Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:01, 25.05.2021

Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta: Facultatea de Știinte Aplicate si Inginerie organizeaza Conferinta Internationala Chimia 2020 New trends in applied…

Ceremonia de deschidere va avea loc in data de 27 mai 2021, incepand cu ora 9.30, in sala de conferinte a Hotelului Complex Bulevard din Constanta.In perioada 27 29 mai 2021, Departamentul de Chimie si Inginerie…

17:45, 26.04.2021

ConsenCUS, applied research project in capture technology, to be carried out during 2021-2024

The ConsenCUS Project, financed by the European Union, through the means of the Horizon 2020 program, will be launched at the end of May, Energy Policy Group (EPG) being a member of the consortium, according to…

09:55, 20.04.2021

Blockchain technology to be applied as a first in Romanian food sector

The blockchain technology, known until now in the financial industry, will be applied, for the first time, in the Romanian food sector, offering consumers the possibility of discovering information, straight from…

14:51, 29.03.2021

Romanian Gendarmerie: 219 fines, applied to participants in protests; in seven localities

Protests took place in 24 localities in Romania on Sunday about the new measures imposed to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2, and, so far, 219 sanctions have been applied to the organizers and participants, worth…

16:41, 27.01.2021

Cei mai mulți clujeni au emigrat în ultimii ani spre Baciu și Apahida

Un grup de cercetători din cadrul Facultății de Geografie a Universității Babeș-Bolyai (UBB) a publicat recent un articol în jurnalul academic &"Applied Sciences&". Articolul descrie un studiu inovator care…

16:01, 19.01.2021

PM Citu: World Bank ranks Romania in top of countries with greatest number, most applied measures

Prime Minister Florin Citu said on Tuesday that the World Bank has confirmed the measures taken by the Liberal government in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, placing our country in the top of the countries…

15:35, 13.01.2021

PM Citu: Minimum gross salary for 2021 - 2,300 lei

The Government approved, on Wednesday, the normative act establishing the minimum gross salary for 2021 at 2,300 lei per month, Prime Minister Florin Citu announced. "We approved the normative act which establishes…

14:10, 06.11.2020

Arafat: We expect increase in COVID cases; if measures correctly applied, a drop to occur in 30 days

The head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, stated on Friday that, currently, the authorities are expecting the number of COVID-19 cases to rise, adding, however, that depending on the degree…

14:11, 22.09.2020

Orban: Speed of implementation of relaunch measures, satisfactory, given administration that does not take risks

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that the implementation speed of the measures approved by the Government in the Economic Recovery and Investment Plan is "satisfactory", given the administration that…

19:21, 16.09.2020

President Iohannis on budget revision: If what PSD voted were applied, it would cost 6pct of GDP

If the vote on the budget revision were applied, this would "cost" over 6 pct of the Gross Domestic Product of Romania, President Klaus Iohannis told a press conference on Wednesday.He stated that he was "saddened"…

06:06, 09.09.2020

Scădere puternică a indicilor bursieri de pe Wall Street, traşi în jos de titlurile companiilor de tehnologie; acţiunile Tesla au coborât cu 21,1%

Indicele Nasdaq Compozite a coborât marţi cu 4,1%, iar în ultimele trei zile cu 10%, consemnând cea mai slabă evoluţie după luna august. Indicele Dow Jones Industrial a scăzut cu 2,3%, iar S&P 500 cu 2,8%. S&P…

16:15, 08.09.2020

APIA's Pintea: More than 9,800 farmers have applied for drought compensation

More than 9,800 farmers have applied for drought compensation, and the estimated number of potential beneficiaries is 30,000, said on Tuesday the director general of the Agency for Payments and Intervention for…

22:00, 28.07.2020

HealthMin Tataru: Restrictions to be applied where necessary; we have outbreaks right now

Minister of Health Nelu Tataru on Tuesday evening said in the following days a series of measures will be taken in the following days to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. Tataru said the proposals included…

16:39, 05.07.2020

On Justice Day I want law be applied as little differently as possible

The honest relationship that the Constitutional Court has defined as loyal cooperation between the powers no longer works at present, said on Sunday the interim president of the Senate, Robert Cazanciuc, who showed,…

19:27, 02.07.2020

Gov't, HORECA representatives to jointly establish health protection rules to be applied in restaurants

Representatives of the Government and those in the HORECA industry will establish, within a joint group, a set of health protection rules to be applied in restaurants, in the perspective of resuming their activity,…

