Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:40, 25.05.2022

Ukrainian refugees offer visiting Prince of Wales flowers, small painted wooden objects

Prince Charles of Wales, visiting Romania on Wednesday, met with Ukrainian refugees at the Romexpo Center organised in Bucharest for displaced people who flee the war in the neighboring country. Fii la curent cu…

19:05, 25.05.2022

Humanitarian aid for Moldova, Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees

The Government has approved three decisions on Wednesday in regards to granting emergency humanitarian aid to the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, but also Ukrainian refugees in Romania, informed the Executive spokesman,…

18:45, 25.05.2022

Prince Charles visits centre for Ukrainian refugees at Romexpo

Prince Charles of Wales visits the Ukrainian refugee centre organised by the Romanian authorities in northern Bucharest's Romexpo exhibition compound on Wednesday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

10:55, 02.05.2022

Jill Biden to meet Ukrainian refugees in Romania, Slovakia

First lady Jill Biden will visit Romania and Slovakia from May 5-9 to meet with U.S. service members and embassy personnel, displaced Ukrainian parents and children, humanitarian aid workers, and teachers, her…

10:25, 02.05.2022

First Lady of the United States, Jill Biden, visits Romania in support of Ukrainian refugees

The First Lady of the United States, Jill Biden, will pay a visit to Romania and Slovakia on May 5-9 to meet with members of the US military and diplomatic staff, with Ukrainian refugees, humanitarian workers and…

22:36, 30.04.2022

(VIDEO) Angelina Jolie, vizită umanitară în Ucraina

Actrița Angelina Jolie a vizitat Ucraina pentru a se întâlni cu copiii afectați de conflict și cu organizațiile locale care lucrează pentru a-i proteja, transmite BBC News. Angelina Jolie, care este trimis special…

23:40, 28.04.2022

Romanian Gov't welcomes Japan's announcement on sending humanitarian aid flights to Ukraine

The Romanian government welcomes the announcement of the Japanese government about organizing in coordination with the UN High Commissioner's Office for Refugees a series of humanitarian aid flights to Ukraine…

23:30, 28.04.2022

Senate head: 'I asked for legislation change to allow Ukrainian refugees to work in Romania'

Romania can help Ukraine by changing legislation in Parliament to allow refugees to work in Romania, and also offers to assist Ukraine's EU accession process, Senate President Florin Citu said on Thursday after…

22:26, 27.04.2022

40 Syrian refugees, transferred to Romania within extra-EU relocation program

Forty Syrian refugees were transferred to Romania from Turkey this month, during the extra-EU relocation program. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro ×…

18:15, 27.04.2022

Ukrainian-Romanian conversation guide to be distributed free of charge to Ukraine refugees

As many as 13,000 copies of a Ukrainian-Romanian conversation guide have been printed by Monitorul Oficial to be distributed free of charge in refugee centres and other places to facilitate communication and integration…

14:50, 21.04.2022

Service in Iasi's Old Metropolitan Church, in Church Slavonic, for Ukrainian refugees

A service will be held, on the night of the Resurrection, in Church Slavonic, for the refugees from Ukraine, in the Old Metropolitan Church, the Church of St. George in Iasi. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

14:25, 19.04.2022

Cluj Archbishopric to provide spiritual assistance in Ukrainian to Ukraine refugees

The Cluj Christian Orthodox Archbishopric of Cluj is offering spiritual assistance to Ukraine refugees, the opportunity to confess and communion, as well as church services in Ukrainian, the archbishopric reported…

18:40, 18.04.2022

Romanian Post hires Ukrainian woman refugee from Kyiv

A Ukrainian woman from Kyiv, a war refugee to Romania since the beginning of the military conflict, has been employed by the Romanian Post on Monday, informs the postal services company in a release sent to AGERPRES.…

08:50, 18.04.2022

40% of Ukrainian refugees employed in Romania are working in processing industry

Almost 40% of total Ukrainian refugees who, after the war began, found jobs in Romania, are working in the processing industry, according to the centralized data from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection…

22:55, 14.04.2022

PM Ciuca, meeting with American congressmen,discussions about security situation and aid for Ukrainian refugees

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca had a meeting on Thursday with a group of American congressmen, led by Mike Quigley, member of the Chamber of Representatives, who, before arriving in Romania, visited Poland and Slovakia,…

08:55, 14.04.2022

Refugiați ucraineni ajutați de RIFIL prin Fundația „Emilio Falco”

