Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:50, 21.06.2023

PM Ciolacu and Senate President Ciuca, on a working visit to Chisinau

PM Ciolacu and Senate President Ciuca, on a working visit to Chisinau. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and Senate President Nicolae Ciuca will be on Wednesday in Chisinau, on a working visit, told Agerpres. CITESTE…

13:05, 14.06.2023

PNL's Ciuca: Deeply regrettable we do not have verdict after 33 years since June 13-15 Mineriad

Senate President Nicolae Ciuca deems as "deeply regrettable" that 33 years after the events of June 13-15 1990 we do not have a verdict."June 13-15 1990 was one of Romania's most difficult post-revolutionary moments.…

12:01, 14.06.2023

Ciuca: PNL assumes participation in government with ministers representing professional component

Senate President, National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Nicolae Ciuca, said on Wednesday that the party has assumed participation in the government with ministers who represent the professional component, through…

15:20, 10.05.2023

Senate's Gorghiu: Romanian authorities assessing Republic of Korea's candidacy for hosting World Expo 2030

Senate's Gorghiu: Romanian authorities assessing Republic of Korea's candidacy for hosting World Expo 2030.The importance of cooperation in the context of the current geopolitical and economic challenges was highlighted…

19:31, 20.06.2022

Senate's Citu: Economy-trampling interventions are reminiscent of communist system

Senate President Florin Citu considers that measures such as profit margin or price capping are reminiscent of the communist system, "trampling the economy", and says that it is no a surprise that such solutions…

18:16, 18.06.2022

Heads of Romanian Parliament voice support for Romania, Moldova's conjoined future

Addressing a Moldova-Romania joint parliamentary sitting convened in Chisinau one day after the EC's groundbreaking move to recommend candidate status for the Republic of Moldova, Speaker of Romania's Chamber of…

17:20, 09.06.2022

Senate President, ambassador of Palestine in Bucharest discuss current state of bilateral relations

Senate President Florin Citu received on Thursday Issam Tawfiq Masalha, ambassador of Palestine in Bucharest, with the two officials addressing the current state of the Romanian-Palestinian bilateral relations,…

16:45, 26.05.2022

Senate President, ambassador of Republic of Korea address boosting political contacts, commercial relations, investments

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, received Rim Kap-soo, the ambassador of the Korean Republic in Bucharest, on Thursday, for a presentation visit, the Romanian dignitary highlighting his interest for boosting…

19:55, 25.05.2022

Freshly back from Helsinki,Senate head reaffirms Romania's support for Finland, Sweden's NATO bid

Senate President Florin Citu was on a working visit to Helsinki on Tuesday in connection to Finland's NATO accession request. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

14:20, 24.05.2022

Senate President Florin Citu, in Helsinki: Finland's accession to NATO will further strengthen the alliance

Senate President Florin Citu believes that Finland joining NATO will further strengthen the alliance, proving the importance and the role of the North-Atlantic organisation in ensuring peace and security. Fii la…

14:05, 11.05.2022

Senate President Citu in Poland; Plan to rebuild Ukraine analyzed at meeting with Marshal of Senate

The plan to rebuild Ukraine, sanctions against Russia and support for Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia's aspirations to join the EU were among the topics addressed on Wednesday by the Romanian Senate President, Florin…

14:05, 11.05.2022

Șeful Poliției din Ucraina: am arestat sute de cetățeni ruși. Au fost predați serviciilor secrete

Sute de cetăţeni ruşi au fost arestaţi în Ucraina după declanşarea războiului, pe 24 februarie, a declarat, marţi, pentru Agerpres, şeful Poliţiei Naţionale a Ucrainei, generalul Ihor Klymenko. Fii la curent cu…

08:46, 11.05.2022

Senate President Citu paying visit to Poland

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, is paying an official visit to Warsaw on Wednesday, at the invitation of his Polish counterpart, Tomasz Grodzki, during which he will have meetings with the MPs and with…

17:25, 09.05.2022

Senate's Citu: Offshore law, voted on Wednesday; any amendment must be agreed in coalition

Senate President Florin Citu informed on Monday that the offshore law will be voted on Wednesday and will be sent "immediately" to the Chamber of Deputies, emphasizing that any amendment to this normative act must…

21:50, 02.05.2022

Senate's Citu: 'There is wave trying to pin everything bad that is happening on me'

