Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:20, 16.11.2021

Two Romanian COVID-19 patients treated in Denmark, Germany flown back to Romania

A C-27 J Spartan aircraft of the Romanian Air Force redesigned for medical missions is taking off today from the 90th Air Transport Base to repatriate two Romanian nationals cured of COVID-19, one in Aarhus, Denmark,…

18:25, 03.11.2021

Robert Glinţă, medaliat cu bronz la Europenele de nataţie în bazin scurt din Rusia

Robert Glinţă a cucerit, miercuri, medalia de bronz în proba de 50 de metri spate din cadrul Campioantelor Europene de nataţie în bazin scurt de la Kazan (Rusia). Înotătorul român de 24 de ani a fost cronometrat…

10:45, 29.10.2021

Romania moves Netherlands, Russian Federation, Faroe Islands to COVID-19 red zone

Romania's National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) has approved a new update of the list of countries/territories at elevated COVID-19 epidemiological risk, moving the Netherlands, the Russian Federation,…

11:21, 28.10.2021

Danish doctors to help Romanian doctors with severely ill COVID-19 patients

A team of three doctors and six nurses from Denmark, who arrived in Romania on Wednesday night, will help Romanian doctors with cases of severely ill COVID-19 patients, agerpres reports. "At the request of Romania…

17:50, 22.10.2021

Arafat: Two experts from Denmark to analyse situation of ICU beds at "Matei Bals" Hospital

Head of the Department Emergency Situations (DSU) Raed Arafat announced on Friday, after the Government meeting, that two experts from Denmark are in Romania and are analysing the situation of ICU beds at the "Matei…

09:15, 04.10.2021

Romania finishes Canoe Marathon World Championships in Bascov with one medal

Romania finished the Canoe Marathon World Championship Seniors, U23 and Juniors in Bascov, Arges County, with a medal, the gold received by brothers Adrian and Victor Stepan, on Friday, for the juniors double event.…

19:15, 16.09.2021

Kayak-Canoeing: Two Romanian teams, qualified in World semi-finals in Copenhagen

The two Romanian teams that evolved on Thursday, during the first day of the Kayak-Canoe World Championships for seniors in Copenhagen (Denmark) qualified in the semifinals. For the 1,000 meter double male kayak…

21:16, 05.08.2021

Wizz Air adds two new routes from Romania to Gran Canaria and Billund

Starting this autumn, low cost airline Wizz Air will launch two new flights from Bucharest to Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) - Spain, and from Cluj-Napoca to Billund (Denmark), the airline announced on Thursday…

13:21, 03.08.2021

Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, largest June 2021 increases in EU industrial producer prices

Industrial producer prices rose by 1.4% in both the euro area and the EU, compared with May 2021, with Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Romania reporting the largest increases among the 27 EU member states, according…

17:35, 27.07.2021

Baciu: Romania has sold 1,170,000 doses of vaccine so far

Secretary of State with the Ministry of Health Andrei Baciu, CNCAV (Coordinating Committee for Vaccination Activities against COVID-19) vice-president, on Tuesday said that Romania has so far sold 1,170,000 doses…

11:30, 21.07.2021

Arad: Six migrants from three countries, caught while trying to illegally exit Romania

Six migrants from Afghanistan, Syria and Algeria were caught by authorities in the past 24 hours, when attempting to cross the border illegally to Hungary through Arad County, hiding in two road trains or walking…

12:15, 01.07.2021

Andrei Baciu: 237,600 Johnson&Johnson vaccine doses to arrive in Romania tonight

The deputy chairman of Romania's National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV), Andrei Baciu, declared that the night between Thursday and Friday, 237,600 vaccine doses produced by Johnson&Johnson…

21:25, 28.06.2021

Citu: Romania sells anti-COVID vaccine to several countries; for Denmark - one million doses

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Monday that Romania sells anti-COVID-19 vaccine to several countries, with Denmark to receive one million doses. He was asked about the doses of anti-COVID-19 vaccine that are…

18:40, 28.06.2021

Explozii și incendiu uriaș la Londra! Un nor negru de fum a învăluit o parte a capitelei britanice VIDEO

Un incendiu uriaș a izbucnit în Londra, luni după-amiază, în apropierea stației de metrou Elephant and Castle din sud-estul metropolei. Staţia de metrou, dar şi alte clădiri de birouri din zonă au fost evacuate…

23:50, 17.06.2021

Momente emoționate la Copenhaga. Meciul Danemarca – Belgia, centrat pe susținerea lui Eriksen

Partida Danemarca – Belgia, scor 1-2, disputată joi, 17 iunie, la Copenhaga, în cadrul grupei B de la Euro 2020, l-a avut în centrul atenției pe atacantul danez Christian Eriksen, 29 de ani, internat la spital…