Acțiunile umanitare derulate de compania mixtă româno-italiană RIFIL continuă, în aceste zile, cu implicarea în ajutorarea concretă a refugiaților ucraineni. Patru mămici și 8 copii au primit adăpost în două locuințe…

23:05, 13.04.2022

Ambassador Peer Gebauer: 'Supporting Ukraine and refugees, priority for German Government'

Supporting Ukraine and persons fleeing the war will continue being a priority for Germany's Government, ambassador Peer Gebauer declared for AGERPRES on Wednesday, during a visit he paid to southeastern border…

20:01, 13.04.2022

Thousands of Ukrainian refugees transiting Blaj and Aiud by train, helped every evening by volunteers

A few generous women from Blaj managed to make it easier for over a month, alternately with a group of parents from Aiud (both cities of central County of Alba, Transylvania), to make easier the train journey to…

20:05, 12.04.2022

Over 420 Ukrainian refugees staying in Alba county

Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees were in the county of Alba on Tuesday, spread out to 25 territorial administrative units in the area of the entire county, according to the official records of Alba County Center…

17:05, 11.04.2022

316 refugees from Ukraine, housed in Braila County

The number of refugees from Ukraine accommodated in southeastern Braila County is 316, and the number of accommodation places arranged for this purpose is 891, of which 323 are found in individuals, according to…

17:05, 11.04.2022

Aid of over 560,000 RON for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, from Buzau and Vrancea Archdiocese

The Archdiocese of Buzau and Vrancea has sent aid of over 560,000 RON for Ukrainian refugees that reached the Republic of Moldova, according to the press office of the religious organization. Fii la curent cu cele…

12:25, 08.04.2022

Government allocates 45 million lei for individuals who accommodate Ukrainian refugees

The government will allocate 45 million lei from the Reserve Fund to recover accommodation expenses for Romanian citizens who are housing Ukrainian refugees, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Friday, Agerpres…

21:50, 07.04.2022

Parlamentari irlandezi însoțiți de ambasadorul Republicii Irlanda în România și Moldova, în vizită de lucru în județul Suceava

O delegație de parlamentari irlandezi, însoțiți de E.S. Paul McGarry, ambasadorul Republicii Irlanda în România și Moldova, a efectuat astăzi o vizită de lucru în județul Suceava. Însoțiți de subprefecțul Alexandru…

18:36, 06.04.2022

Raed Arafat: A new wave of refugees may arise at any time, we are prepared for this

The Ministry of the Interior (MAI) State Secretary Raed Arafat visited the Ukrainian refugee camp in Husi on Wednesday, where he met with Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees (Operations), United Nations Refugee…

00:00, 05.04.2022

Nicolae Ciucă, după ce a discutat cu o delegaţie a Înaltului Comisariat ONU pentru Refugiaţi: Războiul arată că oamenii îşi unesc forţele pentru a ajuta

Premierul Nicolae Ciucă a avut o întâlnire de lucru, luni, cu delegaţia Înaltului Comisariat ONU pentru Refugiaţi, condusă de Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees for Operations. La această întrevedere…

22:35, 04.04.2022

Culture Minister Romascanu highlights at Council of EU culture ministers Romania's actions in support of Ukrainian refugee artists

Culture Minister Lucian Romascanu attended the Council of European Union's Culture Ministers on Monday, highlighting the actions taken by the institution he leads in support of Ukrainian refugee artists, according…

20:31, 04.04.2022

PM Ciuca, UNHCR official Mazou discuss Ukraine humanitarian crisis

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Monday welcomed a delegation of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) led by Assistant High Commissioner for Operations of the UNHCR Raouf Mazou to reconfirm the strategic…

17:31, 04.04.2022

Premierul Ciuca a discutat cu o delegatie a Inaltului Comisariat ONU pentru Refugiati despre criza umanitara a refugiatilor din Ucraina

Premierul Nicolae Ionel Ciuca a avut o intalnire de lucru cu delegatia Inaltului Comisariat ONU pentru Refugiati, condusa de Raouf Mazou, Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees for Operations.In cadrul intalnirii…

13:25, 04.04.2022

'Ukraine Seen by Oradea Photo Artists' exhibition to open on April 6, Ukrainian refugees attending

A photographic art exhibition titled 'Ukraine Seen by Oradea Photo Artists' will open on April 6 in the Oradea Fortress and will run through April 26, announced curator Stefan Tóth István, who is also the president…

22:15, 01.04.2022

UNHCR representative visits Brasov to evaluate management of Ukrainian refugees

The representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Bucharest, Cristina Bunea, has carried out a visit to central Brasov on Friday for evaluating the way the Ukrainian refugees are being managed,…