Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

23:30, 26.01.2022

Marea Britanie ia în considerare trimiterea de trupe în Europa de Est înainte de o posibilă invadare a Ucrainei de către Rusia - The Telegraph

Marea Britanie ia în considerare trimiterea de sute de militari în Europa de Est înainte de o posibilă invadare a Ucrainei de către Rusia, relatează The Telegraph, citând surse, scrie Reuters.…

12:13, 13.11.2015

The Economist: Iresponsabilitate, incompetență și corupție, dezvăluite de tragedia de la Colectiv

Dezastrul de la clubul Colectiv din București întrunește multe dintre tarele care au ținut România pe loc după căderea comunismului: iresponsabilitate, incompetență și corupție, notează publicația The Economist,…

18:52, 23.10.2015

The Guardian: Germania cere cote obligatorii de refugiați în UE, la toate valurile care ar urma

Germania va cere instituirea unei noi politici comune pentru rezolvarea crizei refugiaților, care va consta în impunerea unor cote de împărțire a sutelor de mii de refugiați din Orientul Mijlociu, în mod obligatoriu…

16:28, 18.08.2015

The book that could grant millions of people access to clean water

  Access to clean drinking water is one of the major concerns of the least developed countries of the world. Stirea The book that could grant millions of people access to clean water a aparut prima data pe Știri…

16:23, 11.08.2015

The astronauts of the ISS will soon eat the first food grown in space

  Astronauts on the International Space Station have been growing romaine lettuce, and will soon be enjoying a salad made Stirea The astronauts of the ISS will soon eat the first food grown in space a aparut prima…

13:34, 07.08.2015

Thai man sentenced to thirty years in prison for Facebook post

A man has been sentenced to serve 30 years in prison for insulting the Thailand monarchy on Facebook. A law Stirea Thai man sentenced to thirty years in prison for Facebook post a aparut prima data pe Știri online,…

17:39, 24.07.2015

The UK wants online pirates to face 10 years in prison

  The UK Government is facing pressure from copyright holders and from the IPO (UK’s Intellectual Property Office), which has Stirea The UK wants online pirates to face 10 years in prison a aparut prima data pe…

14:40, 23.07.2015

The Islamic State has banned gory videos

    ISIS media offices issued a report stating that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has banned the group from releasing any Stirea The Islamic State has banned gory videos a aparut prima data pe Știri online, ultimele știri,…

18:15, 14.07.2015

The New Horizons spacecraft has made it past Pluto. PHOTO

  After nine years and 5 billion kilometres, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has finally made it to Pluto. This is Stirea The New Horizons spacecraft has made it past Pluto. PHOTO a aparut prima data pe Știri online,…

13:46, 17.06.2015

The number of child sacrifices in Uganda is rising

  Witch doctors are sacrificing children in Uganda. Residents believe in the effectiveness of the ritualistic potions made from the Stirea The number of child sacrifices in Uganda is rising a aparut prima data…

15:11, 26.05.2015

The world’s first cannabis pharmacy has opened in London

  Michal Takac, a Czech businessman, has opened a Carun Pharmacy in London. Said pharmacy exclusively sells hemp-based products. Mr. Stirea The world’s first cannabis pharmacy has opened in London a aparut prima…