Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:15, 03.10.2023

Valahia 2023 national exercise, regarding simulation of a nuclear accident in Cernavoda, between October 3 and 5

The Valahia 2023 national exercise, regarding the simulation of a severe accident at the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, takes place between October 3-5, the population being cautioned not to panic because it is…

11:20, 22.09.2023

Repeal by Ordinance of predictability and stability obligations of Fiscal Code, an unacceptable deviation (Employers'confederation)

The repeal by Emergency Ordinance of the predictability and stability obligations of the Fiscal Code is an unacceptable deviation, says Radu Burnete, executive director of the Concordia Employers Confederation,…

11:55, 21.09.2023

Gas explosion and fire at highway construction site in Romania kills 4 and injures 5

A gas explosion at a highway construction site in Romania early Thursday killed four people and injured five, emergency authorities said, according to AP News. The blast happened around 1 a.m. near the eastern…

16:25, 20.09.2023

Finance Ministry proposes tax measures be applied earlier than 6 months after publishing in extraordinary situations

Finance Ministry proposes tax measures be applied earlier than 6 months after publishing in extraordinary situationsThe Ministry of Finance proposes that certain tax measures aimed at introducing new taxes or increasing…

13:15, 20.09.2023

Romania is participating, between September 18 and 22, in the European civil protection exercise "EU ModEx 2023 - Canakkale" which is taking place in…

Romania is participating, between September 18 and 22, in the European civil protection exercise "EU ModEx 2023 - Canakkale" which is taking place in northwestern Turkey.Romania is present at this exercise with…

14:10, 19.09.2023

A bear cub that fell into a well has been rescued by firemen

A bear cub that fell, on Tuesday, into a well in the Prahova commune of Sotrile was rescued by the firemen after an intervention of about two hours, the area being secured during this period by the gendarmes.According…

14:55, 18.09.2023

Two more planes loaded with relief items leave for Libya

Two more planes loaded with relief items left Romania on Monday for Libya, a country affected by the Mediterranean storm Daniel, the Department for Emergency Situations announced."Romania, in solidarity in the…

10:50, 08.09.2023

Aircraft with 112 passengers on board make emergency landing at Henri Coanda Airport

An aircraft belonging to the Tailwind Airlines company requested, on Friday morning, an emergency landing at the Henri Coanda International Airport Bucharest (AIHCB), because it signaled the detection of possible…

09:55, 05.09.2023

Traian Hristea si Raed Arafat, la Emergency management assistance. Despre ce s-a vorbit

In interventia sa, secretarul de stat a subliniat interesul Romaniei, asumat la cel mai inalt nivel, de a diversifica relatiile de cooperare cu statele continentului african, in baza unui angajament consolidat.…

19:56, 02.09.2023

Olaf Scholz cere un parteneriat egal cu statele emergente din Asia, Africa și America Latină

Cancelarul german Olaf Scholz cere un parteneriat egal cu statele emergente din Asia, Africa şi America Latină înaintea summitului G20 al economiilor majore din India, relatează DPA, potrivit agerpres.ro. “Acesta…

15:21, 28.08.2023

Emergency crews still working to cool tanks in area of LPG station in Crevedia

The crews of firefighters and specialists are still working to cool the tanks located in the area of the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) station in Crevedia, Dambovita County and the area is marked, the head of the…

15:50, 27.08.2023

Crevedia Explosion/Company that owned the LPG station, fined in 2020, working point, closed

Major General Benone Gabriel Duduc, with the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), announced that the station for LPG distribution in Crevedia, Dambovia County received three fines in 2020, totalling…

15:00, 27.08.2023

Crevedia Explosion/Two military aircraft with four seriously injured have touched down in Brussels, Milan

The two military aircraft transporting four seriously injured patients following the blast in Crevedia, Dambovita County, northwest of Bucharest have touched down in Brussels and Milan, respectively, the Health…

10:00, 27.08.2023

Crevedia Explosion/Other injured will be transferred Sunday to hospitals abroad

Other patients injured in the explosions occurred in Crevedia, Dambovita County will be transported abroad on Sunday, announced the head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat.He added that it…

23:31, 24.08.2023

Xi Jinping susține că statul chinez va continua să ofere ajutor țărilor africane

Dialogul liderilor țărilor BRICS, ai țărilor africane și a entităților noi emergente a avut loc, joi, la Johannesburg, Africa de Sud. În cadrul acestui eveniment prezidat de președintele țării gazdă, Cyril Ramaphosa,…

