Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

11:40, 18.01.2021

INS: Turnover in market services mainly to companies in 2020 up 3.4pct Jan-Nov

Turnover from market services provided mainly to enterprises, in nominal terms, increased in the first 11 months of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019, both as gross series and as adjusted series in depending…

17:05, 28.12.2020

Different access conditions for studies in UK, depending on person's status, type of program

The students who have been in the United Kingdom until 31 December 2020 and who meet the conditions for registration in the EU Settlement Scheme or have already applied are not affected by the new immigration rules.…

18:25, 02.12.2020

Number of new car registrations in Romania, down 25.3% in first 11 months

The number of new car registrations in Romania decreased by 25.3% in the first 11 months of the year, compared to the same period in 2019, while in the used segment the decline was 15%, at comparative level, according…

21:06, 28.10.2020

Iohannis: EU countries, taking bold measures depending on evolution of pandemic, not expecting something from somewhere

President Klaus Iohannis affirmed on Wednesday with regard to the European Commission's president call on EU states to take bold steps to "save lives", that member states take such measures depending on the evolution…

11:40, 20.10.2020

Chiritoiu: Non-resident companies in Romania will be fined depending on turnover at global level

Non-resident companies in Romania will be fined depending on the turnover at a global level, once the Competition Law is amended, said, for AGERPRES, Bogdan Chiritoiu, the head of the Competition Council.The Government…

11:55, 31.08.2020

PM Orban: Opening of theaters, cinemas and restaurants - depending on spread of virus at county level

Activities in theaters, cinemas and restaurants will resume on September 1, a decision going to be adopted in this regard at Monday's Government meeting, said Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, who added that the reopening…

19:20, 05.08.2020

President Iohannis: New school year to begin on September 14, with generally in-person classes

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Wednesday that the new pre-university school year will start on September 14, with most students attending in-person classes, and that three scenarios have been devised on…

13:20, 03.08.2020

PM Orban: Schools to be reopened depending on the development of the epidemic

PNL leader Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday stated that the government is analyzing the possibility to reopen the schools once with the beginning with the new school year while preparing at the same time…

13:10, 03.08.2020

More than 16,000 disadvantaged persons from Galati to receive food, hygiene products from EU

More than 1,600 disadvantaged persons from the Galati municipality will receive food and hygiene products from the European Union starting on Monday. There are 355 beneficiaries of the guaranteed minimum income…

13:40, 27.07.2020

Child allowances to rise depending on economic forecasts

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday that the government will provide for a staggered rise of child allowances, and that the growth percentage and pace depend on economic forecasts."We are currently assessing…

14:00, 22.07.2020

Blue Air announces temporary cancellation of flights to/from Stockholm and Tel Aviv

Blue Air announced the cancellation of the flights to/from Stockholm (ARN), until August 15, after a decision of the authorities to extend the national state of alert and ban all flights to/from countries outside…

17:12, 15.07.2020

Vă mai amintiţi de Nadya Suleman, femeia însărcinată cu 8 copii? Cum arată acum, la 11 ani după ce a născut

Toată lumea este curioasă cum arată acum Nadya şi cum sunt copiii ei. Recent, a sărbătorit ziua de naștere a octupleților, aceștia au împlinit 11 ani. Înainte să îi nască pe cei opt, Nadia mai avea încă șase acasă.…

11:54, 14.07.2020

EconMin Popescu advises consumers to change gas, electricity suppliers depending on price

Romanian consumers are advised to move to another gas provider and, after liberalization, another electrical energy provider, if the prices are more acceptable with another provider than the one they are already…

12:25, 04.06.2020

In 2019 Romania has 8.7 million road vehicles, of which 78.6 pct older than 10 years

The total number of road vehicles registered for circulation, in the logs of the Directorate for Driving Licences and Vehicle Registration (DRPCIV), at December 31, 2019, was 8,749,390 vehicles, of which 78.1 pct…

17:33, 02.06.2020

Deputy PM Turcan says Gov't is considering awarding some grants to entertainment industry depending on number of workers

Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan has stated in Sinaia on Tuesday that the Government is considering awarding some grants for those in the entertainment industry, which has been "profoundly affected" by the restrictions…

