Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:00, 29.03.2023

Education draft laws, adopted by Gov't to be debated in Parliament as a matter of urgency (minister)

The draft education laws were approved at Wednesday's Government meeting and will be sent to Parliament for debate and adoption as a matter of urgency, Education minister Ligia Deca announced."We have received…

11:05, 29.03.2023

Ambasadorii EPAS de la Colegiul „Alexandru cel Bun” Gura Humorului, în vizită la Spațiul ...

Vineri, 25 martie, ambasadorii juniori EPAS împreună cu elevi de la Clubul de Debate de la Colegiul "Alexandru cel Bun" Gura Humorului au avut șansa de a desfășura o activitate interactivă la Spațiul Public European,…

11:10, 16.03.2023

Macroeconomic outlook to be debated at the 3rd Romanian Business & Investment Roundtable Conference

The third edition of the Romanian Business & Investment Roundtable Conference continues on Thursday, with a new series of debates on macroeconomic perspectives.Among the topics addressed are the energy crisis,…

12:00, 13.03.2023

Debate on consumer rights to take place on Monday

The Suta la Suta Romanesc Association [Hundred Percent Romanian - editor's note], through the Consumer Tribune platform, in partnership with the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) organizes, on Monday,…

17:00, 06.03.2023

Deputies Chamber kicks off debate on simple motion against Labour Minister

The Chamber of Deputies met on Monday to debate the simple motion against the minister of labour, Marius Budai, submitted by 56 MPs from the USR (Save Romania Union) and non-affiliated members of the Forta Dreptei…

20:15, 09.02.2023

Judge Enache, ambassador Chirila discuss debates with Moldovan constitutional judges

Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) Marian Enache on Thursday discussed with Moldova's ambassador in Bucharest Victor Chirila organising, as part of the centennial of the Constitution of Reintegrated…

11:05, 26.01.2023

Patru elevi ai Colegiului „Petru Rareș” au fost premiați la un concurs de dezbateri în ...

Patru elevi de la Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș" Suceava au fost printre cei mai buni competitori ai Concursului național de dezbateri științifice „Debats toi !", de la București, secțiunea limba engleză, echipajul…

09:10, 25.01.2023

Debate on 164th anniversary of Union of the Romanian Principalities, hosted by Cercle Royal Gaulois in Brussels

A debate dedicated to the 164th anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities took place on Tuesday evening, at Cercle Royal Gaulois in Brussels, bringing together Romanians from the country and in the…

15:05, 13.01.2023

Bugetul municipiului Piatra-Neamţ, în debatere

Bugetul municipiului Piatra-Neamț este, în această perioadă, în dezbatere publică. Secțiunii dezvoltare îi sunt alocate, în acest an, 216 milioane de lei, cu peste 60 de milioane mai mult față de anul precedent.…

09:05, 08.12.2022

Online debate on photovoltaic energy, part of Romania's clean energy mix

The national development strategy in the field of photovoltaic energy, as well as the development potential of photovoltaic energy production capacity in Romania, are topics that will be addressed on Thursday by…

16:56, 06.12.2022

League of Romanian Students Abroad, Italian branch, organises 'The Future of European Political Movements' debate

The League of Romanian Students Abroad (LSRS), the Italian branch, will organise on Wednesday the webinar titled "The Future of European Political Movements", a debate about the importance of democracy in European…

16:51, 21.11.2022

Debate on violence against women organised at Chamber of Deputies, with foreign MPs attending

Violence against women, a plague faced by all countries, and the need to continue improving relevant legislation were the subjects of the debate titled "Gender Equality: Legislation and Best Practices in Romania…

14:36, 16.11.2022

FOTO / Prima competiție de debate din acest an, la Colegiul „Eminescu”

Colegiul Național „Mihai Eminescu” Buzău și-a deschis porțile în week-end pentru 50 de elevi și profesori din șase licee, din Buzău, Nehoiu și Râmnicu Sărat, pentru a găzdui prima competiție de dezbateri din județ…

11:30, 01.11.2022

Debate on Romania's accession to OECD, at the Italian Embassy

Romania's Accession to the OECD: The Anti-Bribery Convention. The Italian Experience seminar took place on Monday at the Italian Embassy in Bucharest, with the participation of the secretary of state in the Ministry…

