Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:45, 21.04.2021

PM Citu: Gov't not to interfere with traditional unfolding of Easter, we do not consider additional measures

Prime Minister Florin Citu met with representatives of religious denominations on Wednesday, to whom he conveyed that no additional measures are being considered on the occasion of Easter and the religious holiday…

14:25, 21.04.2021

Iohannis: Easter Eve, movement restrictions to be lifted, we won't get involved in way services are held

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Wednesday that during Easter Eve, the movement restrictions imposed by the context of the COVID-19 pandemic will be lifted, highlighting that the authorities will not interfere…

21:05, 03.04.2021

NU VĂ TEMEȚI! Cristos, speranța noastră, a înviat!

Pe porțile multor cimitire găsim aceste cuvinte: „Resurrectionis” (celor care vor învia). Sfântul Toma de Aquino spunea: „După cum Cristos a înviat din morți, pentru ca și noi să putem învia!” Alexandru cel Mare,…

22:51, 02.04.2021

Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucharest:Against weariness and fear, Easter is a reminder that death cannot defeat life

In his Urbi et Orbi message delivered on Easter Day 2020, in the midst of a pandemic and with a Resurrection celebrated in churches without believers, Pope Francis said: "Today, the proclamation of the Church resounds…

18:00, 25.03.2021

PM Citu: Solution we have in mind - to adjust movement restriction for Resurrection Service

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Thursday stated, after discussions with representatives of religious cults, that the solution the authorities have in mind at this point is to adjust the movement restrictions to allow…

17:25, 17.11.2020

Ce familie frumoasă are Jessica Alba! Actrița are trei copii

Jessica Alba (39 de ani) este mama a trei copii, două fiice și un fiu, Honor Marie (12 ani), Haven Garner (9 ani) și Hayes (2 ani). Actrița și soțul ei, producătorul Cash Warren (41 de ani), s-au cunoscut în anul…

18:25, 10.11.2020

Lesotho propune în premieră un film pentru nominalizare la categoria lungmetraj internaţional, la Oscar 2021

Lesotho propune anul acesta în premieră un film pentru nominalizare la categoria „lungmetraj internaţional” a premiilor Oscar, iar alegerea este „This Is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection”, regizat de Lemohang…

04:20, 23.10.2020

VIDEO Descoperirea cercetătorilor despre cum a apărut un lanţ de vulcani din Pacific

Oamenii de ştiinţă au reconstituit destinul unei plăci tectonice ce s-a scufundat în urmă cu foarte mult timp în oceanul de magmă de sub scoarţa terestră şi a dat naştere unui lanţ vulcanic în Oceanul Pacific în…

18:01, 22.10.2020

O placă tectonică demult "pierdută", la originea unui lanţ de vulcani din Pacific

Oamenii de ştiinţă au reconstituit destinul unei plăci tectonice ce s-a scufundat în urmă cu foarte mult timp în oceanul de magmă de sub scoarţa terestră şi a dat naştere unui lanţ vulcanic în Oceanul Pacific în…

10:45, 18.06.2020

Maia Morgenstern revine la Hollywood pentru „Patimile lui Hristos 2: Învierea”. Actrița face parte din distribuție. Când ar trebui să aibă loc premiera…

Filmul „Patimile lui Hristos 2: Învierea” va avea premiera cel mai probabil anul viitor, iar o parte din distribuție a fost făcută publică. Printre actori se află Maia Morgenstern. Se pare că vedeta ar fi avut…

16:17, 21.04.2020

President Iohannis thanks Romanians who respected measures, churches for not exposing the faitfhul

President Klaus Iohannis on Tuesday thanked Romanians for observing the measures imposed by the authorities and also the churches, authorities and medical staff for how they managed the situation during the Easter…

22:18, 18.04.2020

Orban: May the symbol of love, of the spirit of sacrifice give us the strength to be reborn together

In a message on Easter Eve, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban voices hope that the Easter symbols - "of love, of the spirit of sacrifice and, above all, the symbol of rebirth - give us the strength to be reborn together." …

11:32, 16.04.2020

Cardinal Lucian in Easter Pastoral:Entering the light of Resurrection, we bring hope and joy in our families

Only by entering the light of Resurrection we, too, will be able to bring hope and joy in our families and the world we live in, Cardinal Lucian, Major Archbishop of the Romanian Church United with Rome, Greek-Catholic,…

11:07, 16.04.2020

In Easter letter Patriarch Daniel urges believers not to lose hope, ask Christ for help

Faith in the Resurrection helps us not lose hope in the face of adversity, but to ask the crucified and risen Christ for help, Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Christian Orthodox Church (BOR) says in his Easter…

08:42, 16.04.2020

IntMin Vela: New agreement with BOR - services to be officiated without believers' participation

Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced on Wednesday that Easter services will be carried out without believers' participation. In a news statement held at the Victoria Palace, he explained that a new agreement…

