Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:10, 23.06.2021

Prime Minister Florin Citu: I don't want reshuffle; It will only happen if I see decision will lead to stronger government

Prime Minister Florin Citu has stated that he does not want a reshuffle in the short term, stressing that he will make such a decision if he sees that it will lead to a stronger government, a government that will…

12:15, 25.05.2021

PM Citu: I want a clear procedure; in case something happens, to return to COVID hospitals fast

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Tuesday stated that he asked the Minister of Health for a clear procedure regarding the release of hospitals from the tasks related to the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 patients, so that,…

16:25, 21.05.2021

AgriMin Adrian Oros on possible increase in price for bread: I do not expect this to happen

Minister of Agriculture Adrian Oros on Friday stated in Buzau when asked about the possibility that the price for bread will increase that he did not "expect this to happen." "I also that there were many such statements…

15:50, 05.03.2021

JusMin Ion: I cannot blame President Iohannis for what happened in the "August 10" file

The Minister of Justice, Stelian Ion, on Friday stated that he cannot blame, under any circumstances, President Klaus Iohannis for what happened with the "August 10" file, related to the 2018 protests, according…

17:30, 16.02.2021

Visiting Slovakian Foreign Minister expresses support for Romania's Schengen, OECD accession

Slovakian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Ivan Korcok, currently on a visit to Bucharest, expressed support for Romania's accession to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)…

18:46, 27.01.2021

Coronavirus/ Health Ministry's Moldovan: We are at plateau; alert level also for us

The Health Ministry's State Secretary Andreea Moldovan said on Wednesday that one could say that Romania is currently at a plateau regarding the infection with the novel coronavirus, but the authorities are on…

12:16, 21.01.2021

Boc, viitorul preşedinte al PNL? "Ce e în familie, ţi în familie. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"

Liberalii discută intens în această perioadă despre organizarea congresului ordinar al partidului, la care va fi ales noul președinte. Primarul Clujului, Emil Boc, a dezăluit dacă va lăsa Clujul pentru Bucureşti.

19:11, 12.01.2021

Iohannis: It is sad what happened at the Capitol; I am involved furthering partnership with the US

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that he was determined to get involved in taking the Romania-US strategic partnership further and called last week's violence against the Capitol as a "sad" event. "American…

09:30, 07.01.2021

Washington protests/Barna: What is happening now in USA shows us nothing of what democracy means is definitely won

Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna said Wednesday night that what is happening now in the United States shows that "nothing of what democracy means is definitely won", according to AGERPRES. "What is happening now…

16:20, 04.12.2020

PMP stages protest before Moldovan Embassy in Bucharest

The People's Movement Party (PMP) organised a protest on Friday before the Embassy of Moldova in Bucharest to express "concern" over what is currently happening in the neighbouring country. PMP national chairman…

17:00, 29.11.2020

Ludovic Orban: What happened at Apele Romane, to be assessed after elections

An assessment of the appointments at Apele Romane will be finalised after the parliamentary election, said Prime minister Ludovic Orban, stressing that all of the public positions should be occupied by contest.…

08:30, 19.11.2020

PM Orban: I have no reason to resign after what happened in Piatra Neamt

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban considers that he has no reason to resign after the fire in the northeastern Piatra Neamt hospital, saying that what happened "is related to the management of a hospital and the decisions…

13:30, 15.11.2020

Hospital fire/ President Iohannis: It's important we find out how such tragedy happened immediately

The "terrible" accident in Piatra Neamt [where a fire broke out in an ICU unit in a hospital - editor's note] showed, once again, why a profound reform of the Romanian public health system is absolutely necessary,…

13:00, 15.11.2020

Hospital Fire/HealthMin Tataru: We're all guilty for accepting such medical situation for 30 years

Minister of Health Nelu Tataru on Sunday stated that the entire country should feel guilty for "tolerating to live with such a medical situation for 30 years" when asked if he felt guilty for what happened in Piatra…

22:45, 02.11.2020

Atac armat la Viena. Cel puţin o persoană a murit VIDEO

Potrivit unor martori, doi indivizi au deschis focul, rănind mai multe persoane. Unul dintre presupuşii autori ai atacului a fost împuşcat mortal de forţele de ordine, iar altul este căutat. "Au avut loc schimburi…

21:15, 28.10.2020

Iohannis: To those who don't believe in this disease I recommend they look what's happening in hospitals