Senate President Florin Citu argued on Monday against the fact that his statements on sending weapons to Ukraine have allegedly been the cause of the Killnet cyber attacks of some of the Romanian institutions's…

23:30, 28.04.2022

Senate head: 'I asked for legislation change to allow Ukrainian refugees to work in Romania'

Romania can help Ukraine by changing legislation in Parliament to allow refugees to work in Romania, and also offers to assist Ukraine's EU accession process, Senate President Florin Citu said on Thursday after…

19:11, 28.04.2022

Senate President Citu: 'Ukraine looks to future with optimism, want to rebuild infrastructure in two years'

The head of state of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is looking to the future with optimism and has proposed some "very ambitious" deadlines for the reconstruction of his country, reason for which Romanian state…

12:30, 28.04.2022

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu: Decision on visit to Ukraine was taken together with Prime Minister

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman Marcel Ciolacu said on Thursday that he had decided to visit Ukraine with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, and that Senate President Florin Citu had a joint program with the…

23:40, 27.04.2022

Florin Citu - received by Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; visited Irpin and Gostomel

Senate President Florin Citu, was received, on Wednesday, in Kyiv, by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk, and visited the affected areas of the Kyiv region - Irpin and Gostomel - alongside…

22:10, 27.04.2022

Senate President Florin Citu, conducting visit to Ukraine

Senate President Florin Citu, is conducting a visit to Ukraine on Wednesday, together with two other officials, parliament presidents of two other European countries, announced the leader of the National Liberal…

13:50, 27.04.2022

Ciuca, asked about Citu's absence from delegation to Ukraine: Two visits planned separately

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Wednesday when asked why Senate President Florin Citu was not part of the delegation that visited Ukraine, that there were "two separately planned visits". Fii la curent cu…

23:20, 13.04.2022

Senate President Citu: 'I'll pay official visit to Kyiv, visit war-torn areas'

The president of the Senate, Florin Citu, confirmed on Wednesday evening that he will make an official visit to Kyiv. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro ×…

23:20, 13.04.2022

Accident teribil pe DN 2: O femeie și-a pierdut viața după ce mașina în care se afla a fost zdrobită de două TIR-uri

O femeie şi-a pierdut viaţa, miercuri seară, în urma unui accident rutier produs pe DN2 E85 între localităţile Sineşti şi Moviliţa, în judeţul Ialomiţa. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

20:10, 13.04.2022

Senate President Citu, invited to Kyiv by President of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk

The President of the Senate, Florin Citu, was invited by the President of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's legislative body, Ruslan Stefanchuk, to conduct an official visit to Kyiv, the Senate informed on Wednesday.…

16:30, 12.04.2022

Senate President predicts higher inflation-busting costs ahead

Senate President Florin Citu predicts high inflation-busting costs lying ahead, noting also that inflation-curbing measures should have been taken earlier, and that the delay will result in even tougher costs.…

13:25, 04.04.2022

MPs who met with Russian ambassador have no mandate to speak on Romanian Parliament's behalf

The four MPs who met last week with the Russian ambassador in Bucharest have "no mandate whatsoever" to speak on behalf of the Romanian Parliament, Senate President Florin Citu said on Monday, adding that the possible…

12:45, 04.04.2022

Senate's Citu: President Zelensky to address Romanian Parliament on Monday, at 19:00

The request for President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to address the Romanian Parliament on Monday, starting 19:00 will be discussed in the meeting of the two Chambers' Standing Bureaus, said Senate President…

22:10, 30.03.2022

Senate President Citu, World Bank Vice President Bjerde discuss pension system reform in Romania

Pension reform, budget deficit, transition to energy and renewable resources, and the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine were some of the topics addressed at a meeting between World Bank Vice President for Europe and…

10:20, 29.03.2022

Liberal Citu, leader of Republicans in House of Representatives discuss defence budget, sanctions against Russia

Increasing Romania's defence budget up to 2.5pct of GDP, the need for tougher, immediate sanctions against Russia and the state of our country's energy security projects were the topics addressed by Senate President…

22:40, 28.03.2022

Senate head Citu: Tougher economic sanctions are needed against Russia

Senate President Florin Citu met with Marisa Lago, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, with whom he discussed the security situation, the sanctions applied to Russia and the intensification of…