Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:16, 30.05.2022

Huawei face echipă cu Skyscanner pentru cea mai bună experiență de călătorie

Huawei Consumer Business Group, lider mondial în tehnologie, oferă utilizatorilor săi acces la mii de opțiuni de zboruri, hoteluri și servicii de închiriere a mașinilor după asocierea cu Skyscanner, furnizor global…

08:31, 27.05.2022

Premieră: Retransplantul unui grefon renal, transplantat, inițial, în urmă cu zece ani

În premieră, echipele de medici de la Assistance Publique – Hospitaux Paris (AP-HP) au retransplantat un grefon renal unui nou pacient. Grefonul provenea de la un pacient, care la rândul lui a fost salvat printr-un…

17:00, 19.05.2022

O femeie se întoarce din SUA pentru a conduce Procuratura Anticorupție în Republica Moldova

Veronica Dragalin, fiica unor moldoveni emigrați în Statele Unite, va conduce Procuratura Anticorupție din Republica Moldova. „Veronica Dragalin a fost selectată pentru numirea la şefia procuraturii anti-corupţie…

07:30, 12.05.2022

Google şi-a prezentat primul smartwatch

Cel mai prost păstrat secret de anul acesta din zona tehnologiei, cum este numit de mulţi analişti, nu reuşeşte să surprindă, ci mai degrabă confirmă informaţiile vehiculate în ultimele luni. Pixel Watch are un…

20:15, 27.04.2022

Huawei Ads se alătură listei CMP a IAB Europe, ajutând dezvoltatorii să-și extindă marketingul digital la nivel internațional

Huawei Ads a devenit o platformă integrată în lista CMP (Consent Management Platform – CMP ID: 386) aprobată de IAB Europe, după ce a fost înregistrat ca furnizor global (furnizor ID: 856) cu TCF (Transparency…

14:25, 19.04.2022

Cluj Archbishopric to provide spiritual assistance in Ukrainian to Ukraine refugees

The Cluj Christian Orthodox Archbishopric of Cluj is offering spiritual assistance to Ukraine refugees, the opportunity to confess and communion, as well as church services in Ukrainian, the archbishopric reported…

23:05, 12.04.2022

OECD places Romania among donors with increasing volume allocated to assistance for development (ForeignMinistry)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published on Tuesday preliminary data regarding official assistance for development granted…

20:25, 06.04.2022

Japan provides additional emergency humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians; funds will be distributed to Romania as well

The Japanese Government decided on Tuesday to provide additional emergency humanitarian assistance worth 100 million dollars to help both Ukrainians facing difficulties in their country and the refugees in the…

20:56, 10.03.2022

MApN supports activity of logistics HUB in Suceava dedicated to humanitarian assistance for Ukraine

The Ministry of National Defence (MApN) contributes, with personnel and technical means, to the development of the operations of the Logistical Storage and Distribution Centre through which humanitarian assistance…

14:40, 10.03.2022

Tourism and Entrepreneurship Ministry assistance to Romanian companies doing business with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

Romanian companies exporting to the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as Romanian companies buying raw materials or products from these countries, can ask for assistance from the representatives…

14:05, 08.03.2022

Moldovan Minister Revenco calls for assistance to face wave of Ukrainian refugees, commends fellow citizens

The Minister of Internal Affairs with the Government of the Republic of Moldova, Ana Revenco, calls for emergency assistance from the member states of the European Union, in order to face the wave of Ukrainian…

22:40, 25.02.2022

Baia Mare county hospital ready to provide medical assistance to Ukrainian refugees

The Baia Mare County Emergency Hospital (SJU) is ready to provide medical assistance to Ukrainian refugees arriving in Maramures County, the hospital's administration said on Facebook on Friday. Fii la curent cu…

08:41, 25.02.2022

Iohannis: Romania will continue to provide support to Ukraine, humanitarian assistance mainly

President Klaus Iohannis stressed on Thursday, in Brussels, Romania's full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people and said that our country will continue to provide support, mainly humanitarian assistance,…

15:50, 22.02.2022

Bishop Daniil of Dacia Felix transferred to Deva as assistant bishop

During its working session last week, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church resolved to transfer His Grace Bishop Daniil Stoenescu of Dacia Felix to the Diocese of Deva and Hunedoara, appointing him as…

14:55, 15.02.2022

HealthMin Rafila: Infections associated to medical asssistance still under-reported in Romania

Infections associated to medical assistance are still under-reported in Romania, said, on Tuesday, at a specialty conference, Health Minister Alexandru Rafila. "Still, infections associated to medical assistance…

