Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

23:33, 23.01.2019

Senate Chairman Tariceanu: Parliament-adopted framework mandate needed to prepare Romania's representation at Sibiu Summit

Senate Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu considers that it is important for Parliament to adopt a framework mandate to prepare Romania's representation at the May 2019 Sibiu Summit, and cautions President Klaus…

16:15, 21.01.2019

Commissioner Cretu: 'I am glad that cohesion policy represents a priority for the Romanian Presidency at EU Council'

The cohesion policy represents a priority for the Romanian Presidency at the Council of the EU, European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu stated on Monday, adding that she wants, as soon as possible,…

22:35, 08.01.2019

#Romania2019.eu/ Next multi-annual financial framework, the main subject of today's GAC meeting

The most important subject discussed at the General Affairs Council (GAC) meeting this Tuesday was the multi-annual financial framework, Minister Delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba, who chaired the meeting,…

20:37, 07.12.2018

CultMin Breaz meets Macedonian Minister Ademi and discusses bilateral legal framework,joint cultural activities

The improvement of the bilateral legal framework and the future joint cultural activities featured on Friday on the agenda of the meeting between Culture Minister Valer-Daniel Breaz and Macedonian Minister for…

13:15, 15.11.2018

PM Dancila: We are discussing today a GEO draft on legal framework for setting up sovereign investment fund

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Thursday announced they are going to discuss an emergency ordinance draft regarding the legal framework needed for the setting up of a sovereign development and investment fund…

15:07, 09.11.2018

Gov't passes legal framework for differentiated minimum wage (sources)

The government on Friday approved a draft emergency ordinance that sets the legal framework for granting the minimum wage differentiated by educational attainment and seniority, according to government sources.The…

17:16, 05.11.2018

Deputy PM Stanescu: EUSDR provides integrated framework for riparian countries in view of developing strategic approaches

The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) provides an integrated framework for riparian countries and regions, in view of developing some transnational strategic approaches, Deputy Prime Minister…

09:43, 28.09.2018

PM Dancila: UN, largest multilateral framework for debating global issues

Romania grants special attention to the United Nations Organisation, as one of the largest multilateral framework for the debate of the main global issues, reads Prime Minister Viorica Dancila's message presented…

14:41, 11.09.2018

PM Dancila: Romania to make priority of negotiations on multiannual financial framework 2021-2027 during Presidency of EU Council

During Romania's mandate at the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, it will give primary attention to the advance of the negotiations on the future multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, Prime…

19:12, 05.09.2018

Gov't adopts memorandum that is key to 2021-2027 EU funding allocations

The government adopted at the meeting this Wednesday a memorandum of consequence for European Commission negotiations on the package for the upcoming multiannual financial framework 2021-2027, the government's…

16:46, 02.08.2018

President Klaus Iohannis asks Parliament to re-examine offshore drilling law

President Klaus Iohannis sent Parliament on Thursday for re-examination a bill comprising measures necessary for the implementation of oil operations by holders of oil agreements regarding off-shore oil blocks."We…

14:44, 30.07.2018

President Iohannis files constitutionality objection over bill on Court of Auditors

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday filed a constitutionality objection over a bill amending and supplementing Law 94/1992 on the Court of Auditors.  He says Parliament forwarded the bill to him for promulgation…

15:33, 29.06.2018

Iohanis: We want to facilitate talks on European financial framework so that negociations be concluded before parliamentary elections

President Klaus Iohannis affirmed on Friday in Brussels that Romania's ambition regarding the multiannual financial framework is to facilitate talks, so that negotiations be concluded before the parliamentary elections.…

15:32, 29.06.2018

Iohannis: We want to facilitate talks on European financial framework, so that negotiations be concluded before parliamentary elections

President Klaus Iohannis affirmed on Friday in Brussels that Romania's ambition regarding the multiannual financial framework is to facilitate talks, so that negotiations be concluded before the parliamentary elections. …

15:46, 21.06.2018

Augustin Lazar: Law on creating coherent intervention framework to minor's benefit needs to be completed

The General Prosecutor of Romania, Augustin Lazar, on Thursday remarked, in the opening of the session of the French-Romanian working group for family and child protection, that the legislation for creating a coherent…

13:43, 01.03.2018

Ministry of National Defence initiates procedure for awarding framework agreement to supplying multi-purpose corvettes

The Department of Armaments in the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) initiated on Thursday the specific procurement procedure for awarding the framework agreement for supplying the "multi-purpose corvette" product,…

