Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:25, 03.02.2024

17 people rescued off the mountains in the last 24 hours

A total of 17 people have been rescued in the last 24 hours by mountain rescuers, 5 of whom were taken to hospital, the Mountain Rescue Service Salvamont Romania announced on Saturday.In the last 24 hours, 17 calls…

17:05, 02.02.2024

Soția producătorului „Killers of the Flower Moon”, nominalizat la premiile Oscar 2024, s-a sinucis la 39 de ani

Isabelle Thomas, soția producătorului american Bradley Thomas, nominalizat la premiile Oscar 2024, categoria Cel mai bun film, pentru pelicula "Killers of the Flower Moon", s-a sinucis la vârsta de 39 de ani, informează…

08:40, 02.02.2024

United Right Alliance to fight against combining elections

United Right Alliance to fight against combining electionsSave Romania Union (USR) national leader Catalin Drula, one of the leaders of the United Right Alliance, said on Thursday, about combining the elections,…

19:45, 31.01.2024

Un polițist american este erou, după ce a salvat din apă un copil de 8 ani sub care s-a rupt gheața unui lac | VIDEO

Poliția din Jonesboro, statul american Arkansas, a difuzat un videoclip dramatic cu momentul în care ofițerul Troy Ellison salvează un băiat de 8 ani care căzuse într-un lac înghețat, relatează site-ul revistei…

15:36, 31.01.2024

La o lună de la cutremurul devastator din Japonia, oamenii stau în frig și în condiții insalubre. Zeci de mii de locuințe fără apă curentă

Supraviețuitorii cutremurului devastator, care a avut loc de Anul Nou pe coasta de vest a Japoniei, se luptă cu frigul și condițiile insalubre, în timp ce zeci de mii de locuințe rămân fără apă curentă. Peste 13.000…

12:25, 31.01.2024

Microsoft scoate una dintre cele mai vechi aplicații ale sale din Windows

Am notat deja într-o știre precedentă pe site-ul nostru că nu vom avea Windows 12 în acest an, și așteptăm mai degrabă un update major pentru Windows 11 . Acesta ar trebui să sosească cu o mulțime de îmbunătățiri…

11:26, 31.01.2024

Compania care construiește o fabrică de medicamente la Turda, TOP EMPLOYER (angajator de top) pentru al doilea an consecutiv!

Compania STADA ROMÂNA, care construiește o fabrică de medicamente la Turda și care va începe producția din acest an, este pentru al doilea an consecutiv TOP EMPLOYER (angajator de top), după ce a trecut cu brio…

11:25, 31.01.2024

Over 58k persons enter Romania on Tuesday, including approximately 6,200 Ukrainians

The General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPF) informs that on Tuesday 58,483 people entered Romania through the border crossing points, including 6,189 Ukrainian citizens.According to a press release sent…

08:40, 31.01.2024

PNL's Ciuca: We must explain people what we've done, admit what we haven't done

Senate President Nicolae Ciuca, leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL), said on Tuesday, when asked about the fact that the Alliance for Romanian's Union (AUR) is quoted in some polls at equal or higher percentages…

14:40, 30.01.2024

Romania's COVID-19 weekly cases rise by 1,943, January 22-28, 2023

As many as 1,943 new cases of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in January 22-28, 2023 week in Romania, with over 30,000 RT-PCR and rapid antigenic tests performed, the Health Ministry informed on Tuesday.Of…

10:45, 30.01.2024

Over 60,000 people enter Romania on January 29, including 5,954 Ukrainian citizens

As many as 61,822 people, including 5,954 Ukrainian citizens, entered Romania on Monday, January 29, the General Border Police Inspectorate (IGPF) reported on Tuesday.According to IGPF, at the border crossings…

09:55, 29.01.2024

USR's Drula: The United Right Alliance will modernise Romania

National leader of the Save Romania Union (USR) Catalin Drula said on Sunday that the Dreapta Unita (United Right) alliance will be the one that will modernise Romania and bring about the change that the people…

01:10, 28.01.2024

Rectorul Leonard Azamfirei propune ”RESTART – IQ”: ”UMFST – o universitate a tuturor – Smart people”

Actualul rector al Universității de Medicină, Farmacie, Științe și Tehnologie (UMFST) "George Emil Palade" Târgu Mureș, prof. univ. dr. Leonard Azamfirei, este singurul candidat la concursul care are drept miză…

01:11, 27.01.2024

Daţi un vot pentru Ţinutul Zimbrului! Arealul este din nou în finala competiţiei internaționale Green Destination

■ ultima zi a scrutinului este 29 ianuarie 2024 ■ premiile vor fi anunțate la Târgul Internațional de Turism de la Berlin ■ Asociaţia non-guvernamentală Ţinutului Zimbrului a anunţat că Green Destinations, o entitate…

19:26, 26.01.2024

Over RON 890 million RON for subsidising jobs for vulnerable groups of unemployed

The National Employment Agency (ANOFM) has allocated RON 896 million for 2024 to support hiring the unemployed in vulnerable groups whose access to the labour market is difficult, the Labour Ministry reported on…

21:35, 25.01.2024

Sfatul valoros de creștere a copiilor pe care Drew Barrymore l-a primit: „Am obținut cele mai bune rezultate” VIDEO

În cadrul emisiunii „The Drew Barrymore Show”, care a fost difuzată marți, actrița, în vârstă de 48 de ani, a avut-o ca invitată pe experta în parenting și pe psihologa dr. Aliza Pressman, relatează People.

