Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:26, 26.02.2021

MAI launches new appeal to responsibility amid increase in SARS-CoV-2 infection rate

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) launches a new "call to responsibility" for compliance with health protection measures, especially in more crowded places, in the context of increased incidence rate of SARS-Cov-2…

23:35, 15.02.2021

VIDEO | Polițiștii ruși s-au filmat umilind un jurnalist, ținându-i fața lângă un castron cu mâncare de câine: ”S-a scurs ca să sperie oamenii”

Tratament umilitor pe care poliția din Vladivostok, Rusia, l-a aplicat unui jurnalist, în timp ce-i percheziționa casa. Imaginile prezentate de BBC sunt cu atât mai șocante cu câte cei care au le-au făcut publice…

11:41, 13.02.2021

Imaginile scurse ”pentru a-i speria pe manifestanții anti-Putin”: ce se întâmplă când polițiștii intră în casa unui protestatar

Arestarea și condamnarea liderului opoziției Aleksei Navalnîi au declanșat proteste masive fără precedent în Rusia. Determinate să potolească rapid mișcările de stradă, autoritățile au arestat mii de persoane și…

17:56, 06.12.2020

Patriarch Daniel: Saint Nicholas - friend of children, a man of good deeds done discreetly

The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, states that Saint Nicholas is "a man of good deeds done discreetly", but especially "a friend of children," according to AGERPRES. "Saint Nicholas is the helper…

09:45, 06.11.2020

Revoltă în Marea Britanie faţă de restricţii. Haos pe străzi la Londra, studenţii au dărâmat gardurile la Manchester VIDEO

Studenţii Universităţii din Manchester, Anglia, au protestat, nemulţumiţi de măsurile pe care facultatea lor le-a impus odată cu intrarea în vigoare a celui de-al doilea lockdown. Tinerii nu au fost de acord cu…

19:35, 26.10.2020

Mircea Geoana: We are confident that NATO will be able to work with either of two US administrations

NATO Deputy Secretary-General Mircea Geoana voiced his confidence on Monday in an online briefing with Romanian journalists in Brussels that the Alliance will be able to work with either of the two US administrations…

14:30, 01.10.2020

For 13 years a Patriarch, for 33 years a fruitful Father of the Church

 No title in the Church rises to the height and beauty of the surname “Father”. September 30 is annually dedicated to the Father of all fathers in the Romanian Orthodox Church: His Beatitude Daniel, a Patriarch…

17:10, 07.09.2020

TNB's Caramitru: People are not afraid to come to the theatre; they feel protected by rules

The manager of the Bucharest National Theatre House (TNB) in Bucharest Ion Caramitru said on Monday that people are not afraid to come to the theatre, especially as they will feel protected by the rules that apply…

13:19, 05.06.2020

Event for Romanian companies' promotion organised by Bucharest Trade and Industry Chamber

The Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIB) organized an event attended by representatives of the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering industry and of the related research sector, with the aim…

20:13, 26.05.2020

Sute de musulmani s-au rugat într-o parcare Ikea, în Germania

Aproximativ 800 de musulmani au fost surprinși în apropierea orașului Frankfurt, în timp ce se rugau într-o parcare IKEA. Aceştia au sărbătorit sfârşitul lunii sfinte a Ramadanului, alegând acel loc pentru a putea…

16:27, 18.05.2020

Weather forecast: atmospheric instability around the country until Thursday morning

National Meteorological Authority (ANM) on Monday issued an alert of atmospheric instability, which will be valid until Thursday morning, in the entire country. According to the forecast, between May 18, 10.00…

17:28, 08.05.2020

EUROPE DAY/Iulian Chifu: European unity will be visible especially in post-pandemic recovery plans

European unity will be visible especially in the recovery plans following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a health crisis that has brought to discussion the idea of democracy, as well as the idea of leadership, analyst…

16:02, 04.05.2020

President Iohannis: I don't have any problem with Hungarian ethnics, but with politicians,especially Social-Democrats

President Klaus Iohannis has stated on Monday that he has no problem with the Hungarian ethnics, but with the politicians, especially those with the Social Democratic Party (PSD), because they promote legislation…

18:24, 25.03.2020

PM Orban: Police profession has become even more dangerous in context of COVID-19 pandemic

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban says that the police profession has become even more dangerous in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and calls on Romanian citizens to support their work by observing the laws in…

13:32, 19.03.2020

PM Orban: The economy must function, especially in key sectors

The economy must function in this period, especially in the key sectors, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban emphasized on Thursday, further requesting companies to take protection measures for employees and showed that…

10:07, 11.03.2020

Orban requests mayors stop communicating information relating to diagnosed coronavirus cases

