Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:30, 02.06.2022

protectieucraina.gov.ro info platform becomes operational

A government information platform for Ukrainian citizens nationals temporary protection - protectieucraina.gov.ro - became operational on Thursday, according to state adviser Madalina Turza, strategic coordinator…

18:11, 01.06.2022

Vizită în viitor! Călătorii de studiu pentru elevii Liceului Teoretic „Iulia Hasdeu”

La sfârșitul lunii mai și începutul lunii iunie 2022, 96 de elevi de la Liceului Teoretic „Iulia Hasdeu” Lugoj implicați în Proiectul privind Învățământul secundar (ROSE) / Subproiectul Devenind EU / Becoming I,…

19:30, 26.05.2022

Ciolacu: PSD has decided to enter government because situation in country had become dramatic

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) decided to enter the government because the situation in the country had become dramatic, said the party's leader, Marcel Ciolacu, on Thursday, at the presentation of the 6-month…

22:06, 19.05.2022

European Committee of the Regions President Apostolos Tzitzikostas: Europe must become home for all

President of the European Committee of the Regions and the Governor of Central Macedonia, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, said in Cluj on Thursday that Europe must become a home for all its citizens and that their rapprochement…

14:46, 18.05.2022

PM Ciuca voices conviction that Romania can become energy independent in five years

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Wednesday that, through the measures taken, the Government has the certainty that in no more than five years Romania can become energy independent. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

12:05, 11.05.2022

Fourth dose of Pfizer BioNTech anti-COVID vaccine to become available as of May 16

The administration of the fourth dose of Pfizer BioNTech anti-COVID vaccine can be done upon request, starting May 16, in the vaccination centres and in the family doctors' offices, the Ministry of Health informs…

21:45, 09.05.2022

Lucian Romascanu: Romania must become full Schengen member

Romania must become a full member of the Schengen Area, because it has since long fulfilled the technical requirements in this regard, Minister of Culture Lucian Romascanu on Monday told a conference titled "For…

19:05, 09.05.2022

EC Representation head: Real potential for Romania to become champion of renewable energy

Romania has a real potential to become a champion of renewable energy, head of the European Commission's Representation to Romania Ramona Chiriac on Monday told the debate "15 Years Since Romania's EU Accession.…

20:50, 02.05.2022

CEC Bank becomes primary dealer on government bond market

Starting Monday, CEC Bank will become the primary dealer on the government bond market, informs the bank in a release. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro…

23:55, 28.04.2022

Romania becoming more sought out by tourists (Travelminit)

Romanians have chosen in the last two years to travel around the country because of the pandemic and movement restrictions and to rediscover destinations that are worth being visited, such as natural reservations…

18:45, 27.04.2022

Magistrate Danilet: 'CCR becoming political actor, straying from initial purpose of Constitution'

Magistrate Cristi Danilet has declared on Wednesday that in the last years the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) has become a "political actor" and "strayed from the initial purpose of the Constitution". Fii…

18:21, 21.04.2022

Tinutul Buzaului becomes UNESCO Global Geopark

"Tinutul Buzaului" (Buzau Land) on Thursday officially received the title of UNESCO Global Geopark, being recognized as a territory with natural and cultural values of global importance. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

12:51, 20.04.2022

PM Ciuca: In 1919, Oradea entrusted its fate to Romania, becoming one of most flourishing cities

Northwestern Oradea is celebrating 103 years since "it entrusted its fate to Romania," and it is presently one of the most flourishing cities in the country, stated, on Wednesday, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca,…

16:26, 14.04.2022

Japanese ambassador Ueda attends Brasov City becoming Unicef Blue Dot hub

The ambassador of Japan in Bucharest, Hiroshi Ueda, was in Brasov on Thursday, when the city became a Unicef Blue Dot hub, announcing the Government of Japan granting humanitarian aid worth 1.79 million US dollars…

15:51, 30.03.2022

Romania can become main bridge between UAE and Eastern Europe, minister of Economy says

Romania can become the main bridge in commercial relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the region of Eastern Europe, the Minister of Economy, Florin Spataru, said during the 8th edition of World…

