Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

22:25, 19.10.2020

Samuel Eto'o, nemulțumit după ce au fot publicate nominalizările pentru cei mai buni fotbaliști ofensivi din istorie: „E lipsă de respect, France Football!”

În ciuda faptului că premiile obișnuite Ballon d'Or nu se desfășoară în 2020, a existat o actualizare a proiectului Ballon d'Or Dream Team, fiind anunțată lista scurtă a atacanților. Astăzi a apărut o listă a potențialilor…

14:26, 13.10.2020

Hagi, pe lista cu Maradona, Zidane și Pele pentru intrarea în cea mai bună echipă din istorie

Un singur român nominalizat, dar ce onoare! Gheorghe Hagi (55 de ani) a fost nominalizat de prestigioasa revistă France Football pentru a face parte din echipa „Ballon d’Or Dream Team”. Hagi se luptă cu nume uriașe…

17:15, 01.10.2020

Barna: USR's observers did not touch the bags with ballot papers at BES 1

USR PLUS (Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity, Solidarity Party) co-chair Dan Barna rejected on Thursday the hypothesis that the alliance's representatives could have intervened in the electoral process, specifying…

15:05, 29.09.2020

LocalElections2020/ Independent candidate Dan Bucura requests recount of all votes in District 1

The independent candidate for the Bucharest District 1 Hall, Dan Bucura, has requested, on Tuesday, a recount of all the votes cast in Sunday's election in this administrative area, emphasizing that "thievery"…

10:35, 28.09.2020

LocalElections2020/ANP: 1,024 detainees vote in Sunday's ballot

A number of 1,024 detainees exercised their right to vote in the local elections on Sunday, according to a release of the National Administration of Penitentiaries (ANP), sent to AGERPRES on Monday. The ANP specified…

17:50, 25.09.2020

Patients from the medical units in Bucharest to vote with mobile ballot box

Patients from the medical units in Bucharest asked to vote, on Sunday, at the local elections, with a mobile ballot box, the representatives of several hospitals told AGERPRES. The commander of the "Dr Carol Davila"…

13:52, 18.06.2020

Un desen inedit realizat de Victor Hugo, intitulat ''Depart du Ballon'', vândut la licitaţie cu 37.500 de euro

Un desen inedit realizat de Victor Hugo, intitulat "Depart du Ballon", a fost vândut miercuri cu 37.500 de euro la Paris, depăşind de peste două ori estimările iniţiale (18.000 de euro), au anunţat reprezentanţii…

05:18, 28.05.2020

VIDEO Imagini SENZAȚIONALE cu ursul Ballo, din Piatra Craiului: A început să danseze în pădure

Liniştea de pe potecile de munte a scos animalele sălbatice la liziera pădurilor. În Piatra Craiului au fost surprinse imagini rare cu urşi, lupi şi cocoşi de munte, anunță MEDIAFAX.Ursul, botezat Ballo de rangerii…

13:44, 04.03.2020

Lay's lansează campania internaţională de fotbal 2020, în parteneriat cu UEFA Champions League

Lay’s, brandul de snack numărul 1 în lume, lansează astăzi campania sa, din anul 2020, dedicată fotbalului, cu o reclamă explozivă, plină de energie, având în centru trei mari staruri ale sportului rege. Obiectivul…

13:57, 02.12.2019

Fotbal: Messi este câştigătorul Balonului de Aur 2019, anunţă presa spaniolă

Starul argentinian Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona) va primi pentru a şasea oară în cariera sa trofeul Balonul de Aur, atribuit de revista France Football celui mai bun jucător al planetei, anunţă la unison ziarele…

10:15, 02.12.2019

ATLETICO - BARCELONA // Leo Messi de Aur » Adversarii se înclină în fața lui: „De aceea e cel mai bun” + caricatură senzațională: Barça cu el și fără…

ATLETICO - BARCELONA 0-1 // Argentinianul Leo Messi a înscris un gol superb chiar în ziua în care s-au împlinit zece ani de la primul său Balon de Aur. Diseară, la Paris, va primi al 6-lea trofeu. Unul peste Cristiano…

19:16, 24.11.2019

Voting in Romania's presidential runoff ends in Australia, China, India, Japan

Voting for the President of Romania has ended in Australia, China, the Philippines, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic…

16:45, 24.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/JusMin Predoiu thinks about justice, modernising Romania when casting ballot

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu said that he voted on Sunday, in the second round of the presidential election, thinking about justice, the citizens, and also the modernisation of the Romanian state."I voted,…

19:06, 18.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection2019/MAE reports completing sending paperwork for presidential runoff voting abroad

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) has completed on Monday the delivery to the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania abroad of the materials necessary for voting abroad in the second round of the…

