Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:45, 21.02.2021

PM Citu: Solidarity, respect, acceptance of diversity - the fundamental values of Romanian society

Prime Minister Florin Citu affirms that solidarity, respect, acceptance of diversity are among the social values that have consolidated the Romanian society where the minorities and the majority coexist and develop…

15:55, 27.01.2021

USR's Barna: USR fights all forms of anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia

USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, Solidarity Party) is actively fighting all forms of anti-Semitism, xenophobia, racism, chauvinism and any extremist tendencies, Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna, this…

13:01, 27.01.2021

ForMin Aurescu reaffirms Romania's staunch commitment to supporting international cooperation on Holocaust education, commemoration

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu sent today, on behalf of Romania, a message to the official ceremony for International Holocaust Remembrance Day organized at the Palace of Nations in Geneva, paying tribute…

12:16, 27.01.2021

PM Citu: Romania strongly supports fight against all forms of discrimination, hate speech and anti-Semitism

Romania strongly supports the fight against all forms of discrimination and all ways of spreading them, hate speech and anti-Semitism, Prime Minister Florin Citu conveyed in a message on the occasion of the International…

19:46, 21.01.2021

Dr. Aurel Vainer:1941 Bucharest Pogrom, a form of vile, murderous anti-Semitism, we have a duty to not forget

The anti-Jewish pogrom of January 1941 represented a form of the vile and murderous anti-Semitism, which eventually lead to the end of innocent lives, and future generations should not forget these tragic events,…

12:16, 22.11.2020

Documente ale lui Bob Dylan, inclusiv cugetări despre anti-semitism şi versuri ale unor cântece nelansate, vândute pentru jumătate de milion de dolari

Documente ale muzicianului Bob Dylan, inclusiv scrisori, cugetări despre anti-semitism şi versuri ale unor cântece nelansate, au fost vândute pentru aproximativ jumătate de milion de dolari la o licitaţie din Boston,…

21:40, 09.10.2020

EU justice ministers focus on EPPO regulation, hate speech at videoconference in Berlin

Setting up the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), the new EU strategy to combat sexual abuse on children and hate speech were among the items on the agenda of an informal videoconference meeting of the…

15:05, 02.08.2020

Romania, regional model when it comes to assuming Holocaust, fight anti-Semitism

Romania could be seen as a regional model as regards the assuming of the Holocaust and the fight against anti-Semitism, on Sunday said president Klaus Iohannis, answering the invitation of the organisers of the…

20:50, 27.02.2020

President Iohannis decorates deputy Silviu Vexler, head of Romania-Israel parliamentary friendship group

President Klaus Iohannis has signed on Thursday the decoration decree of deputy Silviu Vexler, head of Romania-Israel parliamentary friendship group. The head of state bestowed the National Order "For Merit" in…

12:48, 28.01.2020

President Iohannis: Danger of xenophobic and anti-Semitic attitudes returning is always present

President Klaus Iohannis presented on Monday evening three Roma Holocaust survivors and several Holocaust memorial institutes with decorations; in remarks on this occasion, the President said that the danger of…

16:43, 27.01.2020

Israel's Ambassador: In Europe, anti-Semitism is part of society; goverments must fight against it

Ambassador of the State of Israel David Saranga said that anti-Semitism, xenophobia, racism are part of the society in Europe and each government must fight against them. "We live in a hard era, we see here and…

16:33, 27.01.2020

Foreign Ministry's message: Dramatic episode of Holocaust remains lesson of national and universal history

The dramatic episode of the Holocaust remains a lesson of national and universal history that should never be forgotten, in the current international context, marked by the rise in intolerance, xenophobia and anti-Semitism,…

13:36, 23.01.2020

Custodian of the Romanian Crown: Queen-Mother Helen and King Mihai opposed anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia

Custodian of the Romanian Crown, Margareta, on Thursday addressed a letter to the President of the State of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi camp in Auschwitz…

09:17, 23.01.2020

President Iohannis to attend Fifth World Holocaust Forum

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis participates today in the Fifth World Holocaust Forum dedicated Holocaust remembrance, which takes place at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. The forum, organised by the World Holocaust…

20:07, 21.01.2020

Iohannis, in Israel: Romania - committed to constantly supporting preservation of Holocaust memory, combating anti-Semitism

AGERPRES special correspondent Florentina Peia reports: Romania remains committed to constantly supporting the preservation of the Holocaust memory, combating anti-Semitism, preventing discrimination and any other…