Interim Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, mentioned on Tuesday night that the representatives of the local administration do not have the quality of relaying information about diagnosed coronavirus cases, believing…

10:17, 09.02.2020

Originals – Sealed With a Kiss – cu Bogdan Sălăvăstru

În luna mai a anului 1989 australianul Jason Donovan avea să lanseze “Sealed with a Kiss”, al treilea single de pe albumul de debut ”Ten Good Reasons”. Pe album mai regăsim și hit-ul “Too Many Broken Hearts” dar…

22:40, 05.02.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Fall of Orban government, a very big step for Romania's democracy

The interim chair of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Marcel Ciolacu, stated on Wednesday that the adoption of the censure motion is "a very big step for Romania's democracy", especially the wellbeing of Romanians.…

17:08, 18.12.2019

Milioane de creștini din Brazilia, revoltați de comedia ”Prima ispită a lui Hristos”, în care Mântuitorul este prezentat ca homosexual

Compania americană Netflix, care le oferă utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a viziona online filme și seriale, a provocat un scandal uriaș în Brazilia din cauza comediei ”A Primeira Tentação de Cristo” (n.r. - Prima…

12:50, 06.12.2019

AgriMin Oros: Medicines are not marketed, they are prescribed

Minister of Agriculture Nechita Adrian Oros deems it necessary to amend and tighten the legislation regarding the use of medicines, especially antibiotics, in animals."Although in 2016 the National Sanitary Veterinary…

15:37, 30.11.2019

President Iohannis sends message of national unity and cohesion on St. Andrew's Day

President Klaus Iohannis on Saturday sent a message on the occasion on St. Andrew Day, which he called "an especially important day for all Romanians, at home and in the Diaspora." "Dear Romanians, I am glad to…

21:28, 26.11.2019

McMafia, cel mai bun serial dramatic la gala International Emmy Awards

Producţia britanică "McMafia" a câştigat premiul pentru cel mai bun serial dramatic la cea de-a 47-a ediţie a International Emmy Award, ce recompensează programele tv din afara Statelor Unite, potrivit Variety,…

11:37, 26.11.2019

Producția BBC 'McMafia', marele câștigător la gala International Emmy 2019

Producția BBC "McMafia" a obținut premiul pentru cel mai bun serial dramă la cea de-a 47-a ediție a galei International Emmy, care a avut loc luni noapte, la Hotelul Hilton din New York, potrivit Variety, scrie…

14:12, 24.10.2019

#2019Presidentialelection/ Dan Barna: Good chances for this gov't to be invested

The new government has good chances to be invested, Save Romania Union (USR) leader Dan Barna, the USR PLUS candidate for the Romanian Presidency, said in (northwest) Oradea on Thursday.  "It is a challenge for…

17:35, 03.09.2019

Bucharest Chamber of Commerce priority is non-EU market, especially East Asia

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest (CCIB) is currently prioritizing a rapprochement with the non-EU market, especially East Asia, stated on Tuesday the chair of the CCIB, Sorin-Petre…

09:53, 12.06.2019

ForMin Melescanu about elections in Diaspora: There were many cases of verbal agression, physical, too

Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu on Tuesday stated that in the elections to the European Parliament in the Diaspora "there were many cases especially of verbal aggression, even physical, too," adding…

10:12, 07.06.2019

Madonna după publicarea unui articol în The New York Times: „Mă simt ca şi cum aş fi fost violată”

Madonna a reacționat dur la adresa unui material jurnalistic publicat de The New York Times și spune că după ce a l-a citit se simte ”ca și cum aș fi fost violată”. Artista scrie pe contul său de Instagram că i-a…

20:55, 02.06.2019

Pope Francis' visit to Romania ends: I'm taking with me places, moments, yet especially faces

Pope Francis on Sunday said after three days spent in Romania that he leaves "enriched" because he will take with him places, moments and especially faces of those he met."I arrived to this beautiful and welcoming…

20:43, 30.05.2019

Romanian Popemobile for Sovereign Pontiff's visit, especially manufactured by Dacia plant and SPP

The Popemobile Pope Francis will use to travel during his visit to Romania at the end of this week is conceived by the Mioveni Dacia plant and the Guard and Protection Service (SPP) in accordance with the security…

16:36, 29.05.2019

Accident teribil de muncă în Mexic. I s-a înfipt o țeavă în piept după ce a căzut de la înălțime

Un tânăr în vârstă de 22 de ani a avut un accident de muncă teribil. Acestuia i-a intrat o țeavă în piept după ce bărbatul a căzuyt de la înălțime. Accidentul a avut loc în localitatea san Gaspar Tlahuelilpan din…