Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:42, 14.06.2019

Cisco extinde programul de certificări  

Programul de certificări profesionale Cisco reunește specialiștii în rețelistică și dezvoltatorii software într-o singură comunitate pentru a forma echipa IT a viitorului.  Programul de certificare și instruire Cisco include…

19:52, 13.06.2019

DIICOT: New Memorandum of Cooperation Romania-Italy, aimed at consolidating exchange of information

The Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) head Felix Banila on Thursday signed a new Memorandum of Cooperation between DIICOT and the National Anti-Mafia and Counter-Terrorism Directorate…

14:35, 12.06.2019

Euro trades at 4.7229 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7229 1…

15:16, 11.06.2019

Euro trades at 4.7232 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Tuesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.72321 US…

14:04, 07.06.2019

Euro trades at 4.7190 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7183 1…

21:55, 06.06.2019

​Corporate Report: Un email de la Elon Musk a valorat (temporar) jumătate de miliard de dolari

Elon Musk a trimis săptămâna trecută un email intern tuturor angajaților de la Tesla, pretinzând că firma este pe cale să depășească recordul de livrări – 90.700 într-un trimestru –…

16:24, 06.06.2019

Euro trades at 4.7183 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.71831…

17:12, 05.06.2019

Euro trades at 4.7295 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.72951…

11:03, 04.06.2019

Preluarea Leumi Bank România S.A. de către First Bank S.A. – analizată de Consiliul Concurenței

Consiliul Concurenţei analizează tranzacţia prin care First Bank S.A. preia Leumi Bank Romania S.A, prin achiziţionarea a 99,9235% din capitalul social al acesteia. First Bank S.A. este o instituţie de credit care…

16:24, 03.06.2019

National Bank of Romania's foreign exchange reserves decline to 32,834 million euros in May 2019

On May 31, 2019, the National Bank of Romania's foreign exchange reserves stood at 32,834 million euros, compared with 33,690 million euros on April 30, 2019, according to a press statement released by the bank…

14:17, 03.06.2019

Euro trades at 4.7450 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7450 1…

13:16, 03.06.2019

Consiliul Concurenţei analizează tranzacţia prin care First Bank vrea să preia Leumi Bank România

Consiliul Concurenţei a anunţat, luni, că analizează tranzacţia prin care First Bank vrea să preia Leumi Bank Romania, în condiţiile în care această operaţiune este o concentrare economică ce depăşeşte pragurile…

15:06, 30.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7582 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.75821…

17:56, 16.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7616 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.76161…

21:07, 15.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7615 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.76151…

16:45, 13.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7607 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows, according to Agerpres:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON…

14:57, 10.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7584 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7584 1…

14:03, 09.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7599 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7599 1…

14:14, 08.05.2019

Hackerii au furat 7000 de bitcoins de la unul dintre cele mai mari exchange-uri de criptomonede

Hackerii au furat monede virtuale în valoare de 41 de milioane de dolari de unul dintre cele mai mari exchage-uri de criptomonede din lume — Binance, potrivit reprezentanților companiei. Atacatorii…

10:46, 07.05.2019

Prognosis Commission revises 2019 year-end inflation estimate upwards to 3.2 pct

The National Strategy and Prognosis Commission (CNSP) revised upwards to 3.2 pct its year-end inflation forecast for 2019, changing also its average exchange rate estimates upwards to 4.74 lei/euro, according to…

14:05, 06.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7552 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7552 1…

14:26, 03.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7561 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7561 1…

13:53, 02.05.2019

Euro trades at 4.7579 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7579 1…

17:17, 24.04.2019

Euro trades at 4.7560 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Wednesday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.75601…

19:52, 19.04.2019

Romania: euro trades at 4.7607 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as follows:CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.76071 US…

13:49, 08.04.2019

Bitcoin din nou pe crestere - ce potential exista pentru perioada urmatoare

Moneda Bitcoin, cea mai populara criptomoneda si cea care da tonul evolutiei intregului domeniu, a inregistrat saptamana trecuta o crestere spectaculoasa - in jur de 20% in doar cateva zile. O dinamica de acest…

12:36, 06.04.2019

Corporate Report (Update): În timp ce era la tribunal, Elon Musk a pierdut un miliard de dolari, dar a plecat zâmbind

Directorul general de la Tesla a pierdut 1,1 miliarde de dolari din avere joi dimineață, în timpul înfățișării la tribunal cu Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). În primele minute de tranzacționare,…

14:25, 05.04.2019

Euro trades at 4.7508 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Friday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows:  CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7508 1…

04:22, 05.04.2019

​​Corporate Report. Special Elon Musk: de la Tesla și SpaceX la... SEC

​Acțiunile Tesla scad cu 9% după cea mai mare scădere a vânzărilor din istoria firmei ● &"Verde pe linie&" – SpaceX aprinde prima oară motorul navei pentru Marte și bombardează sonor casele pe o rază…

14:13, 04.04.2019

Euro trades at 4.7542 lei

The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from the quotations announced on Thursday by the banks authorised to operate on the currency market is as follows: CURRENCY SYMBOL RON 1 Euro EUR 4.7542…