Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:30, 29.02.2024

HILS Development lansează HILS Titanium, al șaselea proiect de mari dimensiuni în București

HILS Development lansează HILS Titanium, cel de-al șaselea proiect rezidențial de mari dimensiuni în zona de Est a Capitalei. Noul proiect este format din 7 blocuri cu 1.194 apartamente și 1.217 locuri de parcare…

22:45, 28.02.2024

Government informs that 125,000 euros is Romania's voluntary financial contribution to OECD budget

The Government approved on Wednesday the payment of Romania's voluntary financial contribution to the OECD budget in the amount of 125,000 euros. According to a press release from the Government, at the proposal…

21:40, 27.02.2024

PM Ciolacu: Gov't eying structural changes to turn national R&I system into economic development driver

The government is eying structural changes to the national research and innovation system in order to turn it into an economic development driver and increase Romania's competitiveness, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu…

08:40, 21.02.2024

Supreme Council for National Defence reunion to address developments on Black Sea region security situation

The Supreme Council for National Defense (CSAT) will gather on Wednesday at the presidential Cotroceni Palace, according to the announcement last week by the Presidential Administration. President Klaus Iohannis…

21:00, 13.02.2024

Marcel Ciolacu: Romanian companies not interested in mergers, but in development solutions

Romanian companies "are not in the least interested in mergers", but in development solutions, and the dialogue Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu engaged in these days with the leaders of the Romanian business milieu…

11:20, 12.02.2024

Scheduled events for February 12, 2024

EXECUTIVE:- PM Marcel Ciolacu to hold consultations with the representatives of the Concordia trade unions confederation DIPLOMACY:- Secretary of state for European Affairs Daniela Gitman participates in the informal…

22:25, 09.02.2024

Dialogue between ForMin Odobescu and British counterpart on future support of Ukraine

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, had a telephone conversation with her British counterpart, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development, David Cameron, on Friday.The…

07:55, 05.02.2024

Irakul – Opt bănci comerciale locale au interdicţie de a se implica în tranzacţii în dolari americani

Băncilor li se interzice accesul la licitaţia zilnică de dolari a băncii centrale irakiene, o sursă principală de valută în ţara dependentă de importuri, care a devenit punctul central al represiunii de către SUA…

06:55, 05.02.2024

Irakul a interzis unor opt bănci comerciale locale să se implice în tranzacţii în dolari americani

Băncilor li se interzice accesul la licitaţia zilnică de dolari a băncii centrale irakiene, o sursă principală de valută în ţara dependentă de importuri, care a devenit punctul central al represiunii de către SUA…

14:00, 01.02.2024

După 6 ani, Mazda reînființează echipa pentru dezvoltarea motorului rotativ

Anul trecut, constructorul japonez a reintrodus celebrul său motor rotativ la modelul MX-30 pe post de generator. Mazda, însă, dorește acum să lanseze mașini noi care să fie propulsate de acest motor, o intenție…

13:51, 01.02.2024

First calls for Interreg NEXT Romania-Ukraine projects raise 120 projects

The first calls launched under Interreg NEXT Romania - Ukraine Programme closed on January 31, with 120 projects submitted, for education, healthcare, as well as investment in combatting the effects of climate…

11:50, 31.01.2024

BVB stocks rally on Wednesday

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks opened higher on Wednesday on trades of RON 3.72 million (EUR 747,986) 45 minutes into the trading session.The main BET index reflecting the developments in the 20 most…

17:06, 26.01.2024

EduMin Deca, Swiss ambassador Ducrest discuss new dual-education legislation

Romania's new education legislation and the development of vocational education in a dual system exclusively from 2029-2030, were the main subjects discussed on Friday at a meeting of Education Minister Ligia Deca…

20:15, 25.01.2024

Gov't regulates use of computer application making appointments with immigration authority

At a meeting on Thursday, the government approved an ordinance that regulates the use of the computer application that allows making appointments to submit the necessary documents to the local offices of the General…

17:45, 25.01.2024

Ministry of Research finances projects on state-of-the-art technologies with over 180 mln RON

The Ministry of research, innovation and digitization (MCID) finances with 182.2 million RON projects that involve the implementation of state-of-the-art technologies in 25 research and development fields that…

17:00, 23.01.2024

HealthMin: Meeting OECD accession criteria this year, priority for Health Ministry

