Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

08:55, 09.03.2022

Unfair Commercial Practices Directive perpetuates unfair commercial practices against agri-food producers (organization)

The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive will be implemented in Romania with the purpose of perpetuating unfair commercial practices against the legitimate interests of agri-food producers, according to the PRO…

20:00, 23.02.2022

Japanese Ambassador: Romania is increasingly proving that it is a stable force in EU

Romania is increasingly proving itself as a stable force in the European Union, said Japan's Ambassador in Bucharest Hiroshi Ueda, adding that he will support our country's efforts to adhere to the Organization…

15:30, 21.02.2022

Spa tourism in Romania must be national priority, yet currently it is buried (employers' association)

Spa tourism in Romania must be a national priority, yet at present it is buried, because apart from the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, once with the increase in tariffs for electricity and natural gas, most…

17:05, 10.02.2022

Agreement on building road bridge over Prut River at Ungheni to be signed in Chisinau

The Governments of Romania and the Republic of Moldova will sign an agreement in Chisinau on Friday in a joint session on the technical, financial, legal and organizational aspects of the construction, operation,…

22:30, 08.02.2022

Aurescu at the OSCE: We cannot allow any attempt to undermine current parameters of European security architecture

Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu attended the summit of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Tuesday to launch the Renewed European Security Dialogue, on which occasion he spoke out…

11:26, 31.01.2022

Last day for fishing pike in the Danube Delta

Monday is the last day when fishermen can catch pike in the natural environment of the Danube Delta, with the ban on fishing for this species to start on February 1, according to the prohibition order issued last…

15:40, 28.01.2022

OECD Secretary General: Romania's economic activity resumed last year, recovery continues

Romania has taken a comprehensive approach to managing the effects of the pandemic, with economic and social measures accounting for 3.6pct of the GDP in 2020 and 1.4pct of GDP in 2021, the Secretary General of…

14:16, 28.01.2022

PM Ciuca: Opening of negotiations for Romania's accession to OECD, most notable result after joining NATO, EU

The opening of negotiations to join the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is Romania's most notable result after joining NATO and the EU and will involve the recognition of the status of a…

14:00, 28.01.2022

PM Ciuca:OECD's Economic Survey for Romania, our firm commitment to join this global organisation

The "Economic Survey for Romania" developed together with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) shows Romania's firm commitment to join this global policy forum and provides a multidimensional…

14:00, 28.01.2022

OECD's Mathias Cormann: We hope Romania's accession will go as swiftly as possible

Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann, hopes that Romania's accession process to the OECD will go as swiftly as possible, showing that our country…

13:55, 28.01.2022

OECD SecGen Cormann: Romania has come a very long way

The Secretary General of the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development, Mathias Cormann, stated, on Friday, in Bucharest, that Romania has come a very long way, but "there are areas that still need…

13:40, 28.01.2022

Romania has one of lowest vaccination rates in EU (OECD SecGen Cormann)

Romania has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the European Union, said on Friday the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mathias Cormann. In the context…

08:25, 28.01.2022

OECD Secretary-General on visit in Bucharest to meet with President Klaus Iohannis, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca

Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Mathias Cormann is paying an official visit to Bucharest on Friday. The Secretary-General of the OECD will be welcomed in the…

12:15, 27.01.2022

PM Ciuca: Message of International Holocaust Remembrance Day is not to forget intolerance, hatred kill

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that the main message of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day is not to forget that intolerance and hatred kill, and lack of solidarity in the face of oppression can turn…

13:41, 26.01.2022

PM Ciuca:OECD Council's decision to open accession negotiations with Romania - chance to align with consolidated democracies

The decision of the OECD Council to open accession negotiations with Romania represents the chance for a new stage of reforms in favor of the citizen and for getting our society in line with the model of consolidated…

13:00, 26.01.2022

„Accelerator de ONG-uri” pentru creșterea capacității organizaționale în sectorul neguvernamental

