Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:20, 03.05.2023

Cine dă masa la spitalul din Caransebeș?

CARANSEBEȘ – Ne referim la ceea ce vor mânca pacienții în următorii patru ani, spitalul punând la bătaie un contract cu o valoare între 7,3 și 9,2 milioane de lei! Managerul spitalului, Adrian Dumbravă, a fost…

14:55, 29.04.2023

Obama, Spielberg şi Springsteen, la cină într-un restaurant din Barcelona. Detalii de la bucătarul-șef

Fostul preşedinte american Barack Obama, împreună cu regizorul de film Steven Spielberg şi cântăreţul Bruce Springsteen au luat cina într-un restaurant din Barcelona, spre uimirea personalului, relatează The Guardian.…

16:05, 27.04.2023

Defence Ministry contemplates creation of private or hybrid cloud-type infrastructures

The Defence Ministry contemplates the creation of private or hybrid cloud-type infrastructures, head of the Defence Staff Communications and Information Technology Directorate Mihai Burlacu told the Critical Infrastructure…

20:45, 25.04.2023

O fiică a Careiului expune lucrări de pictură la Castel

O fiică a Careiului, Monica Mocianu, expune pictură grafică la Castel în perioada 28 aprilie – 13 mai 2023. Vernisajul va avea loc în data de 28 aprilie 2023 de la ora 12,00. Artistul careian  Monica Mocianu este…

08:36, 25.04.2023

Cyber Diplomacy International Conference's 2nd edition starts Tuesday at Palace of Parliament

Cyber Diplomacy International Conference's 2nd edition starts Tuesday at Palace of Parliament.The Cyber Diplomacy Centre within the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest…

11:40, 22.04.2023

Goran Bregovic and Eros Ramazzotti are performing in Bucharest

Goran Bregovic, one of the most famous musicians from the Balkans, guitarist and composer originally from Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Eros Ramazzoti, one of the most successful artists, with songs that marked the history…

13:50, 21.04.2023

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, main cause of illness, morbidity and mortality in Romania

Health minister Alexandru Rafila said on Friday that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the main cause of illness, morbidity and mortality in Romania and they also cause most disabilities.Rafila participated…

12:25, 11.04.2023

Două spectatoare au fost scoase cu forța din sală, cântau mai tare ca interpreții din muzicalul The Bodyguard. Actorii au oprit piesa, a venit poliția

Reprezentația de vineri seara, 7 aprilie, de la Palace Theatre din Manchester a fost întreruptă în primul act, apoi suspendată definitiv cu 10 minute înainte de final, din cauza spectatorilor care cântau mai tare…

08:31, 06.04.2023

Former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to be received by President Iohannis in Bucharest

Former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will visit Bucharest on Thursday, where he will be received by President Klaus Iohannis and awarded the title Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Economic…

12:25, 04.04.2023

Ciolacu: Both PM and I said that we support MJ proposal for threshold for abuse in office

The chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, declared on Tuesday that he supports the version of the Ministry of Justice for the threshold for abuse of office, this being also supported by…

19:35, 30.03.2023

State adviser Borbely, at the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development: Romania remains a reliable partner

State adviser Laszlo Borbely, coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development within the Government, represented Romania at the Forum on Sustainable Development in the UNECE Region (United Nations Economic…

22:25, 26.03.2023

Eugen Tomac reelected as PMP Chairman: I will do everything necessary for our party to get stronger

MEP Eugen Tomac was reelected on Saturday as Chairman of the People's Movement Party (PMP) by the formation's extraordinary congress organized at the Palace of Parliament.Tomac garnered 705 out of 708 votes; one…

15:45, 24.03.2023

Preşedintele Braziliei îşi amână vizita oficială în China, din cauza unei pneumonii

Preşedintele brazilian Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva şi-a amânat cu o zi, pentru duminică, plecarea sa într-o vizită de stat în China, din cauza unei "pneumonii uşoare", a anunţat vineri preşedinţia Braziliei, informează…

18:55, 21.03.2023

Vrancea County Council President represents Romania's delegation to Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe

Vrancea County Council (CJ) President Catalin Toma represents Romania's delegation to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, which takes place in Strasbourg from March 21 to 23, the county institution…

12:30, 21.03.2023

SofistiCAT - the International Feline Show comes to Bucharest this weekend

SofistiCAT - the Bucharest International Feline Salon is back this weekend at the downtown Palace Hall with a special edition titled "Flowers and Cats" that will have over 200 cats from all corners of the world…

18:45, 13.03.2023

Constitutional Court to hold event honoring 100 years since adoption of Constitution of Unified Romania

The Constitutional Court (CCR) will celebrate the Centennial of the Constitution of Unified Romania (1923 - 2023) with a solemn meeting that will take place on March 20 at the Palace of Parliament, the constitutional…

