Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:00, 16.11.2022

DefMin Tilvar attending South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial meeting

Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar is attending, November 16-17, a meeting of the South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM) organisation in Sofia, under the SEDM Bulgarian chairmanship, told Agerpres.…

10:36, 14.11.2022

Romanian Defence Minister to attend on Tuesday EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting

National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar will attend on Tuesday the EU Foreign Affairs Council (defence) meeting, which is expected to mainly look at ways to build up defence capabilities, the Defence Ministry said…

00:00, 12.11.2022

Klaus Iohannis, la Forumul pentru Pace: „Invazia rusă din Ucraina a acţionat ca un accelerator al unui proces distructiv”

„Este important să subliniem că invazia rusă din Ucraina a acţionat ca un accelerator al unui proces distructiv care face şi mai clar de ce folosirea ca armă a energiei şi a alimentelor sau folosirea propagandei…

13:25, 11.11.2022

Klaus Iohannis, la Forumul pentru Pace: „Invazia rusă din Ucraina a acţionat ca un accelerator al unui proces distructiv”

„Este important să subliniem că invazia rusă din Ucraina a acţionat ca un accelerator al unui proces distructiv care face şi mai clar de ce folosirea ca armă a energiei şi a alimentelor sau folosirea propagandei…

13:40, 10.11.2022

President Iohannis to attend Paris Peace Forum

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis will participate in the 5th edition of the Paris Peace Forum on Friday and Saturday at Brongniart Palace, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

11:40, 08.11.2022

O fetiţă din Germania a fost ţinută toată viaţa închisă în casă

O fetiţă, de 8 ani, dintr-un orăşel din vestul Germaniei a fost eliberată după ce ar fi fost ţinută închisă de mama şi de bunicii ei de când avea mai puţin de un an. Copilul este atât de subdezvoltat fizic, încât…

09:30, 08.11.2022

O fetiţă de 8 ani din Germania a fost ţinută închisă de familie aproape toată viaţa ei

O fetita în vârsta de 8 ani dintr-un orasel din vestul Germaniei a fost eliberata dupa ce ar fi fost tinuta închisa de mama si de bunicii ei de când avea mai putin de un an. Copilul este atât de subdezvoltat fizic,…

21:40, 07.11.2022

O fetiță de 8 ani, eliberată după ce a fost ținută închisă în casă de când s-a născut, în Germania: „Nu am văzut niciodată o pădure”

De când s-a născut, „Mara” a fost închisă de mama ei într-o casă din Attendorn, un oraș cu 25.000 de locuitori, la est de Köln. Procurorii germani investighează acum acest caz tulburător, relatează Bild . Mara…

16:41, 31.10.2022

President Iohannis to attend international conference on female lawmakers

President Klaus Iohannis will be participating on Tuesday in an international conference on Romanian female lawmakers and the promotion of gender equality as a national commitment (RO-GENC) organised by the Romanian…

09:26, 25.10.2022

StateSec Gitman attends high level meeting of Governing Board of OECD Development Centre

Secretary of State for European Affairs Daniela Gitman participated on Monday in the 8th high level meeting of the Development Centre Governing Board within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development…

10:50, 13.10.2022

PSD's Ciolacu attending PES Congress convention in Berlin

National leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu participates, October 13-15, in Berlin, in the Congress of European Socialists (PES Congress), where a resolution on firm support to Romania's…

12:40, 12.10.2022

DefMin Dincu to attend NATO defence ministers' meeting, Wednesday and Thursday

National Defence Minister Vasile Dincu is to attend, Wednesday and Thursday, the meeting of the NATO defence ministers, which is carried out at the NATO Headquarters, in Brussels, told Agerpres. Fii la curent cu…

21:55, 23.09.2022

PM Ciuca to pay visit to Japan to attend funeral of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca will pay a visit to Tokyo (Japan) between September 26-28, to participate in the state funeral organized in honor of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Fii la curent cu cele…

