement, the set consists…

16:55, 08.04.2023

FOTO: Incendiu la Frumușica. O bucătărie de vară s-a făcut scrum

FOTO: Incendiu la Frumușica. O bucătărie de vară s-a făcut scrum O bucătărie de vară din gospodăria unui localnic din localitatea Storești a fost distrusă în totalitate, în urma unui incendiu, produs, cel mai probabil,…

20:16, 17.02.2023

National Authority for Consumer Protection temporarily closes 38 Lidl stores in 17 counties and in Bucharest

The commissioners with the Consumer Protection imposed fines worth 7.3 million RON to some Lidl stores throughout the country and decided to temporarily stop the provision of services, until the deficiencies are…

16:10, 17.11.2022

Online stores report 1.5pct revenues increases on Black Friday (agency)

Online stores recorded, on Black Friday, revenues worth almost 21 million EUR, increasing by 1.5pct compared to the same period last year, according to the data published on Thursday by one of the largest online…

19:55, 27.09.2022

FOTO. Concept stores cu delicii culinare în Shop Express, cea mai nouă zonă de retail din Iulius Town

Pâine cu maia abia scoasă din cuptor, carne de vită japoneză, salamuri și brânzeturi fine, cafea sau brânză grecească, pesto, paste sau ulei cu trufe, produse de patiserie pregătite manual, după rețete autentice…

14:25, 13.07.2022

BeeFast le permite comercianților să gestioneze propria flotă de livratori prin BeeFast SaaS

După doi ani de experiență în livrări last-mile pe piața din București și Brașov, peste 300.000 de comenzi livrate cu o medie de 55 de minute și trecerea în online a peste 70 businessuri la debutul pandemiei, BeeFast…

10:20, 23.02.2022

ANPC commissioners issue fines worth 772,000 RON following checks at 65 large stores

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) has extended checks in large retail networks at the level of the entire country, Tuesday seeing 65 units checked, which were fined, in total, 772,000 RON for…

13:05, 15.11.2021

Sales of about 6.9 million euros recorded by 462 online stores during Black Friday campaign

The total value of sales registered by 462 online stores in 25 industries between November 1 and 14 increased by 47.8% compared to the previous year and exceeded 6.9 million euros (plus VAT), through the marketing…

09:30, 15.10.2021

Arafat: I talked to PM, access to essential stores will not be conditioned by the green certificate

The head of the Emergency Situations Department, Raed Arafat, said on Thursday that he had spoken with interim Prime Minister Florin Citu after he said the green certificate should be implemented in stores as well,…

09:26, 23.08.2021

Adolescentă, salvată de pompieri dintr-o fântână. Nu se știe cum a ajuns acolo

Potrivit Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă Botoşani, o tânără de 16 ani, din satul Storeşti, comuna Frumuşica, a fost salvată dintr-o fântână, după o misiune contracronometru a pompierilor.Mama fetei a…

09:00, 23.08.2021

Botoşani: Adolescentă de 16 ani, salvată de pompieri după ce a căzut într-o fântână

O adolescentă de 16 ani, din satul Storeşti – comuna Frumuşica din Botoşani, a căzut, în noaptea de duminică spre luni, într-o fântână, pompierii de la Punctul de Lucru din Flămânzi desfăşurând o misiune contracronometru…

06:30, 23.08.2021

O fată de 16 ani a căzut într-o fântână: acțiune dramatică de salvare a pompierilor

O adolescentă de 16 ani din judeţul Botoşani a fost salvată, duminică, dintr-o fântână adâncă de peste patru metri, de către pompieri, unul dintre ei coborând cu o scară pentru a o recupera. Fata a fost dusă la…

14:50, 19.08.2021

Amazon va deschide în SUA o rețea de hypermarket-uri

​Gigantul online Amazon va avea și o prezență fizică și va deschide în SUA mai multe hypermarket-uri (department stores) care vor vinde diverse produse, de la mâncare și haine, până la electrocasnice…

19:06, 22.06.2021

Rabla scrappage program for household appliances: Over 50,400 vouchers approved in third stage of program

The Environment Fund Administration (AFM) informs that it approved 50,480 vouchers in the third stage of the Rabla scrappage program for household appliances (Rabla Electrocasnice), of which 25,960 vouchers for…

13:16, 05.04.2021

Weekend early closing time for stores in localities with high infection rates stays unchanged

Prime Minister Florin Citu emphasized today that the weekend early closing time for stores in localities with higher infection rates will not change. "I have permanent discussions with store chains, we also talked…

17:50, 02.04.2021

PSD challenges in court Gov't decision to close stores after 6 p.m.

