Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:20, 22.02.2021

Miners to get their back pay in three installments

The government will allocate money for the payment of back pay to the miners of the Hunedoara Energy Company, which will cover three-month pay and other benefits, Minister of Labour and Social Protection Raluca…

11:00, 13.01.2021

Anunț începere proiect ”Creșterea capacității de prestare a serviciilor întreprinderii SC N & T INSTALL SERVICES SRL prin achiziția de active corporale”

Titlul proiectului: ”Creșterea capacității de prestare a serviciilor întreprinderii SC N & T INSTALL SERVICES SRL prin achiziția de active corporale”... The post Anunț începere proiect ”Creșterea capacității de…

21:35, 12.01.2021

Finance Ministry continues to protect population, companies affected by Covid-19

The Finance Ministry has decided that individuals or legal entities that have taken out loans for capital installments, interest and commissions may request the suspension of the payment of due installments related…

20:35, 18.12.2020

Florin Citu: We need gov't installed as soon as possible

Forin Citu, endorsed by the National Liberal Party (PNL), the Save Romania Union (USR) - the Party of Liberty, Unity and Solidarity (PLUS) and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) for the prime minister…

16:45, 16.12.2020

UPDATE Iohannis: It would be optimal for the new government to be installed immediately after Christmas

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that it would be "optimal" for the new government to be installed immediately after Christmas. "It would be optimal for the new government to be installed immediately…

15:25, 16.12.2020

Iohannis: It would be optimal for the new government to be installed immediately after Christmas

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that it would be "optimal" for the new government to be installed immediately after Christmas, according to AGERPRES. "It would be optimal for the new government to be…

17:45, 19.11.2020

US Ambassador Zuckerman: Romania is the first NATO ally to install its own HIMARS defence system

The US Ambassador in Bucharest, Adrian Zuckerman, on Thursday voiced his appreciation, at the Air Base 57 in Mihail Kogalniceanu, for Romania's determination to strengthen its defence capacity by acquiring modern…

21:56, 10.11.2020

Iohannis: 3.5 million doses of flu vaccine ordered to come in installments negotiated by Government

Romania has ordered 3.5 million doses of flu vaccine and they will be delivered in installments to our country, President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace."Every month new installments…

11:25, 28.10.2020

Depanero va procesa plățile cu cardul prin Alpha PhonePOS

Alpha PhonePOS este prima aplicație a unei bănci din România care transformă telefonul mobil într-un adevărat POS cu multiple funcționalități, precum procesarea rapidă și în siguranță a plăților, atât pentru tranzacțiile…

15:30, 22.10.2020

AHK Romania president Anastasiu: Pandemic hit half of business milieu, the hardest is yet to come

Half of Romania's business community is affected by the coronavirus pandemic and hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs, but the hardest is yet to come, because the deadlines for certain taxes and…

12:15, 17.08.2020

Baggage scanning equipment worth over 11 million euros to be installed at airports in Romania

Baggage scanning equipment worth over 11 million euros will be installed at airports in Romania and its region, the developing company announced in a press statement released on Monday. UTI Facility Management,…

20:00, 21.06.2020

ANRE: Romania's official power generation capacity with a total installed capacity is 20,654 MW

On 19 June, Romania's official power generation capacities with a total installed capacity is 20,654 MW, according to the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE), however the institution is in a process of…

17:30, 27.05.2020

OTP Bank claims it has taken steps to correctly implement legislation on suspension of installments' payment

OTP Bank representatives claim that they have taken the necessary steps to implement the legislative framework as rigorously and correctly as possible, since the publication of Emergency Ordinance 37/2020 on the…

17:15, 25.05.2020

ING Bank Romania registers 27,000 requests from individuals to postpone installments

ING Bank Romania has registered 27,000 requests from individuals to postpone installment payment and over 1,000 such demands from the legal persons, namely SMEs, since mid-March, the time when it announced a first…

13:33, 22.05.2020

FinMin Citu says 152k bank clients benefit so far from installment deferral

As many as 152,000 customers of the financial-banking system have so far benefited from the provisions of Ordinance 37 on deferral of installments and the total loans with postponed installments up to 9 months…

13:31, 18.05.2020

Banks in Romania have solved 83pct of the 317,000 requests from customers to suspend installments

The banks in Romania have solved, two months after the onset of the health crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 83pct of the approximately 317,000 applications submitted by customers, individual…

