Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

14:30, 05.01.2023

President Iohannis addresses magistrates: Take a stand everytime justice independence faces political interference

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday stated that society expects "transparency, integrity and professionalism" from the members of the judicial system and encouraged magistrates to take a stand every time when…

08:55, 15.11.2022

Judges' independence does not exclude their responsibility in exercising office, says Constitutional Court

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) rules that the independence of the judges does not exclude their responsibility in exercising office, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

12:55, 10.11.2022

Reforms proposed by Labour Ministry in retirement area to respect magistrate's independence status

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu conveyed on Thursday that the reforms proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in the area of retirement will respect the magistrate's independence status, told Agerpres.…

11:30, 07.11.2022

Le Maire says Europe energy independence would cut inflation

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire stepped up demands for the European Union to take swift and firm action to respond to U.S. President Joe Biden’s climate law, according to Bloomberg.  France is concerned…

15:20, 10.10.2022

PM Ciuca: Implementation of projects through Energy Infrastructure Modernisation Fund, objective for achieving energy independence

The implementation of the projects financed through the Modernisation Fund for the development and modernisation of the national energy infrastructure is an important objective of the Government in order to achieve…

13:46, 04.10.2022

Romania obtains 1.4 bln euros for projects of energy independence and combating energy poverty

Romania obtained almost 1.4 billion euros for energy independence projects and combating energy poverty, after the adoption of the REPowerEU proposal in the Ecofin Council, the country being the sixth EU beneficiary…

13:15, 02.10.2022

DefMin Dincu, on official visit to Chisinau, voices support for Ukraine's sovereignty, integrity and independence

Minister of Defense, Vasile Dincu, declared on Saturday, in Chisinau, that NATO is not looking for a confrontation with the Russian Federation and that it unequivocally supports Ukraine's sovereignty, integrity…

19:16, 22.09.2022

Aurescu: I reaffirm Romania's full trust in the independence, impartial ability of the International Criminal Court

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu spoke on Thursday in New York about Romania's "full" trust in the independence and impartiality of the International Criminal Court (ICC), told Agerpres. Fii la curent…

17:41, 16.09.2022

VIDEO: Mii de oameni scandează „Viva Mexico!” pentru a marca independența

Mii de mexicani s-au alăturat președintelui Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador cu scandări „Viva Mexico!” pentru a marca aniversarea mișcării de independență a țării față de Spania, în urmă cu peste 210 ani. Lopez Obrador…

12:20, 25.08.2022

VIDEO/ Cu voie sau fără de voie, rușii au ascultat cântece patriotice ucrainene: Muzica a răsunat în birouri, pe străzi și în magazine

De Ziua Independenței Ucrainei, care este sărbătorită pe 24 august, sute de camere de supraveghere cu difuzoare din Rusia, Crimeea și Donbas au fost sparte de hackeri, care au pus cântece patriotice ucrainene.…

20:11, 24.08.2022

Ukraine's Independence Day celebrated with Flash Mob in University Square

More than 100 Ukrainians, adults and children, gathered on Wednesday, in the University Square, to celebrate the Independence Day of Ukraine. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

13:10, 24.08.2022

Iohannis, on Ukraine's Independence Day: This unjustified, unprovoked and illegal Russian aggression must stop

On Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on his Twitter account on the occasion of Ukraine's Independence Day, in which he states that the "unjustified, unprovoked and illegal" Russian aggression must…

11:15, 24.08.2022

Ukraine marks Independence Day six months after start of war

Residents of Kyiv woke up to air raid sirens as Ukraine observed its Independence Day on Wednesday, six months since the start of the Russian invasion, according to AP News. Authorities in the capital banned large-scale…

19:40, 23.08.2022

PM Ciuca to Crimean Platform: We should stand firmly united in supporting Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity

n a speech delivered virtually to the second Summit of the Crimean Platform on Tuesday, Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said that the international democratic community should stand firmly united in supporting…

18:35, 23.08.2022

Victoria Palace to light up in Ukrainian flag's colours

Victoria Palace, the Romanian Government House, will light up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag on August 23, between 20:00hrs and 24:00hrs, on the National Flag Day of Ukraine, and on August 24, between 20:00hrs…

14:16, 23.08.2022

Acţiune de protest pentru Ucraina

Asociația „21 Decembrie 1989”, alături de profesoara ucraineană Daria Kustanovych, alungată din orașul Harkiv de hoardele Kremlinului, organizează miercuri, 24 august 2022, începând cu ora 18.00, un nou protest…

