Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:05, 05.07.2021

EC looking into 190 million euro state aid in favour of TAROM

The European Commission announced today having opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether Romanian support measures in favour of the airline TAROM would be in line with EU rules on state aid to companies…

11:45, 02.07.2021

PlayStation anunță Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut pentru PS5 și PS4

Noua ediție Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut va fi disponibilă pentru PlayStation 5 și PlayStation 4 din 20 august și le aduce gamerilor noi elemente din povestea captivantă a samuraiului Jin Sakai, alături de…

11:15, 17.06.2021

Elena Matei, finalista „Chefi la cuțite”, vrea propria afacere. „Îmi doresc să fiu o femeie de succes”

Elena Matei vrea propria afacere după finala de la „Chefi la cuțite” 2021, sezonul 9. Finalista își doreste să devină o femeie de succes care să nu depindă de bărbatul de lângă ea. Are planuri mari și pe plan personal,…

12:25, 08.03.2021

Taxi drivers are taken off the market in favour of ride sharing (COTAR)

The Confederation of Authorized Operators and Carriers of Romania (COTAR) draws attention to the non-compliance of the legislation in force, at the level of the local authorities, by decreasing the number of authorizations…

15:50, 05.02.2021

European Commission investigating Romanian support measures in favour of CE Oltenia

The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether Romanian support measures in favour of Complexul Energetic Oltenia SA (CE Oltenia) would be in line with EU rules on state aid to companies…

08:41, 22.12.2020

PNL's Orban - elected Chamber of Deputies Speaker

National Liberal Party (PNL) head Ludovic Orban on Monday night was elected Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. He got 179 votes "in favour" and 110 "against." His counter-candidate, Social Democrat Alfred Simonis,…

14:25, 06.12.2020

Ponta: I want Romania out of crisis in 2021; I voted for people who know how to do that

Pro Romania leader Victor Ponta on Sunday stated, at the exit from the polls, that he wants Romania to come out of the crisis in 2021 and voted for people who know how to do that. "Like every time, I voted "in…

22:55, 06.11.2020

Alliance for Agriculture: Closing markets favours less healthy imports instead of the local products

The decision to close the agri-food markets in closed spaces will deprive the population of locally produced food, and buyers will turn to less healthy imported products, a statement issued by the Alliance for…

19:30, 06.11.2020

President of Confederation of Farmers: Closing markets favours supermarkets; farmers have no place to sell their products

Farmers disapprove of the measure announced by the authorities regarding the closure of agri-food markets and fairs, considering that this favours supermarkets and multinationals, and Romanian farmers will have…

16:18, 13.07.2020

PSD's Arsene: CExN decides PSD to vote in favour of draft on quarantine, but with modifications

The Executive Committee of the PSD (Social Democratic Party) on Monday decided that the Social Democratic MPs should vote in favour of the draft law on quarantine and isolation, but with modifications, the head…

18:45, 04.06.2020

PNL's Alexandru says she is in favour of electronic vote, including in local elections

National Liberal Party (PNL) Bucharest leader and Labour Minister Violeta Alexandru has stated on Thursday that she agrees with the introduction of the electronic vote, including in local elections. "I am in favour…

13:02, 03.05.2020

World Press Freedom Day, as seen by political people, public authorities of Romania

The freedom of press is the guarantee of any functional democracy wherein citizens must be properly and timely informed, reads a message by the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) on the World Press Freedom Day, sent…

17:22, 29.04.2020

Draft law on Szeklerland autonomy, rejected by Romanian Senate

The Senate, as a decision-making body, on Wednesday rejected the draft law on the autonomy of the Szeklerland, which provided that it would become an autonomous region with legal personality.Senators voted by telephone…

13:13, 29.04.2020

Senate - Administration Committee: Negative report for bill on autonomy of Szeklerland

The Administration Committee of the Senate has drawn up a report rejecting the legislative proposal regarding the autonomy of the Szeklerland, which is to be discussed in the plenary meeting, at 14:00hrs. According…

16:09, 09.04.2020

CSM issues negative opinion on draft law regarding Directorate for Investigating Environment Crimes