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Wednesday that it's regrettable that there are persons who are not convinced by evidence that the novel coronavirus exists."People who don't believe in anything or don't believe…

14:30, 20.10.2020

A murit fiul actorului Robert Redford

James Redford, realizator de documentare, activist şi fiul actorului şi regizorului Robert Redford, a murit la vârsta de 58 de ani de cancer la ficat. Luni, publicistul lui Robert Redford a anunțat că actorul,…

09:50, 20.10.2020

A murit James Redford, fiul actorului Robert Redford. Realizatorul de documentare avea 58 de ani

James ”Jamie” Redford, realizator de documentare, activist și fiul actorului Robert Redford, a murit de cancer pe 16 octombrie. James Redford avea 58 de ani, anunță Variety.Decesul a fost anunțat pe Twitter de…

09:40, 20.10.2020

Robert Redford, în doliu. Fiul reputatului actor a murit

Anunţul decesului a fost făcut de Kyle Redford, soţia lui James Redford. "A trăit o viaţă frumoasă, care a avut impact şi a fost iubit de mulţi. Îi va fi simţită lipsa. Ca soţie a lui de 32 de ani, sunt recunoscătoare…

12:55, 02.10.2020

Mayor-elect Nicusor Dan: It won't happen again that City Hall hampers activity of Ministry of Transport

The general mayor-elect of the Capital City Bucharest, Nicusor Dan, on Friday stated that the City Hall will no longer be an obstacle for the Ministry of Transport, in situations such as those related to the issuance…

09:26, 02.10.2020

Ciolacu says he notified OSCE, European Commission about elections in Romania

PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday evening said he notified OSCE and the European Commission about the elections in Romania, "for what happened went beyond certain limits", according…

14:56, 14.09.2020

PM Orban: Good things happening in most schools

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated, on Monday, that for most education units the start of the school year took place in good conditions and asked the Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, to ensure the school…

19:00, 24.08.2020

FOTO Câteva baloane ale solidarității declanșează o dispută între Lituania și Belarus

Vilnius și Minsk s-au acuzat reciproc luni de încălcarea frontierei comune, după lansarea în Lituania a baloanelor în sprijinul manifestanților din Belarus, relatează AFP. Potrivit Lituaniei,…

11:25, 18.08.2020

VIDEO "Pleacă!": Protestele din Belarus au continuat și luni seara

Mii de susținători ai opoziției s-au adunat marți seara în capitala Belarusului pentru un nou protest după o zi tensionată pentru președintele Alexandr Lukașenko, huiduit la o fabrică din Minsk și confruntat…

17:09, 06.07.2020

HealthMin Tataru about the reopening of restaurants: We want it to happen as soon as possible

Minister of Health Nelu Tataru stated on Monday that he wants restaurants to reopen as soon as possible, but stressed that any relaxation measure is taken depending on the epidemiological context."Any new measure…

16:24, 05.06.2020

Gov't says local elections should happen in late September, early October

The government considers that a suitable period for organising this year's local elections is late September, early October, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday, adding that both September 27 and October…

14:36, 05.06.2020

PM Orban urges Romanians to protect themselves;significant increase of COVID-19 cases can lead to new restrictions

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban urged Romanians again to protect themselves and observe the "physical distance for health protection," warning that "any significant increase in the number of cases [of COVID-19 infections]…

11:53, 01.05.2020

IntMin Vela says what happens after 15 May depends very much on Romanians' behavior

Interior Minister Marcel Vela stated on Thursday that the manner in which restrictions are to be lifted after 15 May depends very much on Romanians' behavior until that date. "Depending on how the epidemiological…

07:28, 02.04.2020

Un avion cu ajutor umanitar din Rusia a aterizat la New York

Un avion încărcat cu ajutor umanitar, trimis de Rusia pentru a sprijini Statele Unite în lupta împotriva coronavirsului, a aterizat miercuri după-amiază la New York, a făcut cunoscut misiunea diplomatică rusă la…

00:23, 14.03.2020

Believe and make it happen

Unii oameni îşi pierd încrederea în sine şi nu-şi mai găsesc forţa şi curajul pentru a-şi continua visul, iar alţii nu îşi găsesc curajul nici măcar pentru a începe sau sunt nesiguri de puterile lor. Unele persoane…