13:26, 23.08.2022

Parliament, illuminated on Tuesday and Wednesday, in colors of Ukrainian flag

Parliament will be illuminated, on Tuesday and Wednesday, in the colors of the Ukrainian flag - blue and yellow, to mark the National Flag Day and the Independence Day celebrated by the neighboring country, the…

11:06, 09.08.2022

Rușii care au întors armele. Ce este ”Legiunea Libertatea Rusiei” care luptă în Ucraina împotriva forțelor Moscovei

Legiunea cunoscută sub numele de ”Libertatea Rusiei” s-a format la începutul războiului din Ucraina, când peste 100 de soldați ruși s-au predat forțelor Kievului, potrivit declarațiilor reprezentanților săi. Nu…

21:45, 01.07.2022

US Embassy's Muniz: The ability of Romanians to be really good does not surprise me at all

David Muniz, the chargé d'affaires of the United States Embassy in Bucharest, said on Friday, at the Independence Day reception, that Romania leaves a positive mark on the world, recalling in this sense the reaction…

20:45, 27.05.2022

Cel mai scump avion din lume – Ce trebuie să știi despre el

Northrop Grumman B-2 „Spirit” este cel mai scump avion din lume. 737 de milioane de dolari a costat inițial. Ulterior, a fost încorporat în Forțele Aeriene ale Statelor Unite; de atunci, se bucură de eticheta de…

15:26, 18.05.2022

EnergyMin: Offshore law, most important step in Romania's energy independence

The offshore law, adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday, as decision-making forum, is the most important step towards Romania's energy independence, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu says. Fii la curent…

15:26, 18.05.2022

Speaker Ciolacu, after adoption of Offshore Law: Romania on the fast track to energy independence

Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Marcel Ciolacu declared on Wednesday, after the adoption of the draft offshore law, that, from this moment, Romania is on the fast track to energy independence. Fii la curent…

18:26, 17.05.2022

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca: Exploiting natural gas in the Black Sea - an essential objective in seeking independence from Russia

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Tuesday said that starting to exploit the natural gas in the Black Sea represents an essential objective in the process of obtaining supply independence from Russian gas. Fii la…

13:21, 13.05.2022

One of rarest military decorations awarded by King Carol I is now in Braila City

One of the rarest Romanian military decorations - "Star of Romania in the rank of Commander" - awarded by King Carol I in 1877 to honour the merits of those who fought in the War of Independence, is now found in…

19:00, 10.05.2022

Chief of Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, tribute to heroes fallen at Pleven

Chief of Defense Staff, General Daniel Petrescu, laid wreaths at the St. George the Conqueror Chapel Mausoleum in Pleven, Bulgaria, on Tuesday, in honor of the Romanian soldiers who fought in the War of Independence…

15:11, 10.05.2022

Patriarch Daniel: We have duty to preserve and cultivate holy gift of national independence

His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR), states in a message on the 145th anniversary of the Romanian War of Independence that we have a duty to preserve and cultivate the sacred gift…

22:26, 05.05.2022

ATAC într-un oraș din Israel: Cel puţin trei persoane au fost UCISE - O victimă se află în stare critică VIDEO

O a patra persoană, victimă a atacului, se află în stare critică. Un martor a declarat că a observat cel puţin doi atacatori, unul având o armă de foc şi celălalt un cuţit. Aceştia au reuşit să fugă după atac şi…

23:55, 28.04.2022

EconMin about reopening mines: 'Romania is responsible for ensuring independence of European economy'

The Minister of Economy, Florin Spataru, declared in Prahova, on Thursday, that Romania has "the opportunity and responsibility" of ensuring the independence of European economy by reopening mines that can offer…

18:31, 19.04.2022

(VIDEO) O femeie a scăpat cu viaţă după ce a căzut sub un metrou

O femeie din Argentina a leşinat şi a căzut sub un metrou aflat în mişcare care tocmai intra în staţie. Ca prin minune, aceasta a supravieţuit impactului, scrie Antena3 . Incidentul a avut loc în staţia de metrou…

21:55, 06.04.2022

AgriMin Chesnoiu: We have all documents to launch submission of projects for energy independence of farms by autumn

The Ministry of Agriculture has prepared all the documents so that the project submission session aimed at ensuring the energy independence of agricultural farms by installing photovoltaic panels can be launched…