10:55, 25.01.2024

Almost 7,000 Ukrainians enter Romania on Wednesday

Almost 7,000 Ukrainians enter Romania on WednesdayAlmost 7,000 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Wednesday, and in total about 143,000 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, with about 46,000 means of transport…

13:45, 24.01.2024

Over 6,2k Ukrainians cross into Romania on Tuesday

Over 6,2k Ukrainians cross into Romania on TuesdayAs many as 6,228 Ukrainians have crossed the borders into Romania on Tuesday, the General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPF) informs in a press release sent…

20:15, 23.01.2024

European project brings back to school hundreds of children, young people, adults from Harghita, Covasna

Hundreds of children, young people and adults from Harghita and Covasna counties who dropped out of school or who did not complete their compulsory education were returned to classes through a project of the Harghita…

13:30, 23.01.2024

2,240 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection last week, 25 deaths

2,240 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection last week, 25 deathsIn the week of January 15 - 21, 2,240 new cases of people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus were registered, the Health Ministry informs on Tuesday.…

10:50, 23.01.2024

Over 6,100 Ukrainians enter Romania on Monday, a total of 130,200 people cross border

Over 6,100 Ukrainians enter Romania on Monday, a total of 130,200 people cross borderMore than 6,100 Ukrainian citizens entered Romania on Monday, while a total of 130,200 Romanian and foreign citizens and some…

09:26, 23.01.2024

Mayor Nicusor Dan: There is a possibility that I will be candidate of the right-wing for City Hall

Mayor Nicusor Dan: There is a possibility that I will be candidate of the right-wing for City HallThe mayor of Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, declared on Monday evening for the private broadcaster Digi24 that he believes…

15:45, 22.01.2024

Consiliul Audiovizualului a amendat cu 25 de mii de lei un post de televiziune

Cotidianul TV-CTV a fost amendat cu 25.000 de lei pentru întreruperea nemotivată a activității. O decizie în acest sens a fost luată în ședința de vineri a Consiliului Audiovizualului. „CA a decis să sancționeze…

11:25, 22.01.2024

Over 14,000 Ukrainians enter Romania on Saturday and Sunday

Over 14,000 Ukrainians enter Romania on Saturday and SundayApproximately 313,400 people, Romanian and foreign citizens, and over 95,100 means of transport completed the border control formalities on Saturday and…

11:05, 22.01.2024

More than 80 people rescued from mountains in the last 24 hours, 36 of them taken to hospital

More than 80 people rescued from mountains in the last 24 hours, 36 of them taken to hospitalMore than 80 people have been rescued in the last 24 hours by mountain rescuers, 36 of whom were taken to hospital, Mountain…

17:00, 20.01.2024

Snoop Dogg refuză 100M $ pentru a se înscrie pe OnlyFans

Snoop Dogg a reușit să intre din nou în atenția publică după ce a declarat că nu există „nicio sumă de bani” pentru care s-ar putea înscrie pe Only Fans. Cunoscutul rapper a explicat și care este motivul pentru…

14:20, 20.01.2024

Over 75,000 people enter Romania on January 19, including 6,666 Ukrainian citizens

Over 75,000 people enter Romania on January 19, including 6,666 Ukrainian citizensAs many as 75,244 people, including 6,666 Ukrainian citizens, entered Romania on Friday, January 19, the General Border Police Inspectorate…

15:15, 19.01.2024

Seven foreign citizens with illegal stay, detected by immigration police

Seven foreign citizens from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Syria and the Republic of Moldova were detected by the Bacau immigration police with illegal residence, the County Police Inspectorate (IPJ) informed on Friday."As…

10:01, 17.01.2024

Almost 60k persons enter Romania on Tuesday

The General Inspectorate of the Border Police (IGPF) informs that on Tuesday 59,370 people entered Romania through the border crossing points, including 6,246 Ukrainian citizens.According to a press release sent…

10:05, 16.01.2024

PM Ciolacu says no recession this year: Romania is heading the right direction

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Monday that Romania will not enter recession this year, adding that the country is heading in the right direction."Definitely not. I negotiate everything. I have already announced,…