21:15, 12.06.2021

UEFA, despre starea fotbalistului danez Eriksen care a leșinat pe teren

CHIȘINĂU, 12 iunie - Sputnik. Mijlocașul danez Christian Eriksen, care s-a prăbușit în timpul meciului din cadrul EURO 2020 împotriva Finlandei, a fost internat și stabilizat. Acest lucru este comunicat într-un…

20:40, 12.06.2021

OFICIAL - UEFA anunță primele detalii despre starea lui Christian Eriksen: a fost stabilizat

Oficialii UEFA au o întâlnire de urgență, după ce jucătorul danez Christian Eriksen a căzut secerat la pământ, în timpul meciului dintre Danemarca și Finlanda. Conform anunțului UEFA, Christian Eriksen a fost transportat…

14:41, 14.05.2021

SMEs should also receive grants through PNRR, not only financial instruments

Small and medium-sized enterprises should benefit from grants from the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR), as is happening in the rest of the European countries, not only from financial instruments,…

16:20, 27.04.2021

Unul dintre cei mai buni pivoți din lume a semnat cu CSM București

Clubul Sportiv Municipal București a obținut semnătura uneia dintre cele mai bune jucătoare de handbal din lume pe postul de pivot. Olandeza va juca pentru bucureștence următoarele două sezoane. Yvette Broch, cu…

13:26, 22.04.2021

Romania, one of largest government deficit in EU in 2020

All EU member states ended 2020 with a government deficit, but the highest values were registered in Spain (11% of GDP), Malta (10.1% of GDP), Greece (9.7% of GDP), Italy (9.5% of GDP), Belgium (9.4% of GDP), France…

14:35, 15.04.2021

VIDEO Momentul în care un oficial danez își pierde cunoștința în timpul conferinței de presă în care s-a anunțat renunțarea la vaccinul AstraZeneca

Tanja Erichsen, directorul Departamentului de Farmacovigilență al Agenției Daneze pentru Medicamente, a leșinat ieri în timpul conferinței de presă în care oficialii din această țară anunțau că renunță…

23:45, 18.03.2021

In Romania, vaccination could become mandatory

The information about the compulsory vaccination in Romania appeared on the website of the Chamber of Deputies ( http://www.cdep.ro/ ) and thus seems to be genuine. The following text appears in the published text:…

21:20, 11.03.2021

Health Ministry's Baciu: Romania hasn't received vaccines from Austria batch

Romania hasn't received vaccines from the one million dose batch from which two people in Austria had been immunised and had adverse reactions, Health Ministry's Secretary of State Andrei Baciu pointed out for…

01:45, 10.02.2021

Filmul Colectiv, dublă selecție pe lista scurtă la Premiile Oscar, pentru „Cel mai bun film străin” și „Cel mai bun documentar”

Filmul „Colectiv”, regizat de Alexander Nanau , este între primele 15 filme alese de lista scrurtă, de votanții Premiilor Oscar, atât la categoria „Cel mai bun documentar”, cât și la „Cel mai bun film străin”,…

14:15, 06.01.2021

Denmark, France, Estonia, Romania, the largest growth in industrial producer prices in EU, in Nov

In November 2020, industrial producer prices rose by 0.4pct in both the euro area and the EU, compared with October 2020, with Denmark, France, Estonia and Romania reporting the higher growths among the 27 EU MS,…

16:06, 02.01.2021

Coronavirus latest/ Case count of Romanians abroad unchanged at 7,063, out-of-country death toll steady at 130

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed as infected with the novel coronavirus remained unchanged at 7,063 since the last reporting, as did the number of out-of-country coronavirus-related Romanian fatalities…

17:05, 27.12.2020

GCS: Number of Romanians abroad confirmed with the new coronavirus remained at 7,044; deaths - 128

The number of Romanians abroad confirmed with the new coronavirus remained at 7,044, and that of deaths at 128, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announced on Sunday. According to the quoted source, out of…

14:40, 17.12.2020

Coronavirus/Number of Romanian nationals abroad infected with novel coronavirus rises to 7,034, death toll unchanged

The number of Romanian nationals from abroad confirmed with the novel coronavirus increased to 7,034, three more than the last report, whilst the number of deaths stayed unchanged at 127, the Strategic Communication…

08:15, 18.11.2020

Romania qualifies for the European Under-21 Championship, after 1-1 with Denmark

Romania's Under-21 team qualified for the 2021 European Youth Football Championship after finishing in a 1-1 (0-0) draw with Denmark on Tuesday night at the Ilie Oana Stadium in Ploiesti (60 km north of Bucharest)…

18:35, 16.11.2020

ParlamentaryElections2020/Training sessions for people to be part of polling stations abroad

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) informs that, between November 11 and 15, as many as 30 training sessions were organized in videoconference system for the persons to be appointed as presidents of the electoral…