The plenary sitting of the Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Thursday issued a negative opinion in relation to the draft law regarding the dismantling of the Directorate for Investigating Environment Crimes…

13:32, 17.02.2020

PM Orban: PNL MPs will give positive vote for the ministers, in the committees

PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday said that Liberal MPs will vote in favour of the ministers at the hearings in the parliamentary committees. "The hearings refer to the…

16:15, 05.02.2020

Censure motion, adopted with 261 votes "in favour"

The censure motion titled "Orban / PNL government - privatisation of Romanian democracy", initiated by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), was adopted by Parliament on Wednesday.  There were 261 votes "in favour",…

21:35, 31.01.2020

PM Orban: Rosia Montana file - a serious one; I believe we have every chance to receive a favourable decision

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday that the file regarding the inclusion of the Rosia Montană site with UNESCO's World Heritage list is a "serious one", pointing out that there is every chance of a favourable…

19:14, 06.01.2020

PM Orban: PNL, in favour of calling early elections

The National Liberal Party (PNL) is in favor of calling early elections, a context in which a commission made up of party leaders will investigate the real possibilities to carry them out and will hold exploratory…

13:35, 13.10.2019

PNL's Ludovic Orban argues in favour of restoring administrative capacities and public investments

The future Government that could be formed by the National Liberal Party (PNL) and other political parties will pay greater attention to restoring the administrative capacities necessary for the functioning of…

15:48, 11.10.2019

President Iohannis favouring early elections after presidential election

President Klaus Iohannis said on Friday that he is in favour of early elections, but only after the November presidential election.  The Constitution does not favour early elections, Iohannis explained at a news…

17:14, 07.10.2019

PM Dancila: PSD MPs won't vote in favour of censure motion; budget rectification to cover current spending

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Monday reiterated her belief that the censure motion won't pass and she also mentioned, on the same occasion, that budget rectification would be adopted by government decision,…

17:27, 12.09.2019

Minister Roxana Minzatu: Romania enjoys a favourable proposal from European Commission in respect to budget

Minister of European Funds Roxana Minzatu on Thursday stated that Romania "enjoys a favourable proposal" from the European Commission in respect to the budget, namely an increase by 8 per cent compared with the…

20:06, 01.08.2019

PNL's Orban: Dancila discovered the war against criminality,while refusing to repeal compensatory remedy law

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban stated on Thursday that Prime Minister Viorica Dancila "discovered" the war against criminality, however, she continues to endorse the compensatory remedy…

09:32, 29.07.2019

Tariceanu: I have had talks with Mr. Ponta, and I am in favour of PRO Romania participating in gov't

Chairman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Calin Popescu-Tariceanu told on Sunday private TV broadcaster Antena 3 that he had talks with Victor Ponta and that he is in favour of the entry of PRO…

14:36, 06.05.2019

National Opinion Poll (CURS): Who Are the Favourites to Win the European Parliament Election

The Center for Urban and Regional Sociology (CURS) has published an opinion poll conducted on a random, multistage, stratified sample of 1500 respondents. The results are representative for the adult population…

12:26, 09.03.2019

PLUS' Ciolos: Judges with High Court of Cassation and Justice voted in favor of 2020 Alliance

The judges with the High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) voted in favour of the USR PLUS 2020 Alliance, announced, on Friday, the chairman of the Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS), Dacian Ciolos,…

08:44, 04.03.2019

Senate's Tariceanu: CCR cannot favour the president regarding the budget; it's a chicanery of Government

President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu stated that President Klaus Iohannis sent the budget to the Constitutional Court (CCR) in order "to tease" the Government and argued that the CCR cannot favour the…

12:36, 26.10.2018

Articles in Criminal Codes regulating application of more favourable law, unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) on Thursday declared unconstitutional two articles of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Code, that regulate the application of a more favorable criminal law…

09:49, 17.10.2018

Minister-delegate Negrescu: Romania is in favour of an orderly and predictable process regarding Brexit

Minister-delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu reiterated on Tuesday, within the General Affairs Council (Art.50) meeting in Luxembourg, Romania's support in view of consenting the withdrawal agreement…