Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:50, 05.04.2022

USR representatives, 206 other MEPs ask for meeting of European Council, sanctions against Russia

USR (Save Romania Union) MEPs and 206 other MEPs, in an open letter, ask for convening an emergency meeting of the European Council to decide on new sanctions against Russia, following the Bucha massacre, Agerpres…

13:05, 25.03.2022

Iohannis - Scholz, in Brussels, address economic, energy cooperation, Schengen area accession

President Klaus Iohannis had a bilateral meeting on Friday with Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, on the sidelines of the European Council meeting. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

18:50, 24.03.2022

President Iohannis talks with Bulgaria's PM security situation, economic cooperation and speeding up interconnectivity

President Klaus Iohannis had a meeting on Thursday with Bulgaria's Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, on the sidelines of the European Council meeting, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

09:20, 24.03.2022

Ucraina lansează noi acuzații la adresa Rusiei: 15 salvatori au fost capturați de ruși în Mariupol

15 persoane care lucrau în cadrul unui convoi umanitar au fost capturate de militarii ruși, susțin surse ucrainene, potrivit Sky News, anunță Mediafax. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

16:00, 23.03.2022

President Klaus Iohannis to participate in European Council meeting in Brussels

President Klaus Iohannis will attend the European Council meeting in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, the Presidential Administration informs. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

12:50, 23.03.2022

EU must support Western Balkans membership to secure peace says Scholz

The European Union must support the Western Balkan countries in their bid to join the bloc as soon as possible as part of its strategy to secure regional peace, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Wednesday,…

11:51, 22.03.2022

Defense Minister Vasile Dincu: EU-NATO cooperation is key to implementing Strategic Compass provisions

EU-NATO coordination and cooperation are key to implementing the provisions of the EU's Strategic Compass, National Defense Minister Vasile Dincu said as he attended on Monday the Foreign Affairs Council meeting…

20:46, 21.03.2022

President Iohannis calls for European Union to impose additional sanctions on Russia

President Klaus Iohannis attended a videoconference coordinating meeting on Monday, organized by European Council President Charles Michel, in preparation for the European Council meeting in Brussels on March 24-25,…

10:35, 15.03.2022

Premierii Cehiei, Poloniei și Sloveniei merg azi la Kiev, pentru a se întâlni cu Volodimir Zelenski

Cei trei oficiali europeni vor ajunge marți la Kiev și vor discuta cu președintele Volodimir Zelenski, potrivit The Guardian. Scopul vizitei este acela de a exprima sprijinul de neclintit al UE pentru libertatea…

21:16, 10.03.2022

President Iohannis: Main topics to be discussed in Versailles - war in Ukraine, energy issue

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday said, before the informal meeting of the European Council in Versailles, that the main topics addressed would be the war in Ukraine and the energy situation. Fii la curent cu…

08:25, 10.03.2022

Rusia confirmă folosirea rachetelor termobarice în Ucraina/ Video

Ministerul Apărării din Marea Britanie arată că a obținut confirmarea din partea Rusiei că au fost lansate rachete termobarice în Ucraina. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook…

08:25, 10.03.2022

President Iohannis attends informal reunion of European Council in Versailles

President Klaus Iohannis attends on Thursday, starting at 18:00, the informal meeting of the European Council that takes place in Versailles, France. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

22:20, 08.03.2022

President Iohannis announces first humanitarian convoy to Ukraine to be carried out in coming days

President Klaus Iohannis attended on Tuesday a videoconference coordination meeting with European Council President Charles Michel and the Prime Ministers of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, Hellenic Republic, Kyriakos…

20:05, 23.02.2022

President Iohannis to participate in extraordinary European Council meeting on Thursday

President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday is going to participate in the extraordinary meeting of the European Council in Brussels, informs the Presidential Administration, Agerpres.ro informs. Fii la curent cu cele…

08:36, 17.02.2022

President Iohannis to attend informal European summit, EU-African Union summit in Brussels

President Klaus Iohannis will attend an informal European Council meeting in Brussels on Thursday and Friday on the latest developments in the security situation at Ukraine's borders and the 6th European Union…

15:56, 09.02.2022

Românii, printre europenii care cred că țara lor ar trebui să ia parte la apărarea Ucrainei în cazul unei invazii a Rusiei (Sondaj)

