Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:16, 27.01.2021

PM Citu: Romania strongly supports fight against all forms of discrimination, hate speech and anti-Semitism

Romania strongly supports the fight against all forms of discrimination and all ways of spreading them, hate speech and anti-Semitism, Prime Minister Florin Citu conveyed in a message on the occasion of the International…

08:31, 27.01.2021

Senate President Dragu: We must have reduction in budget deficit

Senate President Anca Dragu told National Public Television Broadcaster TVR 1, on Tuesday evening, that the 2021 state budget must focus on the resumption of investments and that the budget deficit must be reduced,…

21:26, 14.01.2021

MAE: Entering England only with negative COVID test - postponed to Monday

The entry into force of the new measures applicable at the entry on the territory of England (originally scheduled for Friday, morning, local time 4:00) has been postponed to Monday, the same time, according to…

11:30, 14.01.2021

Official statistics: Jan - Nov 2020 new manufacturing orders down 5.5 pct YoY

New orders for Romania's manufacturing industry over January - November 2020 were 5.5 percent down from the same period of 2019, shows data released on Thursday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The…

21:30, 06.12.2020

ParliamentaryElections2020/ Voting in the country ends; more than 18,000 polling sections, closed

The polling stations organized in the country for the appointment of future deputies and senators have closed on Sunday, the electoral process coming to an end. Romanians in the country went to the polls on Sunday…

19:15, 09.11.2020

PM Orban: Romania ranks 18th in Europe in terms of rate of infections with novel coronavirus

Romania ranks 18th in Europe in terms of the rate of infections with the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said in the Chamber of Deputies on Monday."Romania, today, ranks 18th among European countries,…

16:10, 05.11.2020

Physician Rafila: Testing capacity must increase substantially; we should make 80,000-100,000 tests daily

Physician Alexandru Rafila, PSD's (Social Democratic Party) candidate in the parliamentary elections on Thursday, stated that, in Romania, the testing capacity must increase substantially, so that between 80,000…

22:20, 29.10.2020

Iohannis: There is need to increase funding available to increase vaccine supply sources

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that once the anti-COVID vaccine is available, it will be provided to EU member states and stressed the need to increase funding available under the Emergency Support Instrument…

11:05, 27.10.2020

28 migrants found crowded in a bus, other five on field, at border with Hungary

The Arad border police have discovered 33 migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in the past 24 hours, who tried to illegally cross the border, 28 of them having been found crowded in a bus and other five on…

14:25, 21.10.2020

FinMin Citu: Romania's public debt growth at 7 pct this year, as to 20 percentage points for EU overall

The EU's public debt will grow on average by 20 percentage points in 2020, whereas Romania's government debt will increase by only 7 percentage points, Minister of Public Finance Florin Citu wrote on Facebook,…

18:40, 15.10.2020

Ursula von der Leyen părăsește summitul UE, după ce un membru din echipa sa are COVID-19

Președinta Comisiei Europene, Ursula von der Leyen, a anuțat că părăsește summitul Uniunii Europene de la Bruxelles la nici o oră după ce a început, pentru că o persoană din echipa sa a fost testată pozitiv cu…

15:25, 01.10.2020

Iohannis: This academic year - most difficult since 1989

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the new academic year will be "the most difficult" since 1989, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic."Today marks the beginning of a new academic year, which is…

13:40, 01.10.2020

Dan Tudorache says he will ask electoral bureau for new elections in district

Incumbent mayor of district 1 of the Capital City Bucharest Dan Tudorache on Thursday announced that he will ask the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) to repeat local elections in district 1, on the grounds of fraud,…

16:45, 30.09.2020

FinMin Citu: Budget must be approved by next government, as required by law

The 2021 budget must be approved by the next government, but at this moment the Ministry of Public Finance has started a spending review of the authorizing officers to see exactly what the implementation is, the…

21:00, 20.09.2020

​​VIDEO Belarus: Nou protest masiv la Minsk - zeci de mii de persoane i-au scandat "Demisia" lui Lukaşenko

Zeci de mii de oameni au participat, duminică, la un nou protest masiv în capitala Belarusului, Minsk, ei scandând: “Demisia!&" şi cerând astfel plecarea preşedintelui Aleksandr Lukaşenko.Au…