16:35, 01.03.2023

TM2023/ Opera gala, with great lyrical voices of Romanian soloists from the diaspora

Great voices of Romanian soloists from the diaspora, who have prevailed on the international lyrical stages, will support an opera gala on Saturday evening, in the hall of the Palace of Culture in Timisoara, together…

08:35, 23.02.2023

Visiting Moldovan president Sandu to be welcomed by Romanian counterpart Iohannis, at Cotroceni palace

The president of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, who will be in Bucharest on Thursday in a working visit, will be received by president Klaus Iohannis, at the Cotroceni palace, informs the Presidential Administration.…

09:05, 10.02.2023

Firm position of Romanian Orthodox Church for observance of rights&freedoms of Romanian communities throughout Ukraine

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, meeting, on Thursday, in the Teoctist the Patriarch Aula Magna in the Palace of the Patriarchate, under the presidency of Patriarch Daniel, firmly maintains its favourable…

13:36, 30.01.2023

PNL preparing transition team for gov't rotation (sources)

The National Liberal Party (PNL) is preparing a transition team for the government rotation in May, according to PNL sources participating in the meeting of the National Political Bureau taking place today at the…

11:51, 09.01.2023

Virtual tour of Palace of European Commission of the Danube, current headquarters of V. A. Urechia Library

The Galati County Council, through the Europe Direct Center, with funding from the European Commission, made a virtual tour of the Palace of the European Commission of the Danube, the current headquarters of the…

21:50, 05.01.2023

Doi handbalisti de la CSM Constanta participa cu Nationala Romaniei la campania de pregatire din Spania

In cadrul cantonamentului, tricolorii sustin si trei meciuri de verificare. Echipa nationala masculina de handbal a Romaniei a demarat o noua campanie de pregatire, stagiul derulandu se in aceasta perioada in Spania.…

11:35, 31.12.2022

Pensiunea PALACE**** din Băile Felix  organizează un Revelion 2023 de neuitat. Tânărul antreprenor, Fechete Gabriel, oferă servicii de calitate pentru…

Pensiunea PALACE**** din Băile Felix  organizează un Revelion 2023 de neuitat. Tânărul antreprenor, Fechete Gabriel, oferă servicii de calitate pentru toți turiștii care-i trec pragul! Pensiunea PALACE**** (Adresă:…

12:01, 30.12.2022

LaLiga | Atletico Madrid a revenit pe podium după victoria cu Elche

Atletico Madrid a revenit pe podiumul din LaLiga, după ce a învins pe teren propriu, cu scorul de 2-0, formaţia Elche, joi seară, într-un meci din etapa 15. Trupa lui Diego Simeone s-a impus prin golurile marcate…

11:41, 30.12.2022

Revelion spectaculos la Palatul Bragadiru: NYE 2023 at the Palace by L’Ondine Events

Palatul Bragadiru din București și L’Ondine Events vă invită să sărbătoriți Noul An, într-o atmosferă glamuroasă și sofisticată - sâmbătă, 31 decembrie, începând cu ora 21:00.  NYE 2023 at the Palace celebrează…

10:06, 30.12.2022

New Year's traditional concert with Bucharest Symphony Orchestra and John Axelord

The Bucharest Symphony Orchestra and John Axelrod return on Friday to the Palace Hall stage for the tenth anniversary edition of the Traditional New Year's Concert, the salapalatui.ro website, reads. Fii la curent…

09:51, 22.12.2022

Johann Strauss Ensemble's "Viennese Christmas" concert, at Palace Hall on Thursday

The "Viennese Christmas" concert, one of the representative musical events during the winter holidays, in the performance of the Johann Strauss Ensemble orchestra, led by conductor Russel McGregor, will take place…

23:10, 13.12.2022

CM de fotbal-Qatar 2022: A apărut urmașul lui Messi?: Argentina-Croația 3-0 (2-0)

  Batrânul Leo i-a predat în mod sclipitor stafeta tânarului Alvarez 2-0 pentru Argentina la pauza. S-ar zice ca Argentina a avut o prima repriza senzationala, pentru ca fazele care au dus la acest scor au fost…

08:51, 13.12.2022

Ignazio Cassis: Switzerland calls for compliance with Geneva Convention, supports war crimes' documenting efforts

Switzerland calls for the strict observance of the Geneva Convention and supports the efforts of the international community to document and sanction war crimes, the president of the Swiss Confederation, Ignazio…

23:10, 03.12.2022

CM de fotbal Qatar 2022: Argentina – Australia 2-1 (1-0). Messianicul jubileu

  Olanda-Argentina este primul sfert de finala al turneului O repriza incolora, inodora si insipida, în care tot argentinianul din teren sau din tribune a sperat la o minune "messianica" în cel de-al 1000-lea meci…