13:25, 26.10.2022

USR's Mosteanu: PNL and PSD reject introduction into debate of bill abolish MPs' pensions

The National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) have again rejected the Save Romania Union's (USR) request from the meeting of the joint Standing Bureaus regarding the inclusion on the agenda…

11:25, 18.10.2022

Danube Delta Management Plan debate begins, a legal document for the next 10 years

The Administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (ARBDD) is organizing, on Tuesday, in far eastern Chilia Veche, the first debate of the Management Plan of the Reserve, a document that establishes the measures…

17:35, 12.10.2022

Parliamentary Committee for Justice Laws finalises debate on the judicial organization draft law

The Parliamentary Committee for Justice Laws finalised, on Wednesday, the debate on the judicial organization draft law and the amendments submitted by the senators. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

09:10, 11.10.2022

Deputies' Chamber to debate simple motion against IntMin Bode, tabled by USR, Right Force Party

The Deputies' Chamber is scheduled to debate and vote, on Tuesday, the simple motion against Interior Minister Lucian Bode, tabled last week by 55 Save Romania Union (USR) and non-affiliated MPs belonging to the…

15:41, 05.10.2022

Constitutional Court postpones for October 26 debates on President Iohannis' notification on Aquaculture Law

The Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) postponed for Wednesday, October 26, the debates on President Klaus Iohannis' notification on the Aquaculture Law. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

08:00, 29.09.2022

FOTO | Debate-ul, un alt domeniu de excelență al Hasdeului

La ce bun un club de debate într-un liceu? Primul răspuns care îți vine în minte este, bineînțeles, că poate fi de mare  ajutor celor care doresc să deprindă argumentarea. Chiar dacă ar fi vorba numai de acest…

12:50, 21.09.2022

Draft budget, developed until October 20, to be submitted to parliamentary debate in November

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announced on Wednesday that the Ministry of Finance will present the draft budget for next year by October 20, so that it can be submitted to the parliamentary debate in November. Fii…

15:55, 20.09.2022

Ministry of Research, Innovation, Digitization launches draft decision of Governmental Cloud Platform into public debate

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization (MCID) has put into public debate the draft decision on the governance of the Governmental Cloud Platform that establishes standards, rules and obligations…

16:56, 19.09.2022

Association of Balkan News Agencies - Southeast Europe General Assembly debate on fake news

Information channels multiply on a daily basis, attempts at lies and manipulation easily reach more people than ever, and political, corporate, and economic interests benefit from that. This new reality makes the…

10:16, 08.09.2022

Report on climate change, launched on Thursday in public debate at Cotroceni Presidential Palace

The report "Limiting climate change and its impact: an integrated approach for Romania" will be launched, on Thursday, in public debate, in an event that will be hosted at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace, informs…

10:55, 05.09.2022

VIDEO President Iohannis expects intense and natural debate on future of education to continue in Parliament

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Monday that there has recently been an intense and natural debate on the future of education, showing that he expects the debate to continue in Parliament until a legislative…

10:16, 05.09.2022

Bucharest: The new regulation for electric scooters, in public debate

The capital city hall submits to public debate the new regulation regarding the conditions of use of electric scooters. The citizens of Bucharest who use them, as well as the operators of scooter fleets, can come…

11:41, 30.08.2022

PM Ciuca encouraging debates, dialogue on new education laws

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Tuesday saud that this is the last school year based on the old package of education laws, noting that he greatly appreciates public debates and continues to encourage dialogue on…

20:15, 20.06.2022

Simple motion against Education minister, debated at Chamber of Deputies

The simple motion against the Education minister, Sorin Cimpeanu, initiated by the Save Romania Union (USR) was debated on Monday afternoon, at the Chamber of Deputies. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

18:40, 09.06.2022

Launch of 'Forum Romania' debate platform for expert development policies and solutions

The CRED Foundation launched on Thursday at the Palace of Parliament the debate platform titled Forum Romania, joining personalities with expertise from various walks of life and aimed at identifying sectoral development…

09:51, 08.06.2022

Debate to focus on use of data science in energy

Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies' Committee on Industries and Services Sandor Bende together with MP Oana Ozmen and Think Tank 360 organises today for the first time in Romania a debate on data science in energy.…