Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:40, 17.11.2020

Coronavirus/ Orban: Quarantine is giving results, but Bucharest doesn't need such measure

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated, on Monday, that the measure to quarantine localities where the increase of the number of COVID-19 cases is large is giving results, mentioning that there are approximately 50…

16:55, 06.11.2020

Iohannis says results of COVID-19 measures discussed with experts, specialists expected in two weeks

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the new restrictive measures to be applied to contain the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic had been discussed with specialists and are expected to yield results in two weeks'…

09:00, 05.11.2020

VIDEO | Proteste în mai multe oraşe din SUA, timpul luptei strânse pentru Casa Albă: „Numărați fiecare vot”

PÎn mai multe orașe din Statele Unite au avut loc proteste legate de alegerile, miercuri, în care oamenii cer numărarea tuturor voturilor. În mare parte manifestațiile au fost pașnice, însă până acum polițiștii…

00:01, 04.11.2020

LIVE - Alegeri SUA 2020 Ziua decisivă: Trump și Biden își dispută azi președinția Americii (Election Night 2020 LIVE Coverage & Results 11/3/20)

Milioane de americani merg marți la vot pentru a-și exprima opțiunea privind președintele Americii pentru următorii patru ani. Asta în condițiile în care, în contextul pandemiei de coronavirus, numărul celor care…

22:25, 29.10.2020

Klaus Iohannnis: Consistent approach by EU member states on mutual recognition of COVID test results is absolutely necessary

Speaking shortly before a video conference of European Council members on the Covid response, President Klaus Iohannis said that a consistent approach by EU member states is absolutely necessary, and that they…

20:15, 25.10.2020

JusMin on European Day of Justice: 'Without permanent investments in judicial system, no results achieved'

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said on Sunday, the European Day of Justice, that without permanent investments in the judicial system, no results can be achieved."It is a good opportunity to reaffirm the imperative…

12:30, 21.10.2020

PM Orban: According to results, no other possibility than that USR voting for SocDem Iordache

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, has criticized on Wednesday the election of Social Democratic Party (PSD) deputy Florin Iordache as the chair of the Legislative Council,…

15:10, 16.10.2020

PMs Orban, Morawiecki discuss prospects resulting from future joint gov't meeting

Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban had a telephone conversation with his Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki on Friday, with the two officials mentioning the excellent prospects created by the future joint…

08:55, 15.10.2020

COVID-19 test results of PSD's Marcel Ciolacu, Paul Stanescu - negative

The COVID-19 test results of the PSD (Social Democratic Party) leaders Marcel Ciolacu and Paul Stanescu are negative, according to AGERPRES.According to some Social Democratic sources, the PSD leader, Marcel Ciolacu,…

11:35, 13.10.2020

PSD leader Ciolacu self-isolates after getting tested for COVID, waiting for result (sources)

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu got tested for COVID-19 and is now self-isolating, while waiting for the result, according to Agerpres.According to some sources from the party, Ciolacu decided…

15:55, 09.10.2020

Iohannis says need to postpone elections not resulting from today's discussion with health specialists

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that the discussion he had at the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) did not show the need to postpone this year's general election."It is not possible to set a certain…

18:15, 05.10.2020

Local Elections2020/Final results for Bucharest: Nicusor Dan wins by 42.81% of votes

Independent candidate Nicusor Dan, endorsed by the National Liberal Party (PNL), the Save Romania Union (USR) and the Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (PLUS), won the election for the office of Bucharest…

06:30, 05.10.2020

Luptele din Nagorno-Karabah cresc în intensitate. Azerii acuză atacuri dure din partea armenilor în orașe în zone rezidențiale. Armenii denunță dezinformările

Forţele armate ale Armeniei au lansat duminică seara un atac cu rachetă împotriva oraşului industrial azer Mingacevir, conform declaraţiei consilierului prezidenţial azer Hikmet Hajiyev, transmite Reuters preluat…

12:50, 30.09.2020

PSD's Ciolacu, Stanescu to take COVID-19 test; they will be self-isolating until results are out

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu and the secretary-general of the same political party, Paul Stanescu, on Wednesday decided to take the COVID-19 test and self-isolate until results are out. "We…

17:10, 28.09.2020

Kelemen Hunor: We have good results in elections around the country - 199 UDMR mayors

