Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:25, 21.04.2021

Iohannis: Easter Eve, movement restrictions to be lifted, we won't get involved in way services are held

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Wednesday that during Easter Eve, the movement restrictions imposed by the context of the COVID-19 pandemic will be lifted, highlighting that the authorities will not interfere…

17:55, 20.04.2021

Holy Synod's Chancellery: Holy Light will be brought from Jerusalem on May 1

The Holy Light will be brought from Jerusalem on Saturday, May 1, and will be offered to the diocesan delegations at Otopeni International Airport, according to the tradition started in 2009. According to the Chancellery…

11:05, 15.04.2021

National Chamber Choir "Madrigal - Marin Constantin" has released "Passion Week" album

The National Chamber Choir "Madrigal - Marin Constantin" has released the record album "Passion Week", a collection of Orthodox-inspired music, dedicated to the Easter holidays. According to a press release sent…

12:40, 14.04.2021

Health Minister rules out Easter lockdown for Bucharest

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu said that Bucharest will not be placed under lockdown this Orthodox Easter, explaining that the Ministry of Health has drawn up an order that has introduced new criteria for quarantining…

13:05, 09.04.2021

RO Govt. extends state of alert with new measures for Orthodox Easter

The government decided on Thursday to extend the state of alert in Romania by another 30 days starting from  April 13 and has also decided on new measures for the Orthodox Easter, easing some restrictions for this…

14:00, 08.04.2021

PM Citu proposes measures for those who attend Orthodox Easter service

Prime Minister Florin Cîțu said on Thursday that he will present to the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) a proposal of measures for the upcoming Orthodox Easter weekend, according to Romania-Insider. …

12:55, 08.04.2021

PM Citu: Night traffic - allowed until 5 a.m. for those who attend Orthodox Easter service

Prime Minister Florin Citu announced that he will submit for approval at Thursday's meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) a series of proposals aimed at Orthodox Easter holidays, including…

21:00, 07.04.2021

PM Citu: Gov't to extend alert state on Thursday; We will decide also on Orthodox Easter

The Government will approve on Thursday the extension of the alert state, and the decision that will be adopted will include also traffic restrictions regarding the Orthodox Easter, announced the Prime Minister…

18:00, 25.03.2021

Kelemen Hunor: Gov't agreed to lift restrictions until 2.00 on Catholic and Orthodox Easter night

The Government has agreed to lift movement restrictions until 2.00 on Saturday of Catholic and Orthodox Easter, Deputy Prime Minister Kelemen Hunor announced on Thursday. "Today, together with Prime Minister Florin…

08:11, 15.03.2021


Orthodox feast: Holy Easter's fast kicks off 1831 - Birth of Pantazi Ghica, prose writer, playwright and publicist. (d. July 17, 1882) 1876 - Timpul / (Time) newspaper is released in Bucharest, the Conservative…

08:10, 11.03.2021


National Trade Day 1291- First written records about Fagaras fortress. 1291- Romanians of Transylvania are recorded for the first time as participants, alongside nobles, Swabians and Szekelys, in a special Assembly…

08:10, 09.03.2021


Orthodox feast: Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Anti-Communist Political Prisoners' Day 1944-1989 1371 - Establishment of a Catholic bishopric in Siret, capital city of Moldavia. The first holder of the office was Franciscan…

08:10, 10.02.2021


Orthodox holiday: St. Holy Martyr Haralambie; St. Martyr Valentina 1388 - First mention of the fortress-city of Suceava as capital of the feudal state of Moldova 1815 - Birth of jurist, politician Constantin Bosianu,…

08:10, 20.12.2020


1768 - Birth of Veniamin Costache, scholar, translator and poet, metropolitan of Moldova and Suceava. (d. December 18, 1846) 1808 - Birth of Andrei Saguna, Orthodox metropolitan of Transylvania, honorary member…

08:15, 30.11.2020


Orthodox feast: Saint Andrew the Apostle, Patron Saint of Romania 1224 - The first documentary mention of southwestern Orastie 1811 - Birth of Alexandru Hasdeu (Hajdeu), writer and professor, honorary member of…

12:05, 19.10.2020

Clericii și credincioșii ortodocși din America vor participa la Marșul pentru viață 2021 din Washington

Clericii și credincioșii ortodocși din America se vor uni ca și în anii trecuți, pentru a participa împreună la Marșul pentru viață 2021 din Washington, DC. Organizația pro-viață Orthodox Christians for Life și…