18:48, 21.01.2020

Head of 'Elie Wiesel' Institute: No one can guarantee anti-Semitism won't become again manifest in Romania

No one can guarantee that anti-Semitism won't become manifest again in Romania, director of the "Elie Wiesel" Institute, Alexandru Florian, said at an event organised on Tuesday in remembrance of the January 21…

11:38, 20.01.2020

ForMin Aurescu on Romania's "continuous commitment" to combat anti-Semitism, xenophobia and intolerance

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogdan Aurescu reiterated Romania's continuous commitment to combat anti-Semitism, xenophobia and intolerance at his meeting in Brussels with a delegation led by Cherrie Daniels, the…

08:50, 20.01.2020

ForMin Aurescu: We are witnessing unprecedented increase in anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial

Romania is making significant efforts to become a true regional model in terms of taking responsibility for its past and promoting the Holocaust remembrance, Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu said at a…

21:46, 23.12.2019

Israel's Ambassador: Xenophobia, anti-Semitism exist; we must remove this darkness

Israel's Ambassador, David Saranga, said on Monday that efforts must be made to remove xenophobia and anti-Semitism, attitudes he called "darkness". The diplomat spoke at an event organized at his residence, which…

16:54, 06.11.2019

President Iohannis, World Zionist Organisation leader discuss Romania's efforts to combat anti-Semitism, xenophobia, intolerance

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday welcomed Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Avraham Duvdevani at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, to discuss the bilateral relationships between Romania and Israel,…

20:06, 08.10.2019

PM Dancila: Romanian gov't, constantly focused on fight against anti-Semitism

The fight against anti-Semitism is a constant topic that grabs the attention of the Romanian government, having also been a priority with Romania in its first tenure as president of the EU Council in the first…

14:33, 29.09.2019

American Jewish organisations, praising Romania for part in combating anti-Semitism

Romania's Foreign Minister Ramona Manescu, had a series of meetings in the US with the main American Jewish organisations, where their leaders commended Romania for the leading part it has taken up in the fight…

11:55, 27.09.2019

PM Dancila, in US: Gov't to continue actions to combat anti-Semitism, xenophobia, intolerance

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, on a working visit to the United States, gave assurances that the Government will continue the actions to combat anti-Semitism, xenophobia and any form of intolerance. The prime…

20:43, 25.09.2019

Băsescu, despre evoluții extremiste și anti-semite în rândul unor partide politice și în presă

Traian Băsescu anunță că a luat parte la o conferință care a avut drept obiectiv dezbaterea fenomenului în creștere a anti-Semitismului în Europa și în lume: o dezbatere care arată evoluții extremiste…

10:14, 24.09.2019

PM Dancila, at meeting with AJC Executive Director, reiterates Romania's commitment to fighting anti-Semitism

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met with David Harris, the Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), in the context of her working visit to the United States, on which occasion she reaffirmed Romania's…

15:23, 02.08.2019

We must be permanently aware of importance to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, president Iohannis says

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday sent a message on the occasion of the commemoration of the Roma genocide day, stressing the necessity of permanent awareness of the importance of fighting racism, xenophobia and…

12:43, 30.06.2019

Iohannis: Iasi pogrom, Holocaust's chapter tragic episode, risk of hatred, anti-Semitism manifestations mustn't be ignored

The risk of hatred, anti-Semitism, racism, nationalism and extremism manifestations must not be ignore, on Sunday says president Klaus Iohannis in a message on the 78th commemoration of the Pogrom in Iasi, adding…

17:12, 18.06.2019

Dancila: EU Council Romanian Presidency sets objective to promote effective fight against racism, intolerance, anti-Semitism

The Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has set itself the objective of promoting the effective fight against racism, intolerance, xenophobia, populism, anti-Semitism and discouraging hate…

19:17, 04.06.2019

Senior official Gheorghita tells Laude-Reut School ceremony about Romania's efforts to fight against anti-Semitism

Secretary of State for Bilateral Relations and Economic Affairs in the Global Area with Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) Monica Gheorghita participated on Tuesday in a diploma award ceremony for the graduates of…

11:31, 25.03.2019

PLUS leader Ciolos on announced move of embassy to Jerusalem: 'Romania takes dissonant stance to EU'

PLUS Chairman Dacian Ciolos considers that through the planned move of the Romanian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as per the recent announcement made by Premier Dancila, Romania decides without…