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila on Tuesday said that meeting the criteria for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) membership this year is a priority for the Health Ministry."Meeting…

15:20, 22.01.2024

PM Pham Minh Chinh: We are responsible to do better for developing cooperation between Vietnam and Romania

Vietnamese prime minister Pham Minh Chinh said the meeting with his Romanian counterpart Marcel Ciolacu was "very successful" and said "we are responsible to do better in the future for friendship, cooperation…

20:36, 19.01.2024

EBRD sells over 200,000 shares in Electrica, participation falls below 5 pct threshold

EBRD sells over 200,000 shares in Electrica, participation falls below 5 pct thresholdThe participation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Electrica's capital fell below 5%, after…

12:30, 19.01.2024

BVB stocks up Friday 90 minutes into trading

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) stocks opened higher on Friday on trades of RON 7.64 million (EUR 1.53 million) 90 minutes into the trading session.The main BET index reflecting the developments in the 20 most…

08:35, 11.01.2024

3.6 M, 3.4 M earthquakes in Vrancea county, Wednesday to Thursday

3.6 M, 3.4 M earthquakes in Vrancea county, Wednesday to ThursdayAn earthquake with a magnitude of 3.6 on the Richter scale occurred Wednesday night, at 23:01, at a depth of 99.4 km., followed by a second earthquake,…

14:20, 05.01.2024

HILS Development absoarbe creșterea TVA de la 5% la 9%, clienții vor putea cumpăra apartamente la același preț din 2023

La HILS Development, prețul apartamentelor rămâne neschimbat în primul trimestru al anului 2024. În perioada 15 ianuarie – 31 martie, dezvoltatorul suportă creșterea TVA de la 5% la 9%, absorbind astfel impactul…

10:10, 05.01.2024

Italy to put Africa development, AI at heart of its G7 presidency

Supporting African development and tackling the dangers posed by artificial intelligence (AI) will be two key themes for Italy during its one-year presidency of the Group of Seven, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia…

14:20, 03.01.2024

100 million euro loan from World Bank to improve judicial services

Romania will receive a 100 million euro loan from the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - IBRD) to improve judicial services, according to the agreement ratified by law on Wednesday…

13:36, 31.12.2023

Senate's Ciuca: We have duty to turn new year into starting point for future of development

We are, together, facing a new stage, a new year, which we have the duty to transform into a starting point for a future of development, the president of the Senate, Nicolae Ciuca declared on Sunday."Together,…

18:40, 24.12.2023

3.4-magnitude earthquake in Buzau County, Sunday afternoon

A new, 3.4-magnitude earthquake, occurred on Sunday afternoon, at 17:28, in the Vrancea seismic zone, Buzau county, according to information published by the National Institute for Earth Physics Research and Development…

13:40, 24.12.2023

4.2-magnitude earthquake in Vrancea County, Sunday morning

A 4.2-magnitude earthquake occurred on occurred on Sunday morning at 8:06 in the Vrancea seismic zone, Vrancea county, according to information published by the National Institute for Earth Physics Research and…

14:40, 22.12.2023

Ministry of Finance publishes Romania's Green Bonds Framework

The Ministry of Finance published Romania's Green Bonds Framework, a reference document for the issuance of sovereign green bonds to finance expenditure on projects that contribute directly to Romania's environmental…

12:45, 20.12.2023

'Babes-Bolyai' University implementing 1.4-million-euro project on oceanic and atmospheric flow

'Babes-Bolyai' University implementing 1.4-million-euro project on oceanic and atmospheric flow"Babes-Bolyai" University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca is implementing a 1.4-million-euro project, funded under the National…

23:20, 19.12.2023

Ciolacu: Budget for development and equity, based on investments, social justice

The budget for 2024 is one of development and equity, a budget based on investments and social justice, a budget that will help us get through these difficult times, but will also prepare Romania for the huge opportunities…

18:55, 15.12.2023

Discounterul non-food german TEDi a deschis primul magazin din Piatra Neamţ în Galleria Mall şi ajunge la o reţea locală la 32 de magazine

”Discounterul non-food TEDi, unul dintre cele mai mari din Germania, a închiriat un spaţiu de 743 de metri pătraţi în Galleria Mall din Piatra Neamţ, într-o tranzacţie intermediată de Colliers. Astfel, discounterul…