12:05, 16.09.2020

PM Orban: Public sector investments the highest of the past ten years

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday that, despite the crisis, the public sector investments were the highest of the past ten years, and the government has tried to steadily increase allocations for the…

20:41, 19.08.2020

Iohannis: School must start, even if not as usual, it's inadmissible to have lost generation

School will not start as usual, but "it's very clear that it must start," in order to not have a lost generation, stated, on Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis."It's obvious that when a student accuses symptoms,…

14:30, 12.08.2020

COVID-19 pandemic affects revenues, sales of more than 55% of companies in Romania

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected revenues and sales in more than 55% of companies operating in Romania, with 39% of them having to temporarily shut down, Andrei Canda, managing partner at iSenseSolutions, said…

13:50, 09.08.2020

HealthMin Tataru: We asked EU for 10M vaccine doses, to be enough for at least half the population

Health Minister Nelu Tataru informed on Saturday while paying a visit to Iasi that the Romanian authorities have asked for ten million COVID-19 vaccines doses from the European Union, as soon as the vaccine is…

17:40, 31.07.2020

CultMin Gheorghiu on Haferland Festival: Multiculturalism, diversity in Romania - inexhaustible source of power

Multiculturalism and diversity in Romania are an inexhaustible source of power, faith and creativity, the Minister of Culture, Bogdan Gheorghiu, said on Friday, in his message at the opening of the Haferland Festival,…

10:03, 20.07.2020

Eurostat: More than half of Romanians cannot afford a one-week holiday per year

Almost a third (29%) of residents of EU Member States aged 16 or over were unable to afford paying for an annual one-week holiday away from home. Among EU Member States, Romania recorded the highest share of individuals…

14:09, 14.07.2020

Cigarettes smuggling in Romania falls below 14 pct in 2019

The black market of cigarettes in Romania decreased last year for the first time in six years, below 14 pct, which meant higher budgetary revenues from the taxation of cigarettes, but the damage to the state budget…

18:54, 13.07.2020

Official Arafat about law on quarantine: Decision to hospitalize asymptomatic patients can be taken by Ministry of Health

The draft law on the imposition of measures in the public health field in such contexts of epidemiologic and biologic risk includes provisions that refer to "many aspects," and the decision regarding the hospitalization…

16:39, 03.07.2020

Blue Air airline extends its call centre's Friday, weekend opening hours

Blue Air airline is extending its call centre's Friday and weekend opening hours, as it has resumed regular flights to 29 destinations since the beginning of July, the company announced on Friday. "Unfortunately,…

15:12, 22.06.2020

Justin Bieber, acuzat de abuz sexual. Reacția artistului

Justin Bieber, 26 de ani, neagă acuzațiile aduse de o tânără de 27 de ani care a scris pe Twitter că starul american ar fi agresat-o sexual într-o cameră de hotel din Austin, Texas în 2014. ”Nu este nimic adevărat”,…

16:18, 16.06.2020

PM Orban: More than 4,750 companies receive approval for loans under IMM Invest programme

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban has stated that today's data show that more than 4,750 companies have already received approval for their loans under the IMM Invest programme (SME Invest). "You know very well that…

22:18, 11.06.2020

Premier announces shopping malls' reopening as of June 15, but restaurants, cinemas stay closed

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Thursday that shopping malls will reopen as of June 15, except for restaurants, playgrounds and cinemas inside their precincts."The National Committee for Emergency Situations…

13:19, 01.06.2020

Romania spends fewest on family benefits in EU

Romania is ranked last in the European Union when it comes to amounts annually spent on family benefits, 104 euros per capita in 2017, as against an EU of 675 euros, according to data released on Monday by Eurostat.The…

18:48, 22.05.2020

HealthMin says there is no difference of opinion between him and PM in respect to the mask-wearing requirement

Health Minister Nelu Tataru on Friday stated that there is no difference of opinion between him and Prime Minister Ludovic Orban in respect to the obligation to wear a mask indoors. Tataru said in Iasi that experts…

08:57, 28.04.2020

PM Orban: Within 15 days we will receive 400 newly bought breathing devices; we need a minimum of 2,000

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday evening said that a number of newly bought 400 breathing devices are expected to arrive in Romania within the next 15 days. However, he added that, according to his estimates,…