Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:58, 10.04.2020

PM Orban counting on wise contribution of Jewish communities in Romania to fight coronavirus pandemic

In a Pesach message, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban says that he is counting on the wise contribution of the members of the Jewish communities in Romania in the fight against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the…

09:57, 28.03.2020

Omagiul adus de stadionul Wembley în ziua în care ar fi trebuit să se dispute amicalul Anglia vs Italia

Vineri ar fi trebuit să aibă loc pe stadionul Wembley un amical între naționalele de fotbal ale Angliei și Italiei, dar întâlnirea a fost anulată din cauza pandemiei de coronavirus. Britanicii…

08:32, 28.03.2020

FOTO Stadionul Wembley, luminat în culorile drapelului italian în ziua în care ar fi trebuit să aibă loc un amical Anglia - Italia

Stadionul Wembley a fost luminat în culorile drapelului italian, vineri, ziua în care ar fi trebuit să aibă loc un amical Anglia - Italia."'Deşi nu v-am putut primi pe Wembley în această seară, suntem alături de…

18:32, 09.03.2020

DNA 2019 report: Number of defendants with final sentences in courts declines; majority - suspended sentences

Last year, Romania's courts ordered final sentences for 422 persons in cases of corruption instrumented by the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors, decreasing compared to a number of 584 as recorded…

15:55, 21.02.2020

(Publicitate) Sesiunea Națională Clubul Viitorilor Diplomați

După 15 ani de activități pe teritoriu străin în cadrul proiectului Clubul Viitorilor Diplomați cu mai mult de 350 de tineri care au participat la activitățile proiectului și încă cooperează cu noi am decis ca…

11:56, 30.01.2020

Dragnea, at Supreme Court: I could have paid a price but I wanted fair trial

Former Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Liviu Dragnea declared on Thursday at the Supreme Court that he did not want to pay "any price" in order not to go to prison, stating that he wanted a fair trial."Although…

18:41, 28.01.2020

FOTO Fotografii proaspăt descoperite cu lagărul de exterminare Sobibor îl înfățișează cel mai probabil pe gardianul nazist John Demjanjuk

Istoricii din Germania au publicat poze nevăzute până acum cu lagărul de exterminare Sobibor, inclusiv imagini cu cel despre care se crede că este John Demjanjuk, care a fost condamnat în 2011 pentru…

15:45, 26.01.2020

JusMin Predoiu endorses justice and rule of law evaluation mechanism for all member states

Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu, at the informal meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council, organised in Zagreb, endorsed the idea of an evaluation mechanism on justice and rule of law for all member…

15:54, 21.01.2020

Passenger traffic at Bucharest metro, up only 3pct in last 6 years

Passenger traffic at metro stations in Bucharest increased by 3pct between 2014 and 2019, up to 177 million, and the busiest station is Aurel Vlaicu, which registered an advance of 46pct in the number of passengers,…

17:51, 18.01.2020

PSD's Ciolacu: Gov't assuming responsibility repeatedly is abusive, no matter how is presented

Interim leader of the PSD (Social Democratic Party), Marcel Ciolacu, believes that the Government assuming responsibility for the various normative acts in the past two months is "an abuse." "I've also read the…

17:18, 07.01.2020

Only ice hotel in Fagaras Mountains to be no longer built because of lack of now

For the first time in the last 16 years, the hotel owners from Balea Lake can no longer build, this winter, the only ice hotel in the central Fagaras Mountains, due to the lack of ice in Balea Lake, which is at…

12:49, 02.01.2020

Un nou stat american în care marijuana a devenit legală. Oamenii au luat cu asalt magazinele

Vânzarea de marijuana în scop recreativ a devenit legală, începând din prima zi a noului an, în statul american Illinois, spre bucuria consumatorilor care au luat cu asalt magazinele…

12:50, 06.12.2019

AgriMin Oros: Medicines are not marketed, they are prescribed

Minister of Agriculture Nechita Adrian Oros deems it necessary to amend and tighten the legislation regarding the use of medicines, especially antibiotics, in animals."Although in 2016 the National Sanitary Veterinary…

13:44, 16.11.2019

Targoviste Maternity Unit receives EUR 23,000 worth of neonatal medical equipment donation

Save the Children Romania and tennis player Sorana Cirstea have endowed the Targoviste Maternity Unit with four vital sign monitors and 12 neonatal infusion pumps worth almost 23,000 euros purchased with the support…

14:04, 04.11.2019

Orban: I estimate 237-243 votes for investiture although two parties will boycott session

