Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:24, 22.10.2019

Brexitul în incertitudine, în timp ce Boris Johnson aşteaptă două voturi cruciale în Camera Comunelor

Parlamentarii britanici intenţionează să încerce marţi să-l forţeze pe premierul Boris Johnson să-şi extindă calendarul strâns al adoptării legislaţiei privind Brexitul pe care şeful executivului o doreşte finalizată…

21:03, 09.09.2019

PNL's Orban: We demand Viorica Dancila to withdraw nomination of Rovana Plumb

PNL (National Liberal Party) leader Ludovic Orban demanded Prime Minister Viorica Dancila to withdraw nomination of Rovana Plumb for European Commissioner, in order "not to embarrass Romania in the European Parliament.""This…

15:03, 29.08.2019

JusMin nominee's request to withdraw resignation from magistracy, officially registered

A request of Judge Dana Girbovan to withdraw her resignation from magistracy has been officially registered with the Supreme Council of Magistracy (CSM), CSM spokesperson Daniela Stancioiu told AGERPRES on Thursday. …

13:12, 23.07.2019

Firea announces she withdraws from PSD internal race for designation of presidential candidate (sources)

Bucharest General Mayor Gabriela Firea on Tuesday has announced, at the meeting of the National Standing Bureau of the PSD, she withdraws from PSD's internal race for the designation of the presidential candidate,…

21:43, 15.07.2019

Melescanu to observe decision to be stripped of political support, pleading no wrong

Teodor Melescanu on Monday said he would respect the decision of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) to withdraw its support to him for the office of the foreign minister, adding that he is waiting for…

21:30, 15.07.2019

ALDE's Vosganian:ALDE withdraws political support of Teodor Melescanu and proposes Ramona Manescu at MAE helm

Spokesman of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) Varujan Vosganian has announced on Monday that the party he represents withdraws the political support of Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu and…

17:32, 09.07.2019

Cristina Tarcea, after release of GRECO reports:Will we witness resignations or decent withdrawals from public space?

Top court President Cristina Tarcea stated on Tuesday, after the publication of the two GRECO reports, that the people who do not respect or cannot understand the European values do not get to pretend to be reformers…

12:56, 06.06.2019

Premier Dancila, British Ambassador Noble, on orderly withdrawal of the UK from the EU

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila had a meeting on Thursday with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania, Andrew Noble, a context in which the former reiterated, from…

11:44, 22.05.2019

Brexit: Premierul Theresa May cere sprijinul laburiştilor în ''ultima şansă'' de a ajunge la un compromis

Premierul britanic Theresa May i-a cerut liderului laburist Jeremy Corbyn să susţină proiectul ei de acord pentru Brexit după propunerea unor compromisuri, între care posibilitatea de a vota cu privire la organizarea…

11:27, 22.05.2019

Brexit: Theresa May cere sprijinul laburiştilor în ''ultima şansă''

'Am arătat astăzi că sunt dispusă să fac un compromis pentru ca poporul britanic să iasă din UE', a scris Theresa May într-o scrisoare datată 21 mai şi adresată liderului opoziţiei laburiste britanice Jeremy Corbyn…

13:55, 17.05.2019

Brexit. Jeremy Corbyn: Negocierile dintre conservatori și laburiști nu mai pot avansa

Corbyn afirmă în scrisoare că discuţiile dintre laburişti şi conservatori lansate în aprilie au fost "detaliate şi constructive", dar că, deşi în unele aspecte au fost posibile compromisuri, cele două părţi "nu…

18:33, 29.03.2019

Deputații britanici au respins „Acordul Brexit” a treia oară - Ce urmează

CHIȘINĂU, 29 mart - Sputnik. Un nou eșec după cele două respingeri anterioare ale acordului Brexit. Deputații britanici nu au fost de acord să aprobe propunerea Theresei May de a vota doar partea de retragere…

09:32, 15.03.2019

George Ciamba, Michel Barnier discuss current stage of Brexit process

Minister-delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba had a meeting with European Chief Negotiator on Brexit Michel Barnier on Thursday, the two analyzing the current state of the Brexit process 15 days before the…

18:05, 29.01.2019

PM Dancila meets UK Ambassador to Romania Noble and tackles issue of UK's withdrawal from EU

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met on Tuesday with Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania Andrew Noble, context in which the issue of UK's withdrawal from the EU was especially…

17:36, 29.01.2019

President Iohannis on Brexit: We will seek to keep potential negative effects on European citizens to a minimum

President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that during its term at the Presidency of the Council of the EU, Romania will make efforts to facilitate the adoption of the measures proposed by the European Commission…