14:16, 15.02.2022

Ziua Națională a Lecturii sărbătorită prin lansare de carte

Casa de Poezie Light of ink vă invită astăzi, 15 februarie 2022, începând cu ora 18.00, în aula Colegiului Național “Petru Rareș” din Suceava, la evenimentul lansării cărții “Grădina de naftalină”, volumul de debut…

20:45, 03.02.2022

Autorităţile din Cluj au reuşit să scoată maşina căzută în lacul Someşul Cald, după o operaţiune dificilă

Autorităţile din Cluj au reuşit, joi, să scoată maşina căzută în lacul Someşul Cald, după o operaţiune dificilă, din cauza faptului că în apropiere este conducta de alimentare cu apă a municipiului Cluj-Napoca.…

19:20, 02.02.2022

Support and assistance provided by Romanian state to foreign nationals or stateless persons in special situations

The Chamber of Deputies adopted, on Wednesday, the draft law for the approval of the Government emergency ordinance no. 96/2021 on the provision of support and assistance by the Romanian state to foreign citizens…

17:50, 19.01.2022

Memorandum granting technical and financial assistance to Republic of Moldova, approved by Government

The government approved the memorandum under which Romania will be able to continue providing technical and financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova in several areas, to support its European path, said Government…

18:25, 18.01.2022

National Bank of Romania to provide assistance to Moldovan counterpart under EU-financed twinning project

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) will provide assistance to the National Bank of Moldova under a five-component, highly technical twinning project, BNR governor Mugur Isarescu told an online event on Tuesday.…

13:10, 07.01.2022

MAE: Romanian embassy to Kazakhstan received no requests so far for consular assistance

The Romanian Embassy to Kazakhstan has not received any request for consular assistance or evacuation, until now, but only four requests for information on the security situation and the flight schedule of the…

19:21, 28.12.2021

Government: Labour Ministry to contract technical assistance services from World Bank to reform pension system

The Ministry of Labour will contract technical assistance services from the World Bank to implement the reform of the public pension system as provided in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), according…

14:35, 28.12.2021

Mașina „birou pe roți”, următoarea țintă a BigTech

Când Ford a anunțat că, începând cu 2023, mașinile și camioanele sale vor veni cu Google Maps, Assistant și Play Store preinstalate, CEO-ul Jim Farley a numit parteneriatul dintre emblematicul  producător de automobile…

19:20, 16.12.2021

Holy Synod elects His Grace Nestor as new Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church during its working session on Thursday elected by secret ballot His Grace Assistant Bishop Nestor Dinculeana as new Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, succeeding Bishop…

17:40, 08.12.2021

Victor Chirila: Signing new non-reimbursable assistance agreement for R. of Moldova, matter of priority

The future ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Romania, Victor Chirila voiced his hope that the signing of a new, non-reimbursable assistance agreement for the Republic of Moldova will be accomplished, as…

21:15, 14.11.2021

România a ratat din nou şansa unui turneu final, nereuşind să se califice la barajul pentru CM

Reprezentativa României a ratat, duminică seară, calificarea la barajul pentru Cupa Mondială, încheind pe locul 3 grupa J a preliminariilor europene. România a învins cu 2-0 Liechtenstein, în deplasare, însă şi…

18:45, 13.11.2021

Arbitri din Slovenia la ultimul meci al tricolorilor din preliminariile Mondialului 2022

FIFA a delegat o brigadă de arbitri din Slovenia la partida Liechtenstein – România, ultimul meci al tricolorilor în grupa preliminară a CM 2022. FIFA a delegat pentru ultimul meci al tricolorilor din grupa preliminară…

15:15, 13.11.2021

FRF confirmă arbitrul pentru meciul Liecthenstein - România

FIFA a delegat pentru ultimul meci al tricolorilor din grupa preliminară CM 2022 o brigadă din Slovenia, avându-l la centru pe Matej Jug, ajutat de Matej Zunic şi Manuel Vidali, al patrulea oficial delegat fiind…

11:26, 11.11.2021

Joint Declaration after Romania - U.S. Strategic Dialogue meeting: security, investment, energy, of strategic importance

The Romanian and U.S. delegations, headed by strategic affairs senior official Dan Neculaescu and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried, signed a joint statement at the end…

18:10, 18.10.2021

CNSU approves R. Moldova's medical assistance offer for treating COVID-19 patients

The National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) approved, on Monday, by a decision, the offer of international medical assistance through which the Republic of Moldova provides a medical team to support…