Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

21:15, 11.11.2019

Iohannis on PSD's invitation to head-to-head debate: Distraction maneuvers

Commenting on Monday on the invitation to meet in head-to-head debates launched by his counter-candidate in the presidential runoff, leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila, President Klaus…

21:06, 19.09.2019

Laura Codruta Kovesi: It is very important for Justice to continue to resist, to do its job in professional manner

Former head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) Laura Codruta Kovesi Thursday talked about the assault on the justice system, carried out not only through comments in the public space, but also through…

20:46, 09.09.2019

PM Dancila says Plumb was designated for European Commissioner portfolio despite attempts to block nomination

Rovana Plumb was designated to take over the European Commissioner portfolio, despite the attempts of some political people to block the Gov't nomination, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Monday."I welcome…

09:42, 06.09.2019

PM Dancila calls unspeakable cynicism Iohannis's attempt 'to scare people, sow panic in society'

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said citizens are still waiting for explanations from President Klaus Iohannis as to why he "repeatedly violates the Constitution," adding that his attempt to "sow panic in society…

13:56, 04.09.2019

Tariceanu: PSD tried a hostile takeover not only of ALDE MPs, but of the entire party

ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) leader Calin Popescu-Tariceanu on Wednesday claimed the Social Democratic Party (PSD) tried a "hostile takeover" not only of the ALDE MPs, but of the entire party, in an…

09:45, 25.07.2019

PM Dancila: When the entrance to Romania's Gov't is forced, I believe it looks like a coup d'etat

Chairperson of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Viorica Dancila mentioned, when referring to the events which occurred on 10 August, that the attempt to enter through violence in the Government building represents…

14:15, 07.07.2019

President Iohannis, message on Justice Day: Last years, marked by repeated attempts to subordinate justice to politics

President Klaus Iohannis states in a message conveyed on Sunday, on the occasion of Justice Day, that the recent years have been marked by repeated attempts to subordinate justice to politics, through hasty amendments…

21:14, 25.06.2019

Iohannis: Endorsement of Administrative Code through OUG, serious attempt to entire administrative system

The endorsement of the Administrative Code through a Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG, ed. n.) is a serious attempt to the entire administrative system in Romania, on Tuesday said President Klaus Iohannis, according…

10:23, 07.06.2019

PLUS Chairman Ciolos suggests acting government, early elections after presidential vote

PLUS Chairman Dacian Ciolos said on Thursday that attempts should be made to form a new parliamentary majority to back an acting government until after presidential elections and that early parliamentary elections…

14:33, 10.05.2019

A încercat să-și facă un selfie și a căzut de pe clădire | FOTO & VIDEO

Un bărbat a sfârșit tragic după ce a încercat să-și facă un selfie pe o clădire înaltă din Bombay, India. Bărbatul s-a urcat pe clădire și s-a așezat pe marginea terasee, în încercarea disperată de a își face un…

09:56, 14.02.2019

Former anti-graft head Kovesi says subpoenaed by magistrates' Crime Investigation Section, attempt to defame her

Former head of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) Laura Codruta Kovesi announced on Wednesday night that she has received a subpoena from the Judiciary Crime Investigation Section as a suspect, adding…

16:05, 10.02.2019

Victor Ponta, president of Pro Romania Party, about 2019 state budget: It is a fake, it's not a realistic budget

Pro Romania Party Chairman Victor Ponta says the state budget for 2019 is a "fake," not a realistic and serious one, and the manner in which it is attempted to be passed through Parliament proves there is no desire…

18:22, 08.02.2019

NATO missile shield concept - a response proportional to threats, Russia's denial attempts are flagrant misinformation

The concept of the NATO missile shield is an action proportional to current threats and fully observes all international agreements, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty included, and any attempt…

14:33, 17.12.2018

President Iohannis: Memory of 1989 martyrs - stained by some criminals' attempts to impose amnesty, pardoning

The memory of the martyrs from 1989 is stained by the attempts of some "criminals led by Liviu Dragnea [Social Democratic Party leader, ed.n.]" to impose amnesty and pardoning, says President Klaus Iohannis, who…

14:23, 24.09.2018

IntMin Dan: Prosecution of Gendarmerie heads, another attempt at intimidation

The investigation of the General Prosecutor's Office of the protest on August 10, in which the heads of the Gendarmerie and a secretary of state with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) are indicted, represent…

