Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:38, 02.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Dancila: Violent langiage, Mr. Iohannis, is attribute of weak people

Chairperson of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila told "candidate Iohannis" on Friday, from Timisoara, that violent language is "the attribute of weak people", who have no arguments, after being…

19:46, 30.10.2019

China's Ambassador to Romania invites Tulcea to World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization

China's Ambassador to Romania, Jiang Yu, invited on Wednesday Tulcea County leadership to become member of the the World Historic and Cultural Canal Cities Cooperation Organization (WCCO) to develop tourism in…

09:57, 04.06.2019

Liberal Chairman Ludovic Orban: This government is in the grip of 'red barons'

Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban claims that Premier Viorica Dancila is in the grip of the local barons of the ruling Social Democratic Party (PSD).  Speaking on Monday at a show on Realitatea…

11:13, 02.05.2019

PSD's Dragnea: As of Thursday, mayors can use the Development and Investment Fund

As of Thursday, mayors can use the Development and Investment Fund for projects destined to communities, Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea wrote on Facebook, mentioning that in order to…

19:17, 26.03.2019

Regional Development Minister signs financing agreement worth 30 million euros for road infrastructure

Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration Daniel Suciu on Tuesday signed in Constanta, together with the President of the County Council, Horia Tutuianu, a financing agreement worth almost 30 million…

17:56, 24.01.2019

Senate's Tariceanu: We have historic duty toward the Republic of Moldova,Romania will fulfill this duty

President of the Senate Calin Popescu-Tariceanu stated on Thursday in Focsani that Romania has a historic duty toward the Republic of Moldova and our country, as a member of the European Union, will endorse Moldova…

15:53, 31.10.2018

President Iohanis hands Flag of Romania to the Seat Fortress of Suceava

President Klaus Iohannis handed the Flag of Romania to the Seat Fortress of Suceava on Wednesday, during a ceremony that took place between the walls of the old edifice. In his turn, Mayor Ion Lungu gave the President…

13:05, 22.02.2018

County council official Oprisan: Oftentimes county councils' work hampered by stuffy, piecemeal legislation

The ongoing convention of the General Assembly of Romania's County Councils (AGCJR) is a good opportunity to discuss and highlight the most important issues related to the balancing of local budgets for the current…

06:55, 08.12.2017

PM Tudose goes to Timisoara to discuss funds for remediation of damages caused by September storm

Prime Minister Mihai Tudose on Thursday evening arrived in Timisoara to meet the representatives of the county authorities and also local Social Democratic MPs to discuss, among other things, the funds earmarked…

16:24, 27.10.2017

European Funds Minister Nica signs funding contract worth 50 million euro to rehabilitate North Road

Minister of European Funds Marius Nica signed on Friday a funding contract worth approximately 50 million euro for the rehabilitation of the North Road, in the presence of President of the Maramures County Council…

10:53, 08.10.2015

Trees grow on county road, in Botoşani

Dozens of inhabitants of a village in Botoşani planted trees in the potholes of a highway in their County, to protest against the local authorities' inactivity.  The Mayor of Dângeni said that County…

09:33, 16.06.2014

A renunţat la cariera de jurnalist în Republica Moldova, pentru a devenit politician şi consilier local în Irlanda

Vorbeşte fluent patru limbi străine, are cetăţenia irlandeză de vreo doi ani şi, din această lună, este primul imigrant ajuns consilier local în oraşul Limerick, din partea Partidului Laburist. E vorba despre Elena…

11:24, 20.03.2014

Nicusor Constantinescu, President of the County Council Constanta, taken into custody by the NAD prosecutors

Yesterday, the President of the County Council Constanta, Nicusor Constantinescu, was taken into custody by the National Anticorruption Directorate NAD prosecutors. According to a NAD press release, Nicusor Constantinescu…