08:57, 21.05.2020

Depending on epidemic evolution, terraces may reopen, outdoor shows could be resumed as of June 1

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Wednesday evening on the private television broadcaster Realitatea Plus that terraces could be reopened and outdoor shows could be resumed as of June 1."Activities where there…

08:34, 21.05.2020

PM Orban: Pensions, to increase depending on real possibilities

The government has as priority the payment of pensions and salaries and will increase the pensions, but only after a very serious analysis, depending on the real possibilities, so as to have the guarantee that…

22:27, 04.05.2020

PM Orban: We test depending on needs and based on protocol established by WHO

Testing for COVID-19 has been done in Romania "depending on the needs and based on the protocol that was established at the WHO level", Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Monday, adding that our country is "at…

11:53, 01.05.2020

IntMin Vela says what happens after 15 May depends very much on Romanians' behavior

Interior Minister Marcel Vela stated on Thursday that the manner in which restrictions are to be lifted after 15 May depends very much on Romanians' behavior until that date. "Depending on how the epidemiological…

08:52, 28.04.2020

PM Orban: Masks to become compulsory to wear in enclosed public spaces depending on virus spreading level

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban on Monday stated that wearing masks will be compulsory in the enclosed public areas as long as needed, depending on the evolution of the spreading of the novel coronavirus in Romania.…

15:17, 23.04.2020

PM Orban: Decision to resume classes to be made depending on epidemiological context

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban stated that the decision to resume school classes after the date of May 15 will be made depending on the epidemiological context, mentioning that masks for all children and for teachers…

11:12, 22.04.2020

Unemployment rate drops to 3.9 pct in 2019; unemployment - rife among lower;medium education graduates

The rate of unemployment dropped last year to 3.9 pct, from 4.2 pct in 2018, and unemployment affected to a greater degree the graduates of lower and medium education, for whom the unemployment rate stood at 6.3…

22:13, 09.04.2020

HealthMin Tataru estimates stocks of medical equipment is enough for one-two months

Minister of Health Nelu Tataru estimates that the Unifarm stocks and the medical equipment Romania is to receive in the next two days will be enough for one-two months. When he was asked by PM Ludovic Orban at…

15:59, 07.04.2020

EduMin Anisie: Written examinations of National Assessment, Baccalaureate might be organised in July

Education Minister Monica Anisie has stated on Tuesday that the written examinations of the National Assessment and the Baccalaureate might be organised in July."Depending on the date when classes are resumed,…

17:19, 02.04.2020

Several Italian, French resident physicians are helping Arad County Hospital during COVID-19 epidemic

Several foreign resident physicians, Italian, French but also from other countries are working at the County Clinical Hospital (SCJU) in western Arad, during the coronavirus epidemic, some being Italians, even…

08:36, 16.03.2020

PM Orban: Will not restrict right of Romanians to return, but obligations entail depending where from

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban told Romanian citizens abroad that their right to return will not be restricted, but, depending on where they come from, they have the obligation "to enter either quarantine, or self-isolate…

22:15, 17.02.2020

No more Romanians aboard Diamond Princess identified with coronavirus, passengers free to leave ship as of Wednesday

No other Romanian has been identified with coronavirus among the people stuck on the Diamond Princess cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama since February 4, and the passengers will be free to leave the ship at the…

12:30, 05.02.2020

PM Orban: We are prepared for anything; after motion, depending on result, I will call PNL leaership

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, PNL (National Liberal Party) head, on Wednesday stated, regarding the motion of censure about to be debated in Parliament, that the Liberals are ready for any scenario, also mentioning…

16:15, 19.01.2020

Pension's increase by 40 pct as of September, depending on economy's evolution, PM Orban says

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said that money is scheduled in the state budget for the pensions' increase by 40 pct as of September, but this measure's enforcement is not 100% certain because everything depends…

17:34, 26.12.2019

Jaf de Crăciun: o familie din Mangalia, lăsată fără cârnați

O gospodină din Mangalia a rămas fără cârnați din frigiderul aflat într-o dependință din curte, după ce a fost călcată de hoți. Oamenii legii sunt pe urmele făptașului care a fost surprins de camerele de supraveghere…