08:45, 24.08.2023

Not enough involvement in supporting children in state care (Family minister)

There is not enough involvement and effort in supporting children in state care, on Wednesday wrote on Facebook the minister of Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities, Natalia Intotero, after visiting the Emergency…

16:45, 23.08.2023

Romanian firefighters intervening to extinguish a fire near motorway in Greece

Romanian firefighters intervening to extinguish a fire near motorway in GreeceRomanian firefighters are intervening on Wednesday to extinguish a fire that broke out near a motorway in Greece, the General Inspectorate…

21:00, 21.08.2023

Summit-ul BRICS: Care sunt mizele celor 5 mari puteri emergente

Marți începe la Johannesburg întâlnirea la nivel înalt a liderilor Braziliei, Rusiei, Indiei, Chinei și Africii de Sud. Aceste state sunt cunoscute drept grupul BRICS, un acronim al denumirilor din limba engleză.…

18:15, 21.08.2023

Romanian firefighters in Corsica Island participate in extinguishing wildfire near Corte

Romanian firefighters in Corsica Island participate in extinguishing wildfire near CorteThe General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) announces that Romanian firefighters in Corsica are involved in extinguishing…

14:20, 21.08.2023

Blocul piețelor emergente care vrea să zguduie ordinea mondială

Principalele puteri de pe piețele emergente din lume se plâng de ani de zile că sunt marginalizate de națiunile bogate. Acum, lansează cea mai ambițioasă provocare la adresa status quo-ului. Blocul BRICS – Brazilia,…

14:36, 15.08.2023

IGSU: Team of Romanian firefighters dispatched to Corsica, set to help to extinguish forest fires

Romania sent a specialized forest fire-fighting unit to Corsica on Tuesday, with 20 firefighters with the emergency inspectorates.According to a press release issued by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations…

09:00, 08.08.2023

Vine alt cadou al americanilor pentru ucraineni: „Sunt gata”

SUA au aprobat livrarea primului lot de tancuri Abrams către Ucraina. Tancurile ar urma să ajungă în Ucraina la începutul toamnei. Acest lucru a fost anunțat de secretarul adjunct al Armatei pentru achiziții, logistică…

12:35, 03.08.2023

PM asks FinMin to expedite ordinance cutting gov't expenses to apply from September 1

PM asks FinMin to expedite ordinance cutting gov't expenses to apply from September 1Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has asked Finance Minister Marcel Bolos to expedite the completion of the draft emergency cutting…

13:11, 02.08.2023

PM Ciolacu: Gov't will promote 50-point emergency ordinance cutting public sector expenses

PM Ciolacu: Gov't will promote 50-point emergency ordinance cutting public sector expensesPrime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says that the government is going to approve an emergency ordinance on spending cuts in the…

16:55, 01.08.2023

Untold Festival: Thousands of MAI employees to ensure security at the festival

Thousands of employees of Ministry for Development, Public Works and Administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) with the Directorate General for Operational Management, the Romanian Gendarmerie,…

17:00, 29.07.2023

National module of extinguishing forest fires, in DG ECHO's pre-positioning programme

The Department for Emergency Situations within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, participates, between July 30 and September 2, with a national module…

16:05, 28.07.2023

Taifunul Doksuri mătură sud-estul Chinei, cu ploi puternice şi rafale de vânt de până la 175 de kilometri pe oră, şi scade în intensitate, după ce s-a…

Furtuna, care a pierdut din intensitate în ultimele ore, a atins coasta chineză către ora locală 9.55 (4.55, ora României), în provincia Fujian, situată în dreptul Taiwanului, potrivit televiziunii naţionale chineze.…

09:55, 28.07.2023

13 persons from Bardesti, Mures care centre rushed to hospital

As many as 13 people with chronic conditions from the care centre in the town of Bardesti, central County of Mures were transported to the hospital for additional medical care, the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations…

10:51, 27.07.2023

Four dead after heavy rains and storms, in Bucharest and 19 counties

Four people lost their lives, and houses, buildings and cars were damaged as a result of the storms and heavy rainfall, on Wednesday evening and night, which affected more than 50 towns in 19 counties and the city…

13:00, 25.07.2023

Almost 800k Romanians have called this months special number 112 due to hot weather

Hundreds of thousands of Romanians called, in the first three weeks of July, the emergency number 112, to ask for help in the context of the heat waves affecting Romania, the average being five calls every minute,…