16:08, 04.09.2018

Bucharest Mayor Gabriela Firea points to attempted scapegoating of Prefect

Bucharest General Mayor Gabriela Firea said on Tuesday, upon leaving the General Prosecutor's Office, that attempts were made to scapegoat the Prefect in connection with August 10 violence, but the investigation…

14:02, 22.08.2018

Prosecutor General's Office maintains there is no file or notification about alleged assassination attempt against Dragnea

The Prosecutor General's Office maintains there is no criminal file opened about an alleged assassination attempt against the PSD leader (Social Democratic Leader) Liviu Dragnea, representatives of this institution…

09:07, 22.08.2018

PSD's Dragnea claims he was subject to an assassination attempt last year

The PSD (Social Democratic Party) leader, Liviu Dragnea, on Tuesday claimed he was subject to an assassination attempt last year. Asked by Antena 3 private television broadcaster if there are people who would want…

17:14, 07.08.2018

Spokeswoman Dobrovolschi: President Iohannis deems budget rectification, an attempt to bar fundamental institution's activity

President Klaus Iohannis deems that the budget rectification as announced by the government is "a gross violation of and an attempt to bar through budgetary constraints, the activity of a fundamental institution,"…

19:29, 27.06.2018

Parliament/No-confidence motion/Kelemen:We are witnessing Opposition's attempt to take over governing but with no clear solution

Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) chairman, Kelemen Hunor, declared Wednesday, in the joint plenary sitting of Parliament, that, although the opposition wishes to take on the governing of the country…

23:06, 25.06.2018

Head of Romanian Intelligence Service assures agency stays away from all power games

The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) strongly condemns attempts to denigrate the institution, and SRI head Eduard Hellvig assures the citizens of Romania the agency is not involved in any kind of power games,…

19:24, 24.06.2018

VIDEO| Imagini cu explozia care era să-l ucidă pe președintele din Zimbabwe

Imagini cu explozia care era să-l ucidă pe președintele din Zimbabwe în timpul unui miting electoral organizat sâmbătă, la Bulawayo, și în care 41 de persoane au fost rănite, au fost publicate online. Emmerson…

13:23, 05.06.2018

President Klaus Iohannis: I do not fear any attempt of being suspended from office

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Tuesday that he is not afraid of any attempt to suspend him from office, highlighting that there is no reason for something like this.  "I have noticed that many are preoccupied…

19:43, 06.04.2018

IGPF: 79 foreign citizens attempting to illegaly exit Romania, discovered in truck

Border police officers from Bors Border Crossing Point (PTF) - Bihor County found on Friday morning 79 people - citizens from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and China - who tried to illegally get out of the country,…

17:26, 12.03.2018

Bucharest mayor hints DNA investigation with Local Police triggered by opposition attempt to gridlock city

Bucharest General Mayor Gabriela Firea said she only learned this morning about the ongoing investigation of the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) with the Bucharest Local Police, adding that the municipality…

22:17, 07.03.2018

Iohannis: There is deliberate confusion about statutes of prosecutors, an attempt to weaken their independence

President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday that discussing the statutes of prosecutors has become a "habit" in Romania, in which case he claims there is "deliberate" confusion in an attempt to weaken the independence…

23:40, 18.01.2018

MEP Muresan: EP schedules debate on Romania's justice situation in Strasbourg plenary sitting

MEP Siegfried Muresan announced that on the level of the European Parliament it has been decided that the situation of justice in Romania be debated in the next plenary session, in February, in the plenary sitting…

18:21, 20.12.2017

President Iohannis: Attempts to control judiciary don't make it better, but worse; Toader is avoiding me

President Klaus Iohannis believes that "the attempts to control the judicial system" make this system worse and points out that Justice Minister Tudorel Toader is avoiding him in the discussions on this topic.…

13:38, 08.12.2017

Prosecutor General Lazar on 'attempts by certain state powers to viciously deprive Romanian prosecutors of their independence'

The independence of the prosecutors must be defended with "dignity" and "strength", on Thursday night said the Prosecutor General of Romania Augustin Lazar, speaking of "attempts of certain powers of the state…

16:55, 24.11.2017

President Iohannis on repeal of provision on magistrates' appointment: Inappropriate attempt; not to remain as such

AGERPRES special correspondent Florentina Peia reports: President Klaus Iohannis stated on Friday that the repeal of the provision according to which he could only refuse once to appoint magistrates is an inappropriate…