09:22, 15.04.2020

USR: Signal sent by Minister Vela generates confusion among the population

Save Romania Union (USR) believes that the signal sent by the Minister of Interior, Marcel Vela, who announced the distribution of the Resurrection Light to the population by the volunteers from the parishes and…

13:58, 12.04.2020

Father Dobos: If we cannot go to Christ, then it is He who enters our homes and hearts

Catholic Christians celebrate this Sunday the Resurrection of the Lord - Easter, the most important holiday of Christianity, but due to the restrictions imposed under the state of emergency, the divine services…

13:58, 12.04.2020

Catholic Easter/ Father Dobos: If we cannot go to Christ, then it is He who enters our homes and hearts

Catholic Christians celebrate this Sunday the Resurrection of the Lord - Easter, the most important holiday of Christianity, but due to the restrictions imposed under the state of emergency, the divine services…

15:28, 11.04.2020

President Iohannis's Easter, Palm Sunday message:Power of faith gives us hope we will soon be together again

In a video message delivered on Saturday for the faithful who celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus tonight, but also for the Orthodox community that celebrates Palm Sunday tomorrow, President Klaus Iohannis speaks…

15:19, 08.04.2020

President Iohannis urges Romanians to stay home for Easter

President Klaus Iohannis urges Romanians to stay home for Easter and says he will celebrate this Christian holiday on Sunday with his wife Carmen, without going to church."I will stay home with my wife Carmen.…

10:56, 08.04.2020

Iohannis: Romanian society needs proof of each citizen's solidarity and responsibility, regardless of ethnicity

In a message this Wednesday on International Roma Day, President Klaus Iohannis says that "In this extremely difficult period, when the absolute priority is the limitation of the negative effects produced by the…

15:11, 03.04.2020

Iohannis asks Romanians from abroad not to come home for Easter holidays

President Klaus Iohannis made an appeal on Friday to the Romanians from abroad not to come home this year for the Easter holidays. Iohannis added this necessary appeal saddens him."My dear ones, do not come home…

13:18, 07.01.2020

Lecturi de weekend: Mai puternic, mai iute, mai frumos

Autor:  Stelian ȚURLEA Un roman SF surprinzător, cu idei provocatoare, ca un fel de zonă crepusculară a științei, cum s-a  comentat. Arwen Elys Dayton este o autoare americană de science fiction și fantasy. A publicat…

19:03, 28.04.2019

Patriarch Daniel: 'Holy Easter is celebration of forgivness, let us call brothers too, those who hate us'

The Easter Christ is showing us is the celebration of forgiveness, let us call brothers too the ones who hate us, on Sunday urged the Patriarch of The Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, in his word voiced at the…

09:27, 25.04.2019

Greek-Catholic Cardinal Lucian: Resurrection of Jesus, world's true hope

For two millennia, the Risen Christ lightens the darkness of the entire humankind, the resurrection of Jesus being the true hope of the entire world, says Cardinal Lucian, Major Archbishop of the Romanian Church…

14:07, 13.03.2019

Metalcore japonez, în premieră în România, la Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2019 Râșnov

Trupa Crystal Lake (Japonia) va cânta în premieră în România la Rockstadt Extreme Fest 2019, ce va avea loc între 1 – 4 august 2019 la poalele Cetăţii Râşnov. Crystal Lake, unul dintre numele cu cea mai rapidă…

08:27, 23.10.2018

Halloween, filmul care a speriat box-office-ul

Filmul produs de Universal Pictures, Halloween a fost asteptat cu mult interes, mai ales ca se zvonea ca va ajunge in topul box office. Ba mai mult, chiar a reusit sa depaseasca cu mult asteptarile inalte. Noul…

18:44, 10.07.2018

Joseph Capone, care a fost răpit alături de Daisy McCrackin, susține că actrița a avut o relație cu unul dintre infractori

Actorul Joseph Capone, care a fost răpit alături de actrița Daisy McCrackin în mai 2017 de către trei indivizi, susține că McCrackin îl cunoștea pe unul dintre infractori. La începutul lunii mai a anului trecut,…

00:00, 07.07.2018

Doi actori de la Hollywood, răpiţi: Acuzaţii riscă închisoarea pe viaţă

Trei persoane au fost puse sub acuzare pentru răpirea actorilor americani Daisy McCrackin (foto), cunoscută din filmul "Halloween: Resurrection", şi Joseph Capone, infractorii solicitând suma de 20.000 de dolari…

13:42, 05.07.2018

Trei persoane, puse sub acuzare pentru răpirea actorilor Daisy McCrackin şi Joseph Capone

Trei persoane au fost puse sub acuzare pentru răpirea actorilor americani Daisy McCrackin, cunoscută din filmul "Halloween: Resurrection", şi Joseph Capone, infractorii solicitând suma de 20.000 de dolari pentru…