20:45, 09.10.2020

Patriarch of Romania calls for Church-State co-responsibility and cooperation to avoid excessive measures

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania has urged co-responsibility and cooperation between the Church and the Romanian State after the pilgrimage to Iasi for the feast of Saint Parascheva was banned for non-locals,…

14:30, 14.08.2020

Calendar ortodox 14 august 2020. Ce sfânt sărbătorește biserica astăzi

În prag de mare sărbătoare pentru români, credincioşii nu au habar că pe 14 august Biserica sărbătoreşte un sfânt important. Calendar orthodox 14 august 2020. Ce sfânt este sărbătorit pe 14 august în calendarul…

10:33, 29.06.2020

Eastern orthodoxy and the pandemic. Cultural approaches towards rule of law in Romania

Even if during the actual pandemic all states have imposed general restrictions regarding the conduct of religious activities, Romania is among the few democratic regimes in which the public authorities addressed…

14:57, 13.05.2020

Shared communion of faithful, postponed until the finalization of consultations with other Orthodox Churches

The spokesman of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Vasile Banescu, has stated on Wednesday that the communion with a shared spoon (during the Liturgy) of the faithful is postponed for a short period, until the end…

00:42, 19.04.2020

Charles, Prince of Wales has recorded a video message to Romanians celebrating Orthodox Easter

The Prince of Wales has recorded a video message to Romanians celebrating Orthodox Easter, in which he evokes the current health crisis and says he is looking forward to coming back to Romania, as well as to meeting…

17:44, 13.04.2020

EconMin Popescu: Economy has 30-40 pct contraction

The economy has a contraction ranging between 30 and 40%, and after the peak of the epidemic has been reached and this crisis has followed a downward trend we want to have the measures ready for the recovery of…

13:37, 12.04.2020

Crown Custodian's Palm Sunday message: A sunny, soul-warming day

Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Princess Margareta, addressed a video message of hope and soul-warming experiences to all those who bear flower-derived names and who by tradition celebrate name day on Palm Sunday.…

13:08, 12.04.2020

Slujba Pogorârii Sfintei Lumini va avea loc, însă fără pelerini la Biserica Sfântului Mormânt din Ierusalim (ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY: HOLY FIRE SERVICE…

Slujba anuală a pogorârii Sfintei Lumini din Sâmbăta Mare va avea loc anul acesta în Biserica Sfântului Mormânt din Ierusalim, dar fără pelerini, din cauza pandemiei coronavirusului. Sfânta Lumină va fi trimisă…

15:28, 11.04.2020

President Iohannis's Easter, Palm Sunday message:Power of faith gives us hope we will soon be together again

In a video message delivered on Saturday for the faithful who celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus tonight, but also for the Orthodox community that celebrates Palm Sunday tomorrow, President Klaus Iohannis speaks…

15:19, 08.04.2020

President Iohannis urges Romanians to stay home for Easter

President Klaus Iohannis urges Romanians to stay home for Easter and says he will celebrate this Christian holiday on Sunday with his wife Carmen, without going to church."I will stay home with my wife Carmen.…

11:56, 30.03.2020

Călugării de la Muntele Athos s-au rugat pentru încetarea pandemiei

În toate mănăstirile din Muntele Athos și de la Meteora a fost oficiată vineri o Slujbă de Priveghere pentru încetarea pandemiei de Coronavirus, informează Orthodox Times.Slujba a fost închinată Maicii Domnului…

09:36, 21.03.2020

Din cauza epidemiei de coronavirus, Muntele Athos se închide pentru pelerini și vizitatori

Din cauza epidemiei de coronavirus, Muntele Athos se închide pentru pelerini și vizitatori. Guvernatorul adjunct civil al Muntelui Athos, Aristos Kasmiroglou, a suspendat intrarea vizitatorilor și pelerinilor în…

12:37, 31.05.2019

Pope in Romania/Tariceanu: Sovereign Pontiff's visit, occasion to end division in our public life

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu on Friday said that Pope Francis' visit must be for all Romanians - Orthodox, Catholics or Protestants - the occasion to praise one another and to end the division in public…

15:06, 30.05.2019

Romanian president Klaus Iohannis to participate with Pope Francis in ceremonies at National Cathedral, Saint Joseph Cathedral, Blaj

President Klaus Iohannis will accompany Pope Francis, who is paying an apostolic visit in Romania on Friday through Sunday, in the ceremonies to be organised at the National Cathedral, the Saint Joseph Cathedral…