Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:10, 21.03.2023

AgriMin Daea: Amount allocated to Romania to support farmers is derisory;I requested revision of the calculation formula

The amount of 10 million EUR allocated to Romania to support farmers affected by the influx of grain from Ukraine is derisory and I asked Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski to reanalyze the calculation…

17:11, 21.03.2023

StateSec Precup: Romania is sitting on a bag of money and it's up to us to build concrete projects

Romania is sitting on a bag of money, which can be transformed into concrete projects, taking into account that, this year, a record amount was allocated from the state budget for investments, namely 7pct of Romania's…

19:51, 15.03.2023

Almost 237 million RON, allocated by government to organizations belonging to national minorities

On Wednesday, the executive allocated, by decision, the sum of 236.75 million RON to the 19 organizations of citizens belonging to national minorities represented in the Romanian Parliament and members of the Council…

16:50, 28.02.2023

Application of method of calculation for allowances of mayors and local councilors is constitutional

The president of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR), Marian Enache, declared on Tuesday that the application of the method of calculation for the allowances of mayors and local councilors is constitutional.…

20:10, 27.02.2023

EduMin Deca: Teachers investigated for violence against pupils to no longer be allowed to teach

The minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announced on Monday that the new Education laws contain clear procedures for intervention in situations of school violence, stressing that teachers investigated for violence…

10:56, 13.02.2023

Europe’s spend on energy crisis nears €800 billion

European countries’ bill to shield households and companies from soaring energy costs has climbed to nearly €800 bln, researchers said on Monday, urging countries to be more targeted in their spending to tackle…

20:25, 08.02.2023

DefMin Tilvar: Allocation of 2.5pct of GDP allows us to strengthen national forces structure

The allocation of 2.5pct of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) allows the strengthening of the national structure of forces in the Defence area, National Defence Minister Angel Tilvar stated on Wednesday, at the…

10:40, 11.01.2023

Sweden makes regulatory push to allow new nuclear reactors

Sweden is preparing legislation to allow the construction of more nuclear power stations to boost electricity production in the Nordic country and bolster energy security, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said on…

17:10, 09.12.2022

Education unions ask MPs to increase budget allocated to education up to 6% of GDP

The Spiru Haret Federation of Education Unions requests MPs on Friday to increase the budget allocated to education, according to the article of the Education Law, which provides for the allocation of 6% of GDP…

18:45, 05.12.2022

PM Ciuca: Next year, budget allocated to investments to increase significantly, to over 110 billion RON

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca announces that the budget allocated to investments in 2023 will increase significantly, to over 110 billion RON, compared to almost 90 billion RON this year. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

18:05, 23.11.2022

Iohannis: Romania was not, is not, will not be country that generates migration or allows uncontrolled migration

Romania was not, is not and will not be a country that generates migration or allows uncontrolled migration, declared on Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis, who is on an official visit to Latvia. Fii la curent…

17:50, 07.11.2022

PM Ciuca: If budget allows, PNL proposal for increasing pensions is 15%

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca, declared on Monday that the liberals support the increase of pensions by 15% if the budget allows it. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi…

15:10, 28.10.2022

Three telecommunications operators submit applications for allocation of 5G frequencies

The National Communications Administration and Regulation Authority (ANCOM) received, by the October 27 deadline, three participation applications for the allocation of 555 MHz in the 700 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz…

12:00, 19.10.2022

Hops and table grape production to get 45 ml euro allocation under National Strategic Plan

The proposal for the National Strategic Plan, which is almost final, includes a joint heading for hops and table grapes; the plan provides for an allocation of 45 million euros for the establishment and re-engineering…

15:55, 06.10.2022

Iohannis: I want laws that in the future will no longer allow the appearance of plagiarised works

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that certain provisions of the draft education laws must be improved, giving as an example those related to integrity and ethics. Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește…

08:56, 06.10.2022

Ferreira: Funds allocated through 2021-2027 Partnership Agreement will enable construction of modern Romania

The European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, present in Alba Iulia on the occasion of the signing of the 2021-2027 Partnership Agreement between the European Commission and Romania, said…