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) has challenged on Friday in court the government decision to close stores after 6 p.m., on reason that this measure was not thoroughly motivated with scientific proof. "The Social…

13:55, 23.03.2021

ANPC: Stores required to display lowest price in last 30 days before offer

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) proposed the decision that stores will be required by law to show the lowest price in the last 30 days to avoid misleading offers to consumers. The regulation…

10:51, 23.03.2021

Stores, required to display lowest price in last 30 days before offer

Stores will be required by law to show the lowest price discounts in the last 30 days before the offer, according to a draft Decision proposed by the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), with the…

19:15, 21.02.2021

Romania's online commerce expected to grow at least 15 pct this year (survey)

Romania's online commerce will increase by at least 15 percent this year, and card payments will tick up 39 percent, including in rural areas, shows a survey by VTEX Romania, the local developer of an integrated…

11:50, 25.01.2021

Income in retail sector in non-specialized stores, rising by 10% in 2019 (study)

The income in the retail sector in non-specialized stores registered a growth of 10% in 2019, as opposed to 2018, and the profitability of profile stores had a slight increase, according to a new study done by…

12:56, 14.01.2021

Record-setting December performance for Romanian online shopping as sales jump 99 pct YoY

December 2020 set new records in terms of the number and value of orders placed with the online stores managed by the local e-commerce shopping platform MerchantPro, with YoY increases of 83 percent and 99 respectively,…

13:31, 18.11.2020

Unable to stay afloat anymore, increasingly more non-food retailers pull shutters down for good

Increasingly more non-food retailers are going bankrupt, unable to stay afloat on the market, the Romanian Retailers' Organization - Roretail said in a release on Wednesday, according to AGREPRES. The organization…

17:52, 12.05.2020

Non-food retailers in commercial centers threaten a boycott on opening stores

The companies in non-food retail request that the owners of commercial centers agree to new deals by which there would be zero rent during the coronavirus pandemic, threatening that, if otherwise, they will boycott…

13:37, 06.05.2020

PM Orban about opening malls, parks, lifting hunting restrictions

The shops inside the malls that have external entrances will be opened after the state of emergency is lifted, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Wednesday."Certain specific situations have been presented,…

17:27, 15.04.2020

USR PLUS Alliance requests dedicated time slots in stores for people aged over 65

The Save Romania Union (USR) - the Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party (PLUS) Alliance on Wednesday requested that the Government reassess the social distancing for people aged over 65 and proposed that this age group…

16:24, 23.03.2020

USR's Barna proposes that, during the morning, stores be opened exclusively to persons aged over 65

Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna conveyed to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations the suggestion that stores be exclusively opened, during the…

12:06, 15.10.2019

Competition Council launches food price monitor, meant to help increasing competition and cheapening products

Competition Council on Tuesday launched the platform "Food Price Monitor," which allows the comparison of more than 30,000 products from 1,700 stores from all over the country, meant to help strengthening competition…

16:26, 25.07.2019

Auchan Romania to take over Petrom filling station stores

The Competition Council has authorized the takeover by Auchan Romania SA of the food and non-food Petrom filling station stores, the competition authority informed in a release.A member of Auchan Holding SA, retailer…

08:54, 06.03.2019

Alertă: Fard de ochi şi pudră compactă cu azbest. Consumatorii, avertizaţi să nu le folosească

Consumatorii sunt avertizaţi să nu folosească trei produse cosmetice vândute de producătorul american Claire's Stores Inc, deoarece conţin azbest, care este cunoscut drept un compus cancerigen, a informat marţi…