Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

09:11, 11.11.2023

Muzeul de Istorie Nationala si Arheologie Constanta gazduieste vernisajul expozitiei foto-documentare Comunitatea britanica din Kustendjie (1857-1882)

Muzeul de Istorie Nationala si Arheologie Constanta organizeaza marti, 14 noiembrie, la ora 12.00, in Sala Vasile Canarache, vernisajul expozitiei foto documentare Comunitatea britanica din Kustendjie 1857 1882…

08:40, 10.11.2023

Planuri mărețe pentru a face Dunărea navigabilă mai multe zile pe an

Ministrul bulgar al Transporturilor și Comunicațiilor și ministrul Dezvoltării Regionale și Lucrărilor Publice de la Sofia iau măsuri urgente pentru finalizarea activității legate de studiul de impact ecologic…

17:11, 01.11.2023

Transport Minister Grindeanu says authorities not to accept bridge over Danube until non-conformities removed

Transport Minister Grindeanu says authorities not to accept bridge over Danube until non-conformities removedTransport Minister Sorin Grindeanu in Braila on Wednesday said that the suspension bridge over the Danube…

17:06, 31.10.2023

#citesteDobrogea: Intrarea Romaniei in razboiul de independenta si participarea la operatiunile militare (1877-1878)

Domnitorului Carol I i a fost solicitat sprijinul de catre Marele Duce Nicolae al Rusiei pentru a se alatura ofensivei armatei ruse, in actiunile militare din Balcani, impotriva pozitiilor otomane. lt;A l 39;endroit…

13:05, 20.10.2023

Russia's attacks on the Danube, not accidental, strengthening of NATO presence is welcome (PM)

Russia's attacks on the Ukrainian ports on the Danube "are not accidental", in the context in which more than half of the grain export from the neighbouring country transits Romania by sea, prime minister Marcel…

10:30, 15.10.2023

Liga a 4-a Constanta: Rezultatele etapei a 12-a (seniori si juniori + clasamente si galerie foto)

In etapa a 12 a a Ligii a 4 a de fotbal a judetului Constanta s au inregistrat rezultatele: Portul Constanta ndash; Farul Tuzla 4 0 la seniori 5 3 la junioriViitorul Pecineaga ndash; CSO Ovidiu 2 0 3 9CS Eforie…

11:20, 11.10.2023

UDMR's Hunor: Romania supports Ukraine, but it cannot destroy its own farmers

The President of UDMR (Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania), Kelemen Hunor, on Tuesday evening stated that Romania supports Ukraine, "but it cannot destroy its farmers," and the transit of grain must be ensured…

09:00, 07.10.2023

Incompetence on the EU’s dime: Why it takes more than 5 years to renovate a school in Romania

A third of the schools, kindergartens and cultural centers that should have been renovated, equipped or built from scratch with European money from the Danube Delta ITI are in ruins, unfinished, not built at all…

10:40, 06.10.2023

Traffic through PTF Isaccea, stopped due to drone attacks on Ukrainian side of the Danube

Traffic through the eastern Isaccea Border Crossing Point (PTF) is stopped, on Friday, following drone attacks during the night on the Ukrainian side of the Danube."Traffic through PTF Isaccea is completely closed…

08:26, 01.10.2023


Military Divers Day, agerpres reports. Breast Cancer Day National Day of Romanian Gastronomy and Wine (first Sunday of October) 1855 - Publication of Steaua Dunarii (The Star of the Danube) magazine, a political,…

08:11, 27.09.2023


SEPTEMBER 27 IN HISTORY1461 - First mention in a document of the Giurgiu Route, an important commercial road connecting the Danube riparian town to Transylvania 1827 - Birth of historian and philologist Alexandru…

10:10, 24.09.2023

Liga a 4-a Constanta: rezultatele etapei a opta (seniori si juniori + clasamente)

In etapa a opta a Ligii a 4 a de fotbal a judetului Constanta s au inregistrat rezultatele:Portul Constanta ndash; Danubius Rasova 0 2 la seniori 2 1 la junioriViitorul Pecineaga ndash; Viitorul Cobadin 0 5 0 7CS…

09:50, 20.09.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Russian Federation must understand attacks on civilian targets are unacceptable in civilised world

The minister of national defence Angel Tilvar has strongly condemned the Russian Federation's attacks against targets and elements of civilian infrastructure in Ukrainian ports on the Danube at a meeting of the…

10:35, 17.09.2023

Liga a 4-a Constanta: Rezultatele etapei a saptea (seniori si juniori + clasamente)

In etapa a saptea a Ligii a 4 a de fotbal a judetului Constanta s au inregistrat rezultatele:Farul Tuzla ndash; Poseidon Limanu 2 Mai 3 5 la seniori 1 8 la junioriCS Agigea ndash; Viitorul Pecineaga 9 1 5 2Danubius…

18:45, 15.09.2023

Tot ce trebuie să știi despre Danube Rock Sounds 2023

Doar câteva zile au mai rămas până la Danube Rock Sounds, festivalul de rock din Galați, ce se va desfășura în perioada 15-17 septembrie. Până atunci, iată tot ce trebuie să știe un participant:

