Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:16, 24.02.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Without coronavirus pressure, politicians might have had more time to play

The interim chair of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated, on Sunday evening, that the investiture vote for the Orban II Government is a "masquerade" and reiterated that it's out of the question…

11:16, 20.11.2019

President Iohannis about European army: Creating parallelism with NATO wouldn't help anyone

European defence must be improved, President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday, but a parallelism between such structure and NATO "wouldn't help anyone.""Creating a parallelism with NATO would not help anyone. Here…

21:52, 19.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ President Iohannis about European army: Creating parallelism with NATO won't help anyone

European defence must be improved, President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday, but a parallelism between such structure and NATO "won't help anyone." During the debate with journalists and representatives of the…

14:17, 11.11.2019

PSD's Steriu says no surprise Dancila advancing to runoff

Spokesman for the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Valeriu Steriu said on Monday that it was no surprise that PSD national leader Viorica Dancila made it to the second round of the presidential election.  "Her advancing…

08:43, 11.11.2019

Barna: According to parallel counting, I haven't made it to round 2; I hoped until the end

USR-PLUS (Save Romania Union - Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party) Alliance presidential candidate Dan Barna announced that, according to the results of the parallel counting, he didn't have enough votes to enter…

12:23, 09.08.2018

Directorul si fondatorul Budapest Photo Festival, Szilvia Mucsy, vine pentru prima data la Turda

Directorul si fondatorul Budapest Photo Festival, Szilvia Mucsy vine pentru prima data la Turda cu o expozitie de fotografie intitulata Parallel Universe. Expozitia este parte din Photoissa, Festival International…

11:46, 13.07.2018

Senate President: I believe we must continue steps to suspend President

Senate President Calin Popescu Tariceanu said on Thursday evening that in his opinion the steps to suspend President Klaus Iohannis should continue, adding, however, that if the head of state observes the Constitution…

12:25, 23.06.2018

PSD's Dragnea apologizes for delaying Criminal Code drafting; parallel state to be crushed

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea stated on Friday that he apologizes to "the thousands of Romanians who are in jail or who are dragged to court" due to an unconstitutional article because…

09:23, 18.06.2018

Artistic gymnastics: Andrei Muntean, second place at parallel bars, at the World Cup in Guimaraes

Romanian athlete Andrei Muntean finished second in the parallel bars final, on Sunday, at the Artistic Gymnastics World Cup in Guimaraes (Portugal), with 14,600 points.  For the balance beam, Vlad Cotuna ranked…

22:45, 10.06.2018

PMP's Basescu: If I created 'parallel state', Dragnea was in proximity of institution heads he is accusing

Chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP), Senator Traian Basescu says that if he were the one who created "the parallel state", as Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea affirmed, then the Social-Democrats…

15:04, 10.06.2018

PSD-ALDE protest: ALDE's Tariceanu: We live in controlled democracy; we are fighting parallel state

Senate President and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu on Saturday said at the PSD [Social Democratic Party, major at rule, ed.n]-ALDE protest in Victoria Square that…

09:46, 04.06.2018

Artistic gymnastics: Three more medals for Romanians, at 2018 Koper World Cup

Romanian athlete Denisa Golgota won a silver medal for the floor event and a bronze medal in the balance beam, while Andrei Muntean won a silver medal for the parallel's bar, on Sunday, at the artistic gymnastic…

09:25, 14.05.2018

PSD'S Dragnea suspects President Iohannis "could have a protocol signed with the parallel state"

Leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea suspects that President Klaus Iohannis "could have a secret protocol signed with the parallel state."  On Sunday evening, Dragnea told a Romania TV broadcast…

11:16, 15.03.2018

DefMin Fifor about PSD's Dragnea's revelations: All this parallel construction exists

The statements made on Tuesday evening by PSD's leader Liviu Dragnea about the involvement of the intelligence services in PSD's political activity confirm that "all this parallel construction exists and manifests…

20:17, 30.01.2018

Senate President Tariceanu: We are facing an attack of the 'parallel state'

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, on Tuesday claimed that Romania is facing "an attack of the parallel state" and stated that Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), the political party he leads, has…

20:17, 30.01.2018

Senate President: I expect President Iohannis to continue to be an advocate of 'parallel state'

Senate President Calin Popescu Tariceanu, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Chairman, said on Tuesday that he expected President Klaus Iohannis "to continue to be an advocate of the parallel state, because…