18:09, 23.03.2020

Florentina Ionita Radu: ROL2 Hospital-132 beds for mild,medium COVID-19 cases,26 intensive care beds

Commander of the "Dr. Carol Davila" Central Military Emergency University Hospital of Bucharest Florentina Ionita Radu has informed on Monday that the ROL2 medical formation installed on the site of the "Ana Aslan"…

16:06, 09.11.2019

STS: Equipment ensuring functioning of computer system centralizing proceedings, legally installed

The equipment ensuring the functioning of the computer system for centralizing the proceedings is installed as provided by law, says the Special Telecommunications Service (STS).  "The computer equipment that ensures…

10:27, 06.11.2019

Program on installation of photovoltaic panels to be resumed Wednesday

The program on the installation of photovoltaic panels for electricity production to cover the consumption demand and the supply of the surplus in the national grid will be resumed starting Wednesday, 6 November,…

13:18, 11.10.2019

Outgoing PM Dancila: We will ensure proper functioning, administration of country until installation of new Gov't

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila declared on Friday that the current Executive will ensure the proper functioning and administration of the country until the installation of the new Government.  She announced that,…

21:24, 28.09.2019

Dragos Paul Aligica: Razboiul hibrid si zona Marii Negre

24 si 25 septembrie, in Washington DC: Energy Security in the Era of Hybrid Warfare Workshop: Developing a Research Roadmap 3.0. Prima intalnire a fost la Brussels (NATO). A doua la Munchen (ZITiS Headquarters).…

15:34, 01.05.2019

AgriMin Daea says anti-hail installations operational but unable to stop 50 hectares of vineyards getting damaged

Agriculture Minister Petre Daea says that about 50 hectares of a vineyard plantation in the Urlati area, Prahova County, have been damaged to various degrees by the latest extreme weather phenomena, and although…

09:33, 19.04.2019

Buildings on Calea Victoriei come to life at Spotlight

Several buildings on Calea Victoriei were animated by a show of lights, and various installations, some of them interactive, that caught the attention of the passers-by due to the novelty of the light works on…

16:02, 19.09.2018

MEP Muresan: Dragnea should resign as Chamber's Speaker, new Government to do right by Romanian people be installed

MEP Siegfried Muresan maintained on Wednesday that the letter through which leaders of the Social-Democratic Party (PSD) are requesting the resignation of Liviu Dragnea (the party's chairman, ed.n.) is just an…

14:37, 21.02.2018

Jeff Bezos construiește un ceas de 42 de milioane de dolari, care să cronometreze 10.000 de ani. Un munte a fost excavat pentru acesta

Jeff Bezos, fondatorul și directorul general al Amazon, investește 42 de milioane de dolari în construirea unui ceas care să contorizeze 10.000 de ani, pentru realizarea căruia un munte întreg din Texas a fost…

11:39, 04.09.2017

Cerințe hardware detaliate pentru Total War: Warhammer 2

Creative Assembly arată industriei gaming cum trebuie întocmite cerințele de sistem, cu ajutorul lui Total War: Warhammer 2. Total War: Warhammer 2 va fi lansat pe 28 septembrie. Cerințe minime: Expected around…

15:08, 29.06.2017

343 Industries permite continuarea dezvoltării lui Installation 01, joc Halo neoficial

Echipa de programatori responsabilă pentru dezvoltarea jocului Installation 01 a anunțat că 343 Industries nu va încerca să închidă proiectul. Asta deoarece jocul imită modurile multiplayer ale primelor trei jocuri…

15:24, 10.10.2016

Green House programme is starting with a 60 million lei budget

Individuals can apply within the "Green House" Programme ("Case Verde"), starting October 10, while companies can lodge files starting 17 October.For this year, the budget of the "Green House" Programme reaches…

11:52, 13.09.2016

Nexus Launcher este înlocuit de Pixel Launcher și îl poți testa acum

Încă din luna august au apărut pe Internet zvonuri conform cărora Google se pregătește să pună punct brandului Nexus. Flagship-urile de la Google urmează a fi înlocuite de o nouă gamă de telefoane Pixel , brand…

14:59, 06.06.2016

Facebook vrea să iubeşti Messenger, aşa că te obligă să îl foloseşti în orice situaţie

Au apărut tot mai multe dovezi online care atestă faptul că este doar o chestiune de timp până când cei care foloseau versiunea web de Messenger pe telefon vor fi nevoiţi să-şi instaleze aplicaţia omonimă pentru…