Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

12:36, 20.12.2020

Vicepreședintele american Mike Pence s-a vaccinat împotriva COVID-19 în direct - VIDEO

 Vicepreședintele Mike Pence, de 61 de ani, alături de soția sa, Karen Pence, au fost vaccinați vineri cu prima doză de vaccin anti COVID-19 la spitalul militar Walter Reed.Evenimentul a fost marcat și de un scurt…

16:55, 18.12.2020

Vicepreședintele american Mike Pence s-a vaccinat împotriva COVID-19 în direct - VIDEO

 Vicepreședintele Mike Pence, de 61 de ani, alături de soția sa, Karen Pence, au fost vaccinați vineri cu prima doză de vaccin anti COVID-19 la spitalul militar Walter Reed.Evenimentul a fost marcat și de un scurt…

18:47, 21.09.2019

PM Viorica Dancila is set to meet Vice-President Mike Pence when she visits US next week

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila on Saturday said that, on the occasion of her visit to the US next week, she has a meeting planned with Vice-President Mike Pence and also a meeting on counter-terrorism.  "For us,…

11:25, 10.04.2019

Senate's Popescu-Tariceanu, US Vice President Mike Pence discuss Strategic Partnership, in Washington

The President of the Senate, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, on a visit to Washington, had a meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence, ex-officio President of the US Senate, and with the US Secretary of State, retired…

11:23, 27.03.2019

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila: 'Meetings I have had in US have put Romania back on world map'

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said that the meetings she had with US officials during the visit to the United States on March 23-26 "took Romania back on the world map".Read also: PM Dancila: 'Meetings I have…

09:37, 27.03.2019

PM Dancila: 'Meetings I have had in US have put Romania back on world map'

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said that the meetings she had with US officials during the visit to the United States on March 23-26 "took Romania back on the world map".Read also: HealthMin Pintea meets European…

09:28, 01.03.2019

PM Dancila: 'Mike Pence to visit Romania in the first half of the year'

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila announced on Thursday that US Vice President Mike Pence will pay a visit to Romania in the first half of the year.Read also: MAI: 'Combating terrorism and managing migration, among…

16:45, 16.02.2019

President Iohannis meets US VP Pence, reiterates Romania's commitment to strengthening Strategic Partnership, transatlantic relationship

President Klaus Iohannis met on Saturday, on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, with US Vice President Mike Pence. The Romanian President reiterated on the occasion Romania's consistent commitment…

15:15, 02.12.2018

Deputy PM Ana Birchall represents Romania at investiture ceremony of new President of Mexico

Deputy Prime Minister Ana Birchall attended on Saturday the investiture ceremony of the new President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, during which she presented a congratulatory message from Romania for…

19:18, 18.05.2018

Mesajul lui Donald Trump despre atacul armat din Santa Fe, Texas. „Primele informații nu sunt bune”

Mesajul lui Donald Trump despre atacul armat din Santa Fe, Texas. Președintele Statelor Unite a transmis un mesaj de condoleanțe, după ce a fost informat că cel puțin opt persoane au fost ucise de o persoană care…

17:12, 24.02.2017

In brief - Secretary General welcomes US Vice President to NATO headquarters

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed US Vice President Mike Pence to NATO Headquarters on Monday (20 February 2017), and thanked him for America’s unwavering commitment to the transatlantic bond.Addressing…