Un sondaj făcut de think tank-ul European Council on Foreign Relations în rândul mai multor state europene, printre care și România, arată că majoritatea cetățenilor acestor țări - cu excepția Finlandei - cred…

08:20, 09.02.2022

​Sondaj Peste 60% dintre europeni vor ca NATO să sprijine Ucraina împotriva agresiunii Rusiei

​Majoritatea europenilor cred că Rusia va invada Ucraina în 2022 și consideră că atât Uniunea Europeană cât și NATO ar trebui să susțină Kievul, potrivit unui studiu citat miercuri de The Guardian.…

12:25, 04.02.2022

Biblioteca Universitară Cluj oferă vizitatorilor acces gratuit la publicații de prestigiu: Washington Post, Guardian, Daily Mail și multe altele

Biblioteca Centrală Universitară „Lucian Blaga” din Cluj-Napoca oferă, timp de o lună, acces gratuit pe platforma PressReader.com. Prin intermediul acestei platforme, cititorii pot accesa publicații de prestigiu,…

16:10, 24.12.2021

President Klaus Iohannis, external trips worth over RON 7 million, in 2021

President Klaus Iohannis made, this year, 16 external trips, which total expenses of RON 7,607,800.34, according to a response of the Presidential Administration, at the request of AGERPRES. On 7 and 8 May, President…

19:30, 21.12.2021

PM Nicolae Ciuca raises in Brussells issue of Schengen accesion and completing CVM

AGERPRES special corespondent, Florin Stefan, reports: Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca raised the issue, during the visit in Brussels on Monday and Tuesday, of the need for a decision, as quickly as possible,…

12:15, 21.12.2021

PM Ciuca presents to EU Council President, Romania’s priorities to strengthen cohesion at EU level

Romania’s Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca presented on Monday during his meeting in Brussels with the President of the European Council Charles Michel, the main priorities of the government and its efforts to strengthen…

10:20, 21.12.2021

PM Ciuca at meeting with President of the European Council presents commitment to strengthening cohesion at EU level

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca presented, during his meeting in Brussels on Monday, with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, the main priorities of the Government and offered assurances regarding…

14:05, 20.12.2021

PM Ciuca to present gov't priorities at meetings in Brussels with EU, NATO high officials

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca will convey the "absolute" openness of the new government for strengthening the dialogue with the European institutions during his meetings on Monday and Tuesday in Brussels, while…

12:00, 17.12.2021

President Iohannis reiterates in Brussels need to strengthen security and defense in Black Sea area

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated, at the European Council meeting taking place in Brussels on Thursday, the need to strengthen security and defense in the Black Sea area and expressed his concern about the deteriorating…

13:25, 16.12.2021

Iohannis: Romania will help R. Moldova to prepare, enforce reforms

Romania will help the Republic of Moldova to prepare, put its reforms into practice and improve its economic performance, with a view to becoming an EU member state, on Thursday said, in Brussels, president Klaus…

13:10, 16.12.2021

Iohannis, in Brussels: We will discuss new vaccine against COVID

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that a new COVID-19 vaccine will be discussed at the European Council meeting in the context of the new strain of the virus and showed that he will call on the Member States…

13:10, 16.12.2021

Iohannis, in Brussels: We need to see why the high energy prices have been reached

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the European Council meeting will address the topic of high energy prices, pointing out that the market needs to be thoroughly analysed in order to improve the conditions…

12:16, 16.12.2021

President Iohannis: So far, government is moving very well

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday, before the European Council meeting, that so far the Bucharest government is moving very well. One 'good and natural' thing, he said, is that there are discussions in…

17:56, 08.12.2021

President Iohannis meets EU states' ambassadors, tackles pandemic, energy prices, situation on EU border

President Klaus Iohannis met today with the ambassadors of EU member states accredited to Bucharest, with whom he tackled mainly the topics that will be on the agenda of the European Council summit on December…

13:40, 08.12.2021

President Iohannis congratulates Olaf Scholz, the new chancellor of Germany

President Klaus Iohannis congratulates Olaf Scholz for his election as federal chancellor of Germany. "Congratulations to Olaf Scholz for being elected federal chancellor! I can't wait to start our future cooperation…