12:51, 22.09.2022

If entire spectrum were allocated, state would win 692 million euros from 5G auction (regulator)

The amount that could be obtained to the state budget from the 5G auction, if all the spectrum were allocated, is 692 million euros, according to the executive manager of Monitoring and Control from the National…

09:45, 19.08.2022

Child state allowances paid in July 2022 total 995.06 million RON

Child state allowances paid in July 2022 totaled 995.06 million RON, the average amount paid being 282.36 RON per beneficiary, according to data centralized by the National Agency for Payments and Social Inspection…

19:35, 01.08.2022

Ziua Timișoarei. Sărbătoarea începe în această seară. Programul complet

Ziua Timișoarei. Sărbătoarea începe în această seară. Programul complet. 1 August Ora 20:00 Parcul Rozelor – Concert JazzyBIT, cărora li se alătură mai tinerii Allover. Seara se încheie cu un concert marca Horia…

17:31, 27.07.2022

Ziua Timișoarei – program complet – invitați speciali muzicienii ucrainieni care au câștigat Eurovision

    ZIUA TIMIȘOAREI· 1-3 August 2022 La Timișoara, Kalush Orchestra, câștigătoarea Eurovision din acest an din Ukraina, la primul concert în România. Trei zile de concerte la Parcul Rozelor și o lună de expoziții…

17:40, 13.07.2022

Romania agrees to allow Ukrainian grain bulkers to use Chilia, Bastroe canals

Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) informed on Wednesday that it had informed the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry of Romania's agreement to allow third-country-flagged bulkers loaded with cereals to pass through the Chilia…

09:21, 08.06.2022

CCR debates USR's notification on law that allows construction of small hydropower plants in protected area

The Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) discusses on Wednesday the Save Romania Union (USR)'s notification regarding the law that allows the construction of small hydroelectric power plants in protected areas.…

18:05, 29.04.2022

PM Ciuca: Agreement with Bulgaria signed in Bucharest to allow opening of new border crossing point in Giurgiu-Ruse

The agreement with Bulgaria in the field of transport signed on Friday will allow the opening of a new border crossing point in southern Giurgiu-Ruse, Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca said. Fii la curent cu cele mai…

23:30, 28.04.2022

Senate head: 'I asked for legislation change to allow Ukrainian refugees to work in Romania'

Romania can help Ukraine by changing legislation in Parliament to allow refugees to work in Romania, and also offers to assist Ukraine's EU accession process, Senate President Florin Citu said on Thursday after…

16:15, 21.04.2022

Brasov Visit Ticket allows in access to 11 cultural attractions in Brasov County

Tourists, as well as Brasov residents, can buy online a tourist ticket that allows visit to the museums of the city and the two emblematic places of worship of Brasov - Biserica Neagra and Biserica Sf. Nicolae,…

16:35, 15.04.2022

Tougher sanctions. Moldovan TV stations that do not produce eight hours of local content will not be allowed to broadcast advertising

Television stations that do not broadcast TV shows made in Moldova, may be banned from broadcasting advertising for up to one year. The new sanction is found in the draft law regarding the security of the informational…

23:05, 12.04.2022

OECD places Romania among donors with increasing volume allocated to assistance for development (ForeignMinistry)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) informs that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published on Tuesday preliminary data regarding official assistance for development granted…

16:10, 24.03.2022

PSD: Our ministers' priority, to apply fast state aid measures allowed by EC

The priority of Social Democratic Party (PSD) ministers is to apply "as soon as possible" the state aid measures allowed by the European Commission for companies in difficulty, according to a party press release…

17:36, 22.03.2022

Citu: PNL to propose in governing coalition allocation of 2.5% of GDP for defense expenses

The National Liberal Party (PNL) has decided to propose in the governing coalition the allocation of 2.5% of GDP for defense expenses, PNL chairman Florin Citu announced on Tuesday, Agerpres reports. Fii la curent…

14:45, 22.03.2022

EU to allow more aid to companies affected by Ukraine crisis

The European Commission on Tuesday will announce new state aid rules that allow EU countries to support businesses affected by the crisis in Ukraine, an EU official said, according to Politico.  The move follows…