14:18, 15.06.2020

Policemen and gendarmes applied, in past 24 hours, 143 fines

Policemen and gendarmes have applied, in past 24 hours, 143 fines, worth 175,350 as a consequence of infringements of provisions of Law no. 55/15.05.2020 regarding some measures to prevent and combat the effects…

13:27, 08.06.2020

Police, gendarmes have applied 343 criminal sanctions in past 24 hours

In the past 24 hours, the police and gendarmes have applied 343 contravention fines, amounting to 168,100 lei, as a result of the violation of the provisions of Law No. 55 of 15.05.2020 on some measures to prevent…

17:30, 29.05.2020

Health protocols to be applied in all of the hotels in Greece for their safe reopening and operation, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic

Recommended dates for the reopening of hotels in Greece (which have been closed since the country first went into lockdown):June 1: Reopening of year-round hotels June 15: reopening of all other tourist accommodation…

16:10, 27.03.2020

Danca: Employers having applied measure of suspension of individual employment contracts qualify for furlough aid

All the employers who during this period have applied the measure of temporary suspension of the individual employment contracts, considering the effects of the new coronavirus epidemic, qualify for furlough aid,…

17:01, 17.02.2020

Concertul Romantic | Classix Festival

Marea muzică a lumii își deschide aripile să cuprindă publicul contemporan. De pe 16 până pe 22 februarie 2020, la Iași are loc Classix Festival. Dragostea este una dintre valorile clasice ale omenirii și nu putea…

17:15, 29.01.2020

ALDE's Tariceanu on Government assuming responsibility: It's like a short-circuit applied to Parliament

ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) head Calin Popescu-Tariceanu believes that when the Government assumes responsibility on a draft law it's like a "short-circuit" is being applied to Parliament, which is…

17:24, 15.01.2020

President Iohannis: Allowance Law might not be applied immediately, but in a couple of months

President Klaus Iohannis on Wednesday stated that the Law on doubling the child allowances "probably cannot be applied immediately," but the Government will find the resources in a couple of months. "It probably…

21:57, 24.12.2019

Ecourile cazului Țăndărei, în care toți inculpații au scăpat: Mai multe organizații cer EXCLUDEREA din magistratură a procurorului de caz

Mai multe organizaţii au lansat o petiţie prin care solicită demisia de onoare sau excluderea din magistratură a procurorului care a instrumentat Cazul Ţăndărei, după ce toţi cei 25 de inculpaţi au fost achitaţi…

15:45, 11.11.2019

Ionel Danca: Digital Agenda to be reorganized, as there are EU regulations, directives that are not applied

The Agency for Digital Agenda of Romania (A.A.D.R.) will be reorganized and transformed into the Authority for the Digitization of Romania, announced on Monday the Prime Minister's Chancellery head, Ionel Danca,…

06:03, 09.10.2019

Cum supravieţuiesc bacteriile în maşina de spălat. Motivul principal: temperatura a scăzut mult sub 60 de grade Celsius

Temperaturile mai scăzute utilizate de maşinile de spălat care economisesc energie electrică nu ucid toate bacteriile periculoase. Este concluzia unui studiu publicat în revista Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

08:33, 19.08.2019

PM Dancila on President Iohannis's visit to the US: The discussion should be applied before

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila believes that President Klaus Iohannis should have "an applied discussion" with the Government and Parliament prior to his visit to the US and he should leave with "certain lines…

13:08, 12.07.2019

Halatele din spitale, sursă de superbacterii chiar şi după dezinfectarea corespunzătoare

O echipă de oameni de ştiinţă a testat halate de unică folosinţă, fabricate din polipropilenă şi utilizate de obicei în sălile de operaţii, care fuseseră infectate cu trei tulpini diferite de Clostridium difficile…

12:16, 19.06.2019

UDMR votes censure motion following Valea Uzului events, double standard applied to minorities

The leader of the the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Group in the Chamber of Deputies, Attila Korodi, maintains that his party voted for the adoption of the censure motion against the Government because…

13:47, 23.02.2019

Former UDMR leader Marko says UDMR wants principle of subsidiarity, including autonomy, applied

Former national leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania Marko Bela told a convention of the UDMR Congress on Saturday Union Congress that the Hungarians want to the principle of subsidiarity, which…

13:22, 30.10.2018

PM Dancila on questions asked by Timmermans: I gave applied responses, folded on the existing reality

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Tuesday stated that she will send to First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, the responses to the 18 questions which he addressed, mentioning that she…