10:26, 10.01.2019

#Romania2019.eu/Dancila: Regardless of scenario of Brexit negotiations, citizens must remain the priority

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Thursday said that, regardless of the scenario in which the negotiations on Brexit with the UK take place, the EU's priority must remain the protection of the rights of the European…

19:14, 15.12.2018

Ex-PM Ciolos: We have our party, PLUS, we withdraw Romania Together Movement

Former Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos on Saturday announced in Cluj that he and his supporters registered a new political party, the Liberty, Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS), which will replace the Romania Together…

07:04, 26.11.2018

BREXIT! Decizie ISTORICĂ a liderilor europeni

Într-un summit extraordinar convocat duminică la Bruxeles, șefii celor 27 de state din UE au luat, în unanimitate, o decizie istorică care stabilește termenii divorțului de Marea Britanie, după 44 de ani de când…

19:42, 25.11.2018

Iohannis: Agreement on Brexit, the best possible; non-discrimination between EU members set out in Political Declaration

AGERPRES special correspondent Florentina Peia reports: President Klaus Iohannis stated that the Brexit withdrawal agreement is the best possible, pointing out also that non-discrimination between the EU member…

21:55, 24.10.2018

ALDE makes proposal of agreement between parliamentary parties with respect to justice independence, rule of law

Withdrawal from the office they hold at this moment in the judiciary system of those who, between 2009-2016, drafted and signed the secret collaboration protocols between the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI)…

09:49, 17.10.2018

Minister-delegate Negrescu: Romania is in favour of an orderly and predictable process regarding Brexit

Minister-delegate for European Affairs Victor Negrescu reiterated on Tuesday, within the General Affairs Council (Art.50) meeting in Luxembourg, Romania's support in view of consenting the withdrawal agreement…

21:42, 05.09.2018

A murit nepotul președintelui american John F. Kennedy

Actorul Christopher Lawford, fiul lui Peter Lawford și Patricia Kennedy, nepotul fostului președinte al SUA, John F. Kennedy, a murit la vârsta de 63 de ani, scrie publicația tabloidă TMZ . Christopher, fost actor…

20:26, 22.08.2018

Israel's Embassy requests deputy Bacalbasa to withdraw his 'outrageous and untrue statements'

The Embassy of the State of Israel, having learned about the "outrageous and untrue" statements of Social Democrat deputy Nicolae Bacalbasa, is asking him to withdraw them.  The Embassy of the State of Israel has…

11:04, 15.06.2018

JusMin Toader, about Ghita's situation: No ground to currently to withdraw extradition request

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader stated on Friday that there is currently no legal ground for withdrawing the extradition request formulated on the name of deputy Sebastian Ghita, who is in Serbia.  "As we speak,…

13:32, 08.06.2018

PNL's Stirbu: Withdrawal of Rosia Montana file from UNESCO - attack on Romanian treasures

The Chair of the Committee for Culture of the Chamber of Deputies, Liberal Gigel Stirbu, considers that the Government's request to block the file by which Rosia Montana can become a UNESCO protected site is "an…

13:55, 17.05.2018

Romania's Halep advances to quarterfinals of WTA tournament in Rome after Keys' withdrawal

Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world number one, qualified on Thursday for the quarterfinals of the WTA tournament in Rome (Internationali BNL d'Italia), with prizes worth 2,703,000 euro, after US Madison…

18:57, 27.04.2018

Senate head Tariceanu: Parliament gives PM, Gov't vote of confidence, exclusively competent to withdraw it too

In remarks after President Klaus Iohannis's announcement that he requests the resignation of PM Dancila, Senate Chairman Calin Popescu-Tariceanu argued that as the body competent for giving the PM and the government…

13:26, 30.03.2018

Marea Britanie: Nouă conservatori cer un vot privind ieşirea regatului din uniunea vamală a UE (presă)

Nouă membri ai Partidului Conservator din Marea Britanie susţin amendamentele la legislaţia necesară pentru ieşirea Marii Britanii din Uniunea Europeană, inclusiv un vot în parlament privind rămânerea într-o uniune…

12:22, 27.11.2017

Over 20,000 protest to have justice legislation bill withdrawn

Over 20,000 people, according to some sources, on Sunday staged a protest rally in Bucharest demanding the withdrawal of a controversial justice legislation bill, the rejection in the Parliament of the government…

13:18, 16.11.2017

UDMR's Kelemen: We must take responsibility for our opinions even if our decorations are withdrawn

National leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) Kelemen Hunor says that ethnic Hungarians must take responsibility for their opinions without any fear, even if all their decorations are withdrawn. …