18:06, 16.11.2019

Hațegan Andra și Negrușa Cătălin aleși Miss și Mister Boboc – 2019 ai Liceului cu Program Sportiv „Florin Fleșeriu” din Sebeș

Hațegan Andra și Negrușa Cătălin au câștigat ieri, 15 noiembrie 2019, titlurile de Miss și Mister Boboc – 2019 ai Liceului cu Program Sportiv „Florin Fleșeriu” din Sebeș. Liceul cu Program Sportiv “Florin Fleșeriu”…

06:47, 10.11.2019

Patients of Bucharest hospitals to cast their vote on Sunday at mobile ballot box

Patients of large hospitals in Bucharest will cast their vote at the mobile ballot box on Sunday in the presidential elections, according to representatives of several medical units.  Thus, the mobile ballot box…

19:34, 09.11.2019

Over 207,000 Romanians turned out to vote abroad until Saturday at 18:00

This number adds to the approximately 25,200 Romanians in the Diaspora who voted by correspondence. Thus, until the evening of the second day of ballot in the Diaspora, a total number of over 232,000 Romanians…

19:34, 09.11.2019

PM Orban: I draw attention to all hospital managers to allow hospitalised citizens right to vote

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, at the Interior Ministry (MAI) headquarters on Saturday, launched a call on hospital managers to send mobile ballot box requests so that all hospitalised citizens be allowed to vote."I…

14:43, 09.11.2019

Over 138,000 Romanians at ballot boxes abroad, until 14:00

Over 138,000 Romanians have turned out to vote abroad until Saturday, at 14:00.  As a first, this year Romanians abroad have three days at their disposal to elect Romania's President at the ballot boxes in 835…

18:55, 08.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/Patients of Bucharest hospitals to cast their vote on Sunday at mobile ballot box

Patients of large hospitals in Bucharest will cast their vote at the mobile ballot box on Sunday in the presidential elections, according to representatives of several medical units.Thus, the mobile ballot box…

17:45, 01.11.2019

Election allocations at roughly 150 ml euros, making it Romania's most expensive ballot so far

President of the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) Constantin-Florin Mituletu-Buica said on Friday that total allocations for this year's presidential election stand at roughly 150 million euros, making it the…

20:05, 28.10.2019

BEC announces release hours of reports on ballot turnout, partial results

The Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) will publicly inform about the voter turnout in the upcoming presidential election at 9:30, 13:30, 15:30, 18:30, 21:30 and 24:00, with the figures standing for the reference time…

20:54, 29.07.2019

Expoziţia ''The Art of Banksy'' vernisată la Arcul de Triumf

Expoziţia "The Art of Banksy", cu lucrările celui mai controversat şi provocator artist graffiti, ce cuprinde peste 50 de tablouri, fotografii, şabloane (stencil-uri), obiecte 3D şi clipuri video realizate după…

17:24, 09.07.2019

PM Dancila: November 10 - election day for Romania's president

The government will adopt in Tuesday's meeting a decision that establishes November 10 the date of the presidential election, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced."We will establish, by Government Decision,…

20:53, 11.06.2019

ForMin Melescanu: No polling station to have run out of ballot papers

Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Melescanu, speaking in the Senate on Tuesday, denied information according to which certain polling stations abroad had run out of ballot papers before closing time, at the May…

15:55, 26.05.2019

#Europeanelections2019/BEC spokesman: Control stamp on ballot paper's first page or elsewhere, no reason to invalidate ballot

The polling station's control stamp having been applied anywhere else than on the last page of the ballot paper is no reason to invalidate the ballot, Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) spokesman Marian Muhulet said…

13:58, 26.05.2019

#Europeanelections2019/Internal Affairs Ministry: More than 570 multiple vote alerts, possibility of error is being considered

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) received more than 570 alerts on potential multiple vote cases and following checks, the Ministry sent the Special Telecommunications Service a notification about the possibility…

12:36, 26.05.2019

#EuropeanElections2019 Basescu: The ballot is very important for both EU and rule of law in Romania

The ballot on Sunday is very important for both the state of affairs in the European Union and for Romania, given the referendum in which Romanians are called to vote whether they want rule of law or not, People's…

10:14, 26.05.2019

#Europeanelections2019/Minority leader Orban calls vote citizen's weapon, expects ballot outcome to be surprising

National chairman of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) Ludovic Orban said on Sunday that the vote is the "strongest weapon" available to every citizen, adding that the result of the poll will be surprising…

17:26, 20.05.2019

MAE: Over 4 mil. ballot papers have been sent abroad for both elections on Sunday

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) announced that it completed on Monday the shipping of the necessary materials for voting to the diplomatic missions and consular offices of Romania, in view of ensuring a smooth…