PNL President, Prime Minister-designate Ludovic Orban, reiterated on Monday that he estimates 237-23 MPs will vote for his Cabinet's investiture and has accused a boycott of PSD and PRO Romania.  "I keep the same…

09:33, 01.11.2019

#2019PresidentialElection/ ALDE's Sibiu branch sues Facebook for allegedly damaging Diaconu's campaign

The Sibiu county branch of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) announced on Thursday evening that it sued Facebook, at the Sibiu Court House, challenging the fact that it brings damages to the electoral…

23:13, 03.10.2019

Romanian MEPs on odds of Romania's future European Commissioner to keep Transport portfolio

Although they see the rejection of Romania's Commissioner-designate Rovana Plumb by EP's Legal Affairs Committee for conflict of interest as a warning, the Social Democrat MEPs are satisfied that Romania cannot…

12:42, 10.09.2019

Ambassador Dan Mihalache requests extension of voting registration deadline for Romanian expats

The Romanian ambassador in London, Dan Mihalache, called on the government of Romania and the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) to approve the extension of the registration deadline for Romanians abroad, for…

09:33, 23.08.2019

Bucharest Cathedral Protopsaltes Mihail Bucă: I was a football talent, but God had another plan with me

Archdeacon Mihail Bucă said in an interview with Evenimentul Zilei that he was very passionate about football, but he chose to follow God’s calling in the Church.‘I was a kid who played football on dust and rubble.…

16:36, 07.08.2019

Mining Watch: Thousands of people ask anti-graft head to take over file on Certej mining project

Over 2,000 people have sent the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) head Calin Nistor a letter, asking him to take over from DNA Alba the file regarding the mining project of Certej, the Mining Watch Romania…

16:07, 05.08.2019

Job applications received by companies this July up 18 pct from June (survey)

Romanians are eagerly looking for employment during the summer holidays as well, and companies received this July by 18 percent more job applications than in June and 5 percent more such applications YoY; finance…

15:04, 10.07.2019

Wimbledon: Barbara Schett și Mats Wilander despre jocul Simonei Halep

EVENT: The Championships, WimbledonDATE: Wednesday 10 JulyEXPERT: Eurosport tennis expert and former world number seven Barbara SchettTOPIC: Barbara Schett previews the ladies’ semi-finals – Simona Halep versus…

16:24, 07.07.2019

O culturistă de 48 de ani spune că se simte mai sexy acum decât la vârsta de 20 de ani

Lola Nez, o culturistă în vârstă de 48 de ani din Florida, Statele Unite, susține că se simte mai sexy acum decât atunci când avea doar 20 de ani. Lola pictured while she was in her 30s before she discovered her…

15:36, 16.05.2019

CHAOS on the ride-sharing market: Uber, Bolt and Clever Drivers have been assured that they risk nothing, although the law imposes fines of 5,000 lei

Thursday comes into force the Emergency Ordinance (EO) amending the taxi law, approved by the Cabinet in March, and drivers using the Uber, Bolt and Clever applications risk fines up to 5,000 RON.STIRIPESURSE.RO…

11:49, 09.05.2019

EPP Summit/Orban: We will fight together with EPP partners to make sure Europe stays united

The National Liberal Party (PNL) will fight together with its EPP partners to make sure that Europe stays united, Liberal Chairman Ludovic Orban said in Sibiu on Thursday.  According to him, the EU Summit in Sibiu…

20:46, 29.03.2019

Minister-delegate Ciamba: Brexit Agreement - rejected for 3rd time; EU ready for worst case scenario

The European Union is ready for "the worst case scenario" in the context in which the Brexit Agreement was rejected for the third time, Minister-delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba posted on Twitter on…

12:12, 22.03.2019

Commissioner Cretu:Not all Romanians benefit from economic growth;poverty increased significantly among children,rural environment

Not everybody benefits from the sustained economic growth of Romania and poverty among children and in the rural environment increased significantly, European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu stated…

19:52, 11.03.2019

President Iohannis: I have decided to promulgate social security budget law

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Monday he decided to promulgate the 2019 social security budget law."Although we do not know what the Government will do with the law on ceilings, a law declared unconstitutional…

20:55, 04.03.2019

Chamber of Deputies - 'Prime Minister's Hour'/Dancila on OUG 114: It contains measures to stimulate economic development

Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 114/2018 contains a set of measures to stimulate economic development, by increasing the level of investments, by supporting projects with direct benefits for the citizens, Prime Minister…

20:37, 14.12.2018

PNL's Orban: Snap elections - best solution in case Government removed

The President of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban, stated on Friday in Alba Iulia that, in his opinion, in the event of the Government being removed, the best solution would be snap elections given…