17:08, 16.02.2018

Producție inteligentă cu Allied Telesis

După mai bine de 50 de ani de la recunoaștere, “Legea lui Moore&"continuă să aiba efecte profunde pentru tehnologie și societate.Astăzi, avem dispozitive mai mici decât oricând, care, dimpotrivă,…

16:56, 25.01.2018

Victor Negrescu: Romania, not lagging behind with preparations for EU Council Presidency

Minister delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu on Thursday considers unreal some people's tendency to say that Romania might be lagging behind in terms of its preparation for exercising the Presidency of…

21:30, 22.11.2017

Iohannis: Legislation, the bureaucratic death of a good deal of SMEs

President Klaus Iohannis said in Ploiesti on Wednesday that the existing legislation is a bureaucratic death to a great deal of small and medium-sized businesses, pointing out the need to create the right framework.…

14:53, 22.11.2017

Trade unionists in education request removal of salary discrimination and amendment of current payroll framework-law

The Federation of Free Education Unions (FSLI) requests that by 1 December, 2017, the salary discriminations created by the incorrect interpretation of Law no. 153/2017 provisions regarding the payroll of employees…

21:01, 20.11.2017

CNAIR concludes all framework-agreements and contracts necessary for removing snow in 2017-2018 winter

All the 57 framework-agreements and subsequent contracts for the 2017-2018 winter have been signed, the National Company for the Administration of the Road Infrastructure (CNAIR) informed on Monday. In respect…

22:41, 26.09.2017

CTP Cluj angajează ajutor programator. Vezi condițiile

CTP Cluj-Napoca organizează concurs in vederea recrutarii de personal pentru ocuparea unui post de ajutor programator.Cerinte minime: PostgreSQL, MySQL sau alte baze de date relaționale.Sunt considerate avantaj:…

17:38, 06.07.2017

PSD's Dragnea: Fiscal framework won't lose attractiveness

The fiscal framework of Romania won't lose its attractiveness, but, at the same time, as many companies as possible must become even more profitable, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and Social Democratic Party…

18:09, 22.03.2017

Rata fumatului la nivel mondial a scăzut cu 2,5% în 10 ani ca efect al unui tratat internaţional

În urma unui studiu publicat în jurnalul "Lancet Public Health", cercetătorii de la University of Waterloo din Canada și de la Organizația Mondială a Sănătății (OMS) au descoperit că progresul înregistrat contra…

13:07, 06.09.2016

Cum rulezi aplicații de iPhone și iPad pe PC

Un lucru pe care l-am crezut imposibil din totdeauna, este rularea de aplicații de iPhone și iPad pe PC. Deși nu vorbim neapărat de o reproducere 100%, cu asta se ocupă iPadian. Dacă vrei să vezi cum ar fi să folosești…

10:52, 06.09.2016

DOLIU în cinematografie. A decedat un mare producător britanic

Producătorul filmului Oraşul Zeilor a murit în timpul Festivalului de la Montreal, el fiind unul dintre membrii juriului. Producătorul şi jurnalistul britanic Donald Ranvaud, cunoscut pentru filme ca "Oraşul zeilor/…

10:18, 06.09.2016

Doliu în cinematografie: Producătorul Donald Ranvaud, găsit mort

Producătorul filmului Oraşul Zeilor a murit în timpul Festivalului de la Montreal, el fiind unul dintre membrii juriului. Producătorul şi jurnalistul britanic Donald Ranvaud, cunoscut pentru filme ca "Oraşul…

09:32, 06.09.2016

Producătorul filmului Oraşul Zeilor a murit în timpul Festivalului de la Montreal. Era membru al juriului competiţiei

Purtătorul de cuvânt al Festivalului de Film de la Montreal a confimat decesul lui Donald Ranvaud, fără a menţiona care a fost cauza morţii. Radio Canada a transmis că cineastul a fost găsit, luni, fără suflare,…

00:03, 22.08.2016

Romania intending to close 2007-2013 financial framework on 80-pct absorption rate of European funds

Romania is intending to close the 2007-2013 financial framework on an 80-percent absorption rate of European funds, given that so far in 2016 three billion euros have actually entered Romania's coffers, which is…

11:28, 22.04.2016

Dacian Ciolos wants to reset of framework of drafting public salaries act

The government wants to restart the whole working process and come up as soon as possible with a draft of a new emergency ordinance on the salaries of public employees, Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos stated on Friday…