Asociația Young Initiative alături de fundația World Vision România îi invită astăzi, 26 ianuarie,  pe buzoieni, la ora 17.00, la evenimentul online „3, 2, 1… hai la startul Acceleratorului de ONG-uri!”. La finalul…

11:21, 26.01.2022

Romania begins accession discussions with OECD

The Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) decided on Tuesday to open accession discussions with six candidates to OECD Membership, including Bulgaria and Romania, according…

22:45, 25.01.2022

President Iohannis: We remain committed to achieving goal of joining the OECD with energy and determination

President Klaus Iohannis welcomes the decision of the Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to launch accession negotiations with Romania. "I warmly welcome today's OECD decision…

22:35, 25.01.2022

Government: Launch of OECD accession talks confirms Romania's high level of technical training

The Government of Bucharest welcomes the decision of the Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to launch accession negotiations with Romania, emphasizing in a press release…

11:20, 24.01.2022

Mihai Busuioc: Curtea de Conturi a României traversează o etapă de modernizare, de la standardele de audit şi modul de lucru, până la planificarea programului…

“Pe 24 ianuarie, acum 163 de ani, Principatele Române se uneau sub conducerea lui Alexandru Ioan Cuza, iar cinci ani mai târziu, în 1864, la aceeaşi dată, Domnitorul promulga legea de înfiinţare a Înaltei Curţi…

17:50, 19.01.2022

Government approves organization and functioning of Dept. for community social responsibility and vulnerable groups

The government has approved, by decision, the organization and functioning of the Department for community social responsibility and vulnerable groups, announced the spokesperson of the Executive, Dan Carbunaru.…

21:15, 12.01.2022

MAE: Viorel Mosanu - appointed Special Representative for the South Caucasus of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the appointment of Ambassador Viorel Mosanu as Special Representative for the South Caucasus of the Chairperson-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation…

11:06, 11.01.2022

Pensioners' organizations: Raising special pensions humiliates contributory pensioners

The 20 percent increase in special pensions, given that contributory pensions have been increased by only 10 percent, is immoral and creates a sense of humiliation for pensioners receiving contributory pensions,…

12:51, 30.12.2021

Romanian organization to sponsor a local pro-life worker’s participation in the world’s largest pregnancy crisis event

Bucharest’s “Holy Empress Helen” Counselling and Information Centre will sponsor participation in the next Heartbeat International Conference for a Romanian pro-life worker. The sponsorship will be awarded to a…

10:05, 13.12.2021

Maib își reinventează stilul de activitate demarând un proces de Transformare Agile în bancă

Ca parte a strategiei actualizate, maib s-a angajat într-o Transformare Agile, un proiect care-și propune schimbarea organizațională și culturală pe termen lung, care să contribuie la îmbunătățirea semnificativă…

22:10, 09.12.2021

Cultura organizațională în UMFST, subiect de carte

Amfiteatrul Facultății de Farmacie a UMFST "George Emil Palade" din Târgu Mureș a găzduit joi, 9 decembrie, lansarea cărții „Elemente de cultură organizațională în Universitatea de Medicină, Farmacie, Științe și…

16:00, 02.12.2021

ForMin Aurescu meets Serbian counterpart, on sidelines of OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Stockholm

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday had a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Nikola Selakovic, on the sidelines of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council…

15:10, 02.12.2021

ForMin Aurescu: Russia's position on anti-ballistic missile system deployed in Romania is completely wrong

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu says that the position expressed by the Russian Federation on the anti-ballistic missile system deployed to Romania, an integral part of NATO's Ballistic Missile Defence…

10:55, 02.12.2021

Foreign Minister Aurescu attending two-day OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Stockholm

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu is attending Thursday and Friday in Stockholm the 28th meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which will look…

16:20, 18.11.2021

Constantin Mareș, responsabil pentru transformarea organizațională OTP Bank România, preia conducerea noii Divizii Digital

Constantin Mareș, Executive Director IT, PMO & Transformation Office OTP Bank România, a fost numit Director General Adjunct și va coordona noua Divizie Digital, creată în cadrul strategiei de dezvoltare locală…