The chairman of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR), Kelemen Hunor, stated, on Monday, in a press conference in western Cluj-Napoca, that he is happy with the results obtained by his formation in the…

16:36, 28.09.2020

Ciolos: It is no longer enough to demonize opponent but deliver results

Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS) co-chair Dacian Ciolos said on Monday that more and more Romanians want evolution and construction, and in a political competition…

11:55, 28.09.2020

LocalElections2020/ Ciolos: It is no longer enough to demonize opponent but deliver results

Save Romania Union - Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Alliance (USR PLUS) co-chair Dacian Ciolos said on Monday that more and more Romanians want evolution and construction, and in a political competition…

22:51, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Tariceanu, after stations closed: Profoundly dissappointed with results

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu said on Sunday, after the polling stations closed, that his party's results in the local elections in the Capital were "a reason for profound…

21:40, 27.09.2020

LocalElections2020/Barna, after exit-polls: Romania starts good governance revolution

Local elections results show "Romania has begun the revolution of good governance," Save Romania Union (USR) - the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS) co-chairman Dan Barna says. "This evening's results,…

22:05, 09.09.2020

President Iohannis: I expect PNL to score the best result in the election

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that he expects the PNL (National Liberal Party) to score a "record result" in the upcoming local elections, the best it has ever scored. "The National Liberal Party is…

21:45, 31.08.2020

EduMin wants ONAC president sacked following botched tender for student tablets

Education Minister Monica Anisie asks Prime Minister Ludovic Orban to sack the president of the National Centralized Procurement Office (ONAC), Cornelia Nagy, after learning about the "disappointing" result of…

13:10, 30.08.2020

Ponta: Censure motion result, negotiated; Orban and 'the gang' are here to stay

Pro Romania leader Victor Ponta maintains that the result of the censure motion that will be voted on Monday has already been negotiated, and even if the party he is running votes in favour of the motion, Prime…

14:20, 24.08.2020

Orban: Acts by which someone leaves PSD are result of own decision

The act by which someone leaves the Social Democratic Party (PSD) is the result of a personal decision, not an attempt by the National Liberal Party (PNL) to determine this decision, said, on Monday, the chairman…

18:45, 17.08.2020

Transelectrica's H1 net profit up 282 pct YoY

National electricity transmission company Transelectrica posted a net profit of 116 million lei in H1, by 282 percent higher compared to the same period of the previous year, the company said in a statement on…

14:10, 12.08.2020

Tamara Ciofu (PSD): Guvernul PNL blochează accesul a 2 milioane de pacienţi neasiguraţi la asistenţă medicală de bază gratuită

Guvernul PNL blochează accesul a 2 milioane de pacienţi neasiguraţi la asistenţă medicală de bază gratuită Deputatul PSD Tamara Ciofu, medic pediatru primar cu experienţă de 30 de ani, atrage atenţia publică asupra…

17:45, 31.07.2020

PM Orban: Gov't to adopt GEO regarding the one billion euro available for investments

The government is about to adopt a government emergency ordinance regarding the one billion euros made available as a result of the increase in the flexibility of the programmes funded with European money, meant…

12:42, 23.07.2020

JusMin Predoiu: We created an institutional coalition against organised crime; criminal rings are begining to fall

Minister of Justice Catalin Predoiu has stated that, in the past couple of months, an institutional coalition has been created against organised crime, which starts to show its results, as "criminal rings are beginning…

17:37, 26.06.2020

MS requests reports regarding asymptomatics and results of evaluation of hospitals treating SARS-CoV-2 patients

Representatives of the Health Ministry (MS) have requested on Friday the public health directorates a report regarding the identification and preparation of units destined for the isolation and treatment of asymptomatic…

08:42, 26.06.2020

EconMin Popescu: We took measures to complete gas markets liberalization; we expect 10-15 pct drop in prices

Minister of Economy Virgil Popescu on Thursday told the Government meeting that measures were taken to allow the liberalization of the natural gas market starting with July 1, while mentioning that a drop in the…

19:07, 28.04.2020

Iohannis: In this epidemic, authorities, doctors, Romanians obtain notable results so far; maximum not reached

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that, in this epidemic, the authorities together with the doctors and Romanians so far have obtained notable results, mentioning that the peak has not been hit yet."A…