12:20, 15.09.2023

Romania-US High Level Defence Group discusses Russian attacks on Danube ports

Romania-US High Level Defence Group discusses Russian attacks on Danube portsA delegation of the Romanian Defence Ministry (MApN) led by senior official for defence policy, planning and international affairs Simona…

10:30, 15.09.2023

Romania ups flight restrictions at Ukraine border as drone debris found

Romania has imposed additional flight restrictions in parts of its air space along the Ukrainian border as Russian attacks on Ukraine’s Danube river ports have intensified fears of a spillover on nearby Romanian…

19:35, 14.09.2023

Impact of Russian aggression on Romanians at Ukrainian border, addressed by DefMin Tilvar and German ambassador Gebauer

The minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, received the German ambassador in Bucharest, Peer Gebauer, on Thursday, at the Ministry of National Defence (MApN) headquarters, with whom he discussed the current…

16:16, 13.09.2023

Danube Rock Sounds de la Galaţi va fi plin de muzică bună cu artiști ca VAMA, Cargo, Subcarpaţi, COMA, byron și The Mono Jacks

Cargo, VAMA, Subcarpaţi, Dog eat Dog, COMA, byron, The Mono Jacks, E-an-na, Luna Amară, Basska, Stema şi Melting Dice vor urca pe scena Danube Rock Sounds care va avea loc în perioada 15-17 septembrie, la Galaţi.După…

14:45, 13.09.2023

Vama și Cargo vor concerta la Danube Rock Sounds 2023, la Plaja Dunărea din Galați

Iubitorii rock-ului sunt așteptați la Galați, la Danube Rock Sounds 2023, eveniment care va avea loc în perioada 15-17 septembrie. Trupe îndrăgite precum Vama, Cargo, Subcarpați vor urca pe scena de la Plaja Dunărea

11:30, 13.09.2023

VIDEO. Rușii atacă dezlănțuit porturile de la granița cu România: La Tulcea s-a emis mesaj RO-Alert

Trupele lui Putin au atacat, în cursul nopții, porturile Reni și Izmail. Acestea sunt porturi la Dunăre, aflate la mică distanță de granița cu România. Conform Nexta, rușii au atacat cele două porturi cu drone…

11:00, 13.09.2023

Liga a 4-a Constanta: Rezultatele din etapa a sasea (seniori si juniori + clasamente)

Meciurile etapei a sasea de la Liga a 4 a de fotbal a judetului Constanta s au incheiat cu rezultatele: Poseidon Limanu 2 Mai ndash; CSO Murfatlar 0 1 la seniori 0 3 la junioriPortul Constanta ndash; Viitorul Cobadin…

16:20, 11.09.2023

More than 200 soldiers from seven states start Sea Breeze 23.3 drill

More than 200 soldiers from seven states, including Ukraine, are participating in the 4-day Sea Breeze 23.3 multinational drill, starting on Monday, by the Romanian and United States Naval Forces, on the Black…

13:11, 11.09.2023

NATO's Geoana: There are no indications that Russia has any intention of attacking a NATO state

NATO's Geoana: There are no indications that Russia has any intention of attacking a NATO stateNATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana says that there are no indications of the Russian Federation having an…

11:05, 10.09.2023

Fotbal judetul Constanta: Liga a 4-a, etapa a cincea. Rezultate si clasamente (seniori + juniori)

In etapa a cincea a Ligii a 4 a de fotbal a judetului Constanta, ditia 2023 2024, s au inregistrat rezultatele:CS Agigea ndash; Portul Constata 3 3 la seniori 3 1 la junioriViitorul Cobadin ndash; CS Navodari 2…

19:05, 09.09.2023

Jens Stoltenberg, după anunțul României despre noile bucăți de dronă găsite lângă Plauru. „Niciun indiciu privind un atac intenționat”

NATO nu are indicii că noile fragmente dintr-o dronă rusească găsite sâmbătă, 9 septembrie, lângă localitatea Plauru din județul Tulcea, au fost cauzate de un atac intenționat asupra României, membră a Alianței…

15:26, 08.09.2023

Romanian, US navies holding joint Black Sea, Danube Delta military exercise

The Romanian Navy and the US Navy jointly organise, September 11-15, the "Sea Breeze 23.3" multinational military exercise in the area of responsibility of the Romanian Navy in the Black Sea and the Danube Delta.According…

11:00, 08.09.2023

The two passengers from boat that ran aground on Ukrainian shore, brought to Romania

The two people in the boat that ran aground on the Ukrainian side of the Chilia arm of the Danube reached the Romanian side almost nine hours after the incident was recorded, the Coast Guard announced Thursday…

13:15, 07.09.2023

Drone in Danube Delta, big blunder of the Iohannis regime, says AUR chairman

The Romanian state institutions are deprofessionalised, the case of the fragments that could have come from a drone found in far eastern Tulcea county being "a big blunder of the Iohannis regime", the leader of…

10:35, 07.09.2023

Russian attacks on Ukraine’s Danube ports to slow down grain exports says Romanian president

Russian attacks on Ukraine’s Danube River ports will slow down the export of grains and other routes need to be enhanced, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said, according to Reuters. Since July, when Moscow abandoned…