Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:56, 27.08.2019

PM Dancila: Haven't received any rejection from Brussels concerning Romania's nominations for Commissioners

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Monday night said she had not received from Brussels any rejection concerning the nominations she had made for the European Commissioner on behalf of Romania, the MEPs Dan Nica…

08:44, 26.07.2019

ForMin Manescu: Romania would probably have to nominate a woman for the European Commissioner office

Foreign Affairs Minister Ramona Manescu stated on Thursday that Romania would probably have to nominate a women for the European Commissioner office, arguing that Romanian Ambassador to the European Union Luminita…

20:17, 25.07.2019

MAE hails ambassador Cornel Feruta's nomination at helm of IAEA

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) hailed on Thursday the nomination of Ambassador Cornel Feruta as acting Director General of the International Agency for Atomic Energy."The Foreign Affairs Ministry hails the…

17:15, 24.07.2019

Calin Popescu-Tariceanu gets Executive Political Bureau's nomination as ALDE presidential candidate

The Executive Political Bureau of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE, junior ruling coalition partner) designated on Wednesday alliance Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu as the formation's candidate in…

19:55, 23.07.2019

Presidential nomination contestant Firea: I pulled out of race because colleagues' opinion matters, I back Dancila

Bucharest General Mayor and Social Democratic Party (PSD) deputy chairperson Gabriela Firea said on Tuesday after the meeting of the PSD National Standing Bureau that she withdrew from the internal race for the…

17:53, 23.07.2019

PSD NEC: Viorica Dancila nominated as party's presidential candidate

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila was nominated on Tuesday by the party's National Executive Committee (NEC) as presidential candidate, Social-Democratic sources told AGERPRES.Dancila…

17:33, 23.07.2019

ALDE spokesman: Tariceanu's nomination as ALDE presidential candidate is almost certain

Spokesman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Varujan Vosganian said on Tuesday that the Alliance will "almost certainly" nominate its leader Calin Popescu-Tariceanu as presidential candidate."We have…

14:42, 23.07.2019

Acţionarii, la vedere

În caz contrar, coform Legii nr. 129/2019 privind prevenirea și combaterea spălării banilor, în vigoare de la data de 21 iulie 2019, acestea riscă dizolvarea. Prin noua lege apare obligativitatea înregistrării…

11:36, 23.07.2019

Acțiunile la purtător vor fi convertite în acțiuni nominative în maxim 18 luni de la intrarea în vigoare a legii pentru combaterea spălării banilor și…

Intrarea în vigoare a Legii 129/2019 pentru prevenirea şi combaterea spălării banilor şi finanţării terorismului obligă societățile emitente de acțiuni la purtător să le convertească în acțiuni nominative în termen…

11:17, 23.07.2019

Acțiunile la purtător ale companiilor române urmează a fi convertite în acțiuni nominative. Care este termenul maxim de preschimbare

În următoarele 18 luni acțiunile la purtător ale companiilor române urmează a fi convertite în acțiuni nominative de către societățile emitente, conform noilor prevederi legale, informează ONRC. În plus, apare…

14:07, 17.07.2019

PM Dancila: Waiting for President's response to ministerial picks, wish new colleagues take office as soon as possible

Premier Viorica Dancila said on Wednesday that she had spoken by phone with President Klaus Iohannis about the three ministerial nominations and that she is now expecting a response from the head of the state,…

19:03, 13.07.2019

USR Congress/ Dan Barna receives the presidential nomination

The more than 500 delegates to the congress of the Save Romania Union (USR) validated on Saturday the formation's Chairman Dan Barna as candidate for the presidential election this autumn. The other contenders…

22:45, 10.07.2019

Iohannis: I asked the Premier to inform me about nomination for European Commissioner, no proposal so far

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that he had asked Premier Viorica Dancila to inform him about the nomination for the position of full-term European Commissioner, but that no such proposal has come so…

17:29, 13.06.2019

PSD acting chair Dancila announces separate congress for party's presidential nomination

Social Democratic Party (PSD) acting chairperson Viorica Dancila said on Thursday that a separate congress will be held for the party's presidential nomination, probably at the end of July, and that all those who…

19:17, 04.06.2019

USR representatives discuss with Iohannis about nomination of Eckstein-Kovacs as Ombudsman

USR (Save Romania Union) leader, Dan Barna, on Tuesday stated, after the consultations held at the Cotroceni Palace, that during the meeting with the head of the state they also discussed about the nomination of…