18:01, 29.01.2018

DNA's Kovesi: Parallel interests are of those who robbed the budget and were caught

National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) Laura Codruta Kovesi said in an interview to Agerpres regarding the parallel state she supposedly is a part of that, if such "parallel interests" exist, they belong to…

19:29, 08.12.2017

EU's health ministers endorse Romania's position regarding parallel export of medicines

Health Minister Florian Bodog attended on Friday in Brussels the meeting of EU healthcare ministers' council, where the officials endorsed the position expressed by the Romanian dignitary regarding the problems…

13:16, 04.12.2017

PSD's Stefanescu: It's decided we stage a national meeting against parallel, illegitimate state

The Social Democratic Party (PSD, main at rule, ed. n.) will stage a protest meeting against the parallel, illegitimate state, on Sunday evening announced the party's deputy secretary general Codrin Stefanescu,…

12:12, 23.11.2017

President Iohannis: Parallel state - bad joke, made up by people who victimise themselves to seize power

The parallel state is "a bad joke", and a few people invent such concepts in order to seize all power, on Wednesday said President Klaus Iohannis in southeastern Ploiesti.  "This thing with the parallel state is…

12:35, 14.11.2017

Dobrovolschi: There is no parallel state in Romania; it is an allegation of legally embattled

Presidential spokesperson Madalina Dobrovolschi said on Tuesday that there is no parallel state in Romania, only an allegation made by the legally embattled, adding that society is the beneficiary of a sound system…

19:03, 02.11.2017

Senate's Tariceanu replies to President Iohannis: Continue fight for dismantling of 'parallel state'

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, in an open letter to the head of state, Klaus Iohannis, promises that he will pursue the combat, alongside people of good faith, for the "dismantling of the 'parallel state'",…

12:55, 09.08.2017

UE şi NATO îşi testează forţa de răspuns în caz de declanşare a unei crize militare majore

Este vorba despre EU Parallel and Coordinated Exercise 2017 care se va desfăşura între 1 septembrie - 11 octombrie, exerciţii militare de mare complexitate şi cu forţe combinate NATO/UE centrate în principal pe…

13:05, 26.04.2017

Senate`s Tariceanu: Parallel power system created in ROmania makes most important decisions

President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu declared on Tuesday night at Antena 3 private TV broadcaster that a parallel operating power system has taken the most important decisions in Romania, in the past…

09:13, 14.11.2016

Astăzi, la Salina Turda, are loc lansarea proiectului ”12 pentru Turda”

Astăzi, începând cu orele 14:00, va avea loc lansarea proiectului ”12 pentru Turda”, iniţiat de Asociaţia PhotoRomania în colaborare cu Asociaţia Noa Events şi Salina Turda. Proiectul îşi propune să promoveze arta…

14:07, 22.04.2016

Arta contemporana si teatrul. La Nationalul din Cluj

Arta contemporană și teatrul. La Naționalul din Cluj Premiera spectacolului "Call it art!", concept de Alexa Băcanu și Leta Popescu, va avea loc miercuri, 27 aprilie 2016, la ora 19:00, la Teatrul Național din…

17:43, 19.10.2015

IT&C - Rusia va avea propriul serviciu cloud

Rusia dezvolta propriul serviciu cloud pentru a obtine independenta tehnologica fata de SUA, informeaza Mediafax. Proiectul Rosplatform, lansat de compania IT Parallels, este o platforma cloud menita sa înlocuiasca…

16:12, 19.10.2015

Rusia face un pas important către obţinerea independenţei tehnologice

Rusia dezvoltă propriul serviciu cloud, pentru a înlocui Microsoft Azure şi Amazon Cloud, proiectul fiind considerat un nou pas către obţinerea independenţei tehnologice, relatează Sputnik, potrivit Mediafax. Compania…

13:39, 25.09.2015

Super eveniment la Timisoara! Trupa care a cantat cu Depeche Mode, urca pe scena in Daos

Concertul va avea loc pe 4 octombrie, în Daos, și face parte dintr-un eveniment mai complex. Concret, publicul se va putea bucura de trei prestații live din partea mai multor artiști. Cap de afiș al evenimentului…

13:45, 09.02.2015

Refuzul care a valorat 5 milioane de lei

Refuzul care a valorat 5 milioane de lei Foto: unrel.orgConsiderați că R. Moldova trebuie să adere la:- Uniunea Europeană- Uniunea Economică Eurasiatică- Nu trebuie să adere la nicio uniunea- Îmi este greu…