22:35, 25.03.2022

New Technology Will Help Keep Your Smart Home from Becoming Obsolete

Find people with high expectations and a low tolerance for excuses. They’ll have higher expectations for you than you have for yourself. Don’t flatter yourself that this has much to do with you – this is just who…

22:16, 18.03.2022

DefMin Dincu: Romania can become security hub

Romania can become a hub to provide security in the area, as long as "we remain smart enough, fast enough and we take action", but a formula will have to be found to eliminate some of "the fears generated by the…

13:10, 15.03.2022

PM Ciuca: Romania becomes one of the first countries to make modern defence equipment

Romania becomes one of the first countries where the production of modern military equipment and hardware is located, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said on Tuesday at the signing ceremony of a joint venture agreement…

20:06, 09.03.2022

Humanitarian hub to support Ukrainian citizens becomes operational in Suceava County

The humanitarian hub in Suceava aimed at supporting Ukrainian citizens has become operational on Wednesday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe Facebook stiripesurse.ro × Help…

21:01, 28.02.2022

Telekom Romania Communications to become Orange Romania Communications, on March 28

Telekom Romania Communications will become Orange Romania Communications, starting with March 28, 2022, and Telekom shops will gradually become Orange shops, with the same elements and brand material. Fii la curent…

11:55, 22.02.2022

Aeronautics industry can become competitive only with message of unity from all involved parties

The aeronautics industry can become competitive only if there will be a message of unity from all involved parties, the Minister of Economy, Florin Spataru, declared on Tuesday, during a specialized conference,…

11:20, 15.02.2022

BCR Pensii becomes first Pillar IV occupational pension fund administrator in Romania

BCR Pensii is the first company in Romania to be authorised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) as an administrator of Pillar IV occupational pension funds, the company announced on Tuesday. Pillar IV…

22:36, 11.02.2022

EconMin: Defence industry can be revitalized with investments; Romania can become regional maintenance hub

Romania has the opportunity to become a regional hub for maintenance programs in the defence industry, Economy Minister Florin Spataru said in Brasov on Friday, stressing that the defence industry can be revitalized…

15:51, 09.02.2022

PNL's Stroe: Aggression and violence should not become rules of conduct in Parliament

Aggression and violence should not become the norm in Parliament, spokesman for the National Liberal Party (PNL) Ionut Stroe said on Wednesday alluding to recent amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber…

12:00, 09.02.2022

In front of violent populism, Parliament aims to become even more opaque (NGOs)

Several non-governmental organizations are requesting political parties to not use the "pretext of aggressions" in the plenum of Chamber of Deputies in order to limit the debates' transparency and freedom of all…

08:35, 08.02.2022

National Cathedral’s towers become scaffolding-free: PHOTOS

The towers of the National Cathedral in Bucharest are partly free of scaffolding in the areas where the stone cladding and exterior plastering were completed. Here are the latest pictures taken by the Basilica…

19:40, 07.02.2022

USR's Mosteanu: Catalin Drula becomes interim leader of USR

Catalin Drula will ensure the interim leadership of USR (Save Romania Union), after Dacian Ciolos resigned from his position as leader, the party's spokesman, Ionut Mosteanu, informed on Monday. "A short meeting…

21:25, 28.01.2022

Church from time of St. Stephen the Great becomes monastery

500 years after it was consecrated, a stone church near Suceava was turned into a monastery. Meeting on Wednesday, the Suceava Diocesan Council approved the establishment of the Sunday of All Saints Monastery in…

15:45, 21.01.2022

Jamileh Alamolhoda, Prima Doamnă a Iranului, vrea să scrie o carte similară celei scrise de Michelle Obama

Jamileh Alamolhoda, soţia preşedintelui iranian Ebrahim Raisi, intenţionează să scrie o carte similară celei scrise de fosta Primă Doamne a SUA, Michelle Obama, informează vineri dpa. "Am citit recent cartea ('Becoming'…

20:51, 17.01.2022

National Culture Day: What is deeply national becomes universal

Romania celebrates National Culture Day on January 15, the date of birth of the National Poet, Mihai Eminescu. The Romanian Parliament adopted the law in 2010 and the day has been marked since 2011. Recently speaking…