22:24, 29.05.2019

Premier Dancila sends nominations of new ministers to President Iohannis

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Wednesday sent President Klaus Iohannis the nominations for the new ministers for Justice, European Funds and Romanians Abroad, along the nomination for Deputy Prime Minister for…

22:02, 09.05.2019

Tusk wants to nominate the new EU leadership in June, announces meeting with EU leaders on 28 May

European Council President Donald Tusk said in Sibiu on Thursday that he wants to nominate the new EU leadership in June, having announced that, in this respect, he would convene a meeting with the EU leaders on…

12:45, 24.04.2019

PSD's Eugen Nicolicea: 'President Iohannis breaks last decision of Constitutional Court by denying new ministers' nominations'

The Social-Democrat deputy Eugen Nicolicea on Wednesday said that President Klaus Iohannis has broken the Constitutional Court (CCR)'s last decision by denying nomination of the new ministers' proposals."As you…

11:28, 24.04.2019

PSD's Nicolicea: President Iohannis breaks last decision of Constitutional Court by denying new ministers' nominations

The Social-Democrat deputy Eugen Nicolicea on Wednesday said that President Klaus Iohannis has broken the Constitutional Court (CCR)'s last decision by denying nomination of the new ministers' proposals."As you…

17:17, 25.02.2019

PSD's Dragnea: Mircea Draghici gave up his AEP nomination: PSD endorses Constantin Florin Mituletu-Buica

PSD (Social Democratic Party) decided to endorse the current secretary general of AEP (Permanent Electoral Authority), Constantin Florin Mituletu-Buica, to become the next head of this institution, PSD leader Liviu…

22:22, 21.02.2019

Gopo 2019 awards: Morometii 2, Charleston, Love 1. Dog and Pororoca, most nominations

The movie Morometii 2, directed by Stere Gulea received most nominations - 14 - at the Gopo Awards, being seconded by Charleston, 13 nominations, Love 1. Dog, 11 nominations and Pororoca, 10.According to the organisers,…

22:05, 30.01.2019

Ce au decis actionarii Decirom SA cu privire la modificarea capitalului social. Detalii

In Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei a fost publicata decizia Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor Decirom SA din data de 19.12.2018. Rotracsa SL, cu sediul in Spania, detinand 2.587.676 actiuni nominative,…

22:07, 06.01.2019

Capitalul social al Decirom SA, redus si majorat in acelasi timp. Detalii

In Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei a fost publicata decizia Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor Decirom SA din data de 13.11.2018. Astfel, actionarii Rotracsa SL, persoana juridica spanioIa, detinand 2.587.676…

14:16, 04.01.2019

President Iohannis says will reject nominations of Vasilescu, Draghici for Development, Transport ministers

President Klaus Iohannis on Friday announced that he will reject the government nominations in order to appoint Lia-Olguta Vasilescu for minister of Development and Mircea Draghici for Transport minister.

14:14, 20.11.2018

President Iohannis issues gov't reshuffle decree, rejects two nominations

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Tuesday that he has issued the gov't reshuffle decree, taking into account the nominations made by the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD)."This reshuffle is a weak solution.…

13:33, 13.11.2018

Ecaterina Andronescu, nominated for Minister of Education; Ciamba - European Affairs

Ecaterina Andronescu has been unanimously nominated by the National Standing Bureau of the PSD (Social Democratic Party) for the office of Minister of Education, on Tuesday announced the interim president of PSD…

17:34, 15.10.2018

Liberal’s Orban: Tudorel Toader minister of ruling parties’ criminals

Chairman of the Opposition's National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban on Monday said referring to the move of the Justice minister regarding the nomination of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA)'s…

10:02, 09.10.2018

Simona Halep, nominated for Player of Year, awarded by WTA

Romanian Simona Halep, world number one, was nominated for the title Player of the Year, to be awarded by the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) at the end of the 2018 season, WTA announced on its official website. …

15:48, 27.07.2018

JusMin announces new selection for nomination of DNA head, on August 6

The Ministry of Justice announced on Friday the beginning of a new selection procedure for the proposal of a new head of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), August 6 through September 6.  Previously…

18:08, 26.07.2018

PNL requests that CSM decide nomination of DNA chief prosecutor, not Minister of Justice

The Liberals are requesting the Minister of Justice to send to the Superior Council of Magistrates (CSM) the candidacies that fulfill the legal conditions for the position of chief prosecutor of the National Anticorruption…