09:16, 20.09.2022

President Iohannis to attend 77th session of UN General Assembly in New York

President Klaus Iohannis will lead the Romanian delegation that will participate in the high-level segment of the 77th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, on Tuesday and Wednesday, in New York,…

18:16, 19.09.2022

Senior official Gitman to attend General Affairs Council meeting

Senior European affairs official with Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) Daniela Gitman will attend a General Affairs Council meeting in Brussels on Tuesday. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

16:40, 19.09.2022

Iohannis after attending Queen Elizabeth's funeral: I express full sympathy for this great loss

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis on Monday once again expressed full sympathy for "this great loss," after attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

13:15, 19.09.2022

Over 4,000 missions for firefighters last weekend, 170 fire incidents attended

Romanian firefighters had 4,175 emergency situations to deal with last week, most of them related to medical assistance, with the SMURD crews intervening in 3,249 such cases. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri.…

13:30, 15.09.2022

Iasi City attending HELEXPO Thessaloniki International Fair

Officials of the city of Iasi participate, September 15 and 16, in the 86th edition of the HELEXPO TIF Thessaloniki International Fair in Greece. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

15:11, 13.09.2022

President Klaus Iohannis to attend State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

President Klaus Iohannis will attend, on Monday, September 19, the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II that will take place at Westminster Abbey in London, the Presidential Administration announced.…

19:30, 08.09.2022

DefMin Dincu attends Ukraine Defence Contact Group meeting

Romania's Defence Minister Vasile Dancu on Thursday attended a meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro pe…

17:46, 07.09.2022

Parliament/ SIE representatives attend meeting of parliamentary committee on Ukrainian conflict

Romania's security in the context of the conflict in Ukraine represents a priority objective for the parliamentary committee controlling the activity of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SIE), a context in which…

20:35, 05.09.2022

Poland, Portugal Foreign Ministers to attend Annual Meeting of Romanian Diplomacy

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) is organising, September 6 to September 8, the Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy (RADR 2022), under the theme "Romania's diplomatic response to changes in geostrategic…

13:31, 28.08.2022

Festival românesc în Voivodina. Eurodeputatul Eugen Tomac cere Serbiei să respecte minoritățile

Eurodeputatul Eugen Tomac cere Serbiei să respecte minorităților, cu prilejul organizării unui festival la care au participat români din Voivodina. Voivodina este o regiune a Serbiei în care trăiesc, alături de…

18:10, 25.08.2022

Romania attends European Regional Science Association (ERSA) congress in Hungary

A delegation led by state adviser Laszlo Borbely represented Romania at the 61st congress of the Council of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) in Pecs, Hungary, August 22-26, according to a press…

21:47, 08.08.2022

Romanian, Norwegian SMEs attend social dialogue promotion event

Public administration officials and representatives of employers' organisations of SMEs from Romania and Norway have participated in a social dialogue promotion event. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

13:05, 29.07.2022

PM Ciuca to attend on Saturday presentation ceremony of U.S. 101st Airborne Division's battle flag

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca will participate on Saturday in the presentation ceremony of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division's battle flag, which will take place at the 57th Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base in Constanta…

09:31, 07.07.2022

Russia attends G20 meeting set to be dominated by Ukraine conflict

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has flown into Indonesia’s resort island of Bali for a meeting of G20 foreign ministers, which is set to be overshadowed by tensions triggered by the Russia-Ukraine conflict,…

08:30, 07.07.2022

PM Ciuca to attend commissioning of Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnector in Greece

Romania's Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca will pay a working visit to Greece today to attend the commissioning of the Greece-Bulgaria natural gas interconnector, according to the Government Press Office. Fii la curent…

18:05, 28.06.2022

Scholz says G7 leaders would attend G20 even if Putin comes

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Tuesday that “as things stand today” all G7 leaders would attend the G20 summit in Indonesia this November even if Russian President Vladimir Putin participated, according…

13:30, 19.06.2022

President Iohannis to attend Three Seas Summit and Business Forum in Riga

President Klaus Iohannis will attend on June 20 the seventh Summit of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) and the fourth edition of the Three Seas Initiative Business Forum organized in Riga, the Presidential Administration…