Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:40, 23.01.2022

VIDEO | Cel mai bun armăsar reproducător din România are urmaşi la herghelia Cislău

Înființată în anul 1884, Herghelia Cislău este a doua cea mai veche herghelie din România și este o herghelie demnă de un rege. Istoria Hergheliei Cislău este veche și fascinantă și, în mare parte, se datorează…

16:25, 23.01.2022

Cel mai bun armăsar reproducător din România are urmaşi la herghelia Cislău

Înființată în anul 1884, Herghelia Cislău este a doua cea mai veche herghelie din România și este o herghelie demnă de un rege. Istoria Hergheliei Cislău este veche și fascinantă și, în mare parte, se datorează…

12:20, 16.12.2021

President Iohannis, on Sen. Sosoaca case: Absolutely regrettable incident, I'm asking for a thorough check

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that the incident involving Senator Diana Sosoaca is an absolutely regrettable one, pointing out that the competent authorities must check what happened and how it was…

10:25, 09.09.2021

Patriarch Daniel: A thourough education for life includes direct family experiences and continuing in school

A thorough education for life includes direct experiences, starting with family and continuing in school, Daniel, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church said in a message addressed to the beginning of the…

13:20, 04.03.2021

Arad: Hundreds of trucks are waiting to enter Hungary due to thorough controls

Hundreds of trucks are waiting, on Thursday, in lines, at the border to enter Hungary, where thorough controls are being carried out on the freight trucks due to the numerous migrants caught lately attempting to…

16:28, 18.06.2020

Iohannis, on law taxing special pensions: Measure that needs thorough judgement

The law providing for the 85% taxation of special pensions has in view "a measure that needs thorough judgement," President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday. "Basically, it is a measure that needs thorough judgement.…

20:06, 16.06.2020

Chief emergency management official says 30-day extension of state of alert comes after thorough analysis

Head of the Emergency Management Department Raed Arafat said on Tuesday that the government's approval of a 30-day extension to the state of alert from June 17 was decided following a "thorough" analysis of the…

14:10, 14.06.2020

World Blood Donor Day - HealthMin Tataru: Thorough reorganization of blood transfusion services, needed in Romania

The Minister of Health, Nelu Tataru, underlined, in a message sent on the World Blood Donor Day, that a "fundamental reorganization" and a change in legislation are needed in the blood transfusion service."World…

13:09, 10.12.2019

PM Orban: We are assessing the activity of Emergency Department; decision to be made after thorough assessment

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Tuesday that a decision regarding the head of the Emergency Department, Raed Arafat, will be taken following a "thorough assessment."  "As we announced, we are assessing the…

11:27, 22.08.2019

Romania-US 5G communications memorandum recommends thorough evaluation of suppliers for security reasons

The memorandum signed by the Romanian ambassador in Washington and the US ambassador in Bucharest in Washington DC on August 20 recommends a thorough evaluation of suppliers to ensure full security of the implementation…

17:23, 09.04.2019

Minister-delegate Ciamba: EU member states thoroughly prepared for a disorderly Brexit

Minister-delegate for European Affairs George Ciamba chaired on Tuesday in Luxembourg a new meeting of the General Affairs Council (Art. 50), organised under the aegis of Romania's Presidency at the EU Council,…

17:42, 15.01.2019

Carol Channing, cunoscută din musicalul Hello, Doly!, a murit la vârsta de 97 de ani

Actriţa şi cântăreaţa Carol Channing, cunoscută din musicalurile de pe Broadway "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" şi "Hello, Dolly!", a murit la vârsta de 97 de ani, anunţă BBC preluat de news.ro.Ea a avut şi succes la…

14:07, 30.08.2018

FOTO | Kirk Douglas, surprins în timp ce zâmbea alături de stră-nepoata lui

Kirk Douglas (101 ani) a fost fotografiat alături de strănepoata lui, Lua, în această săptămână. Fotografia în alb negru a stârnit zâmbetele internauților fiind apreciată de peste 3.000 de oameni. Conform ET Online…

20:34, 14.07.2018

Anya Taylor-Joy va juca rolul principal în filmul ”Weetzie Bat”

”Weetzie Bat” este ecranizarea cărţii cu acelaşi titlu a scriitoarei Francesca Lia Block şi îi va avea în distribuţie, în afară de Taylor-Joy, pe alţi tineri actori care încearcă să-şi facă un nume…

12:03, 20.04.2018

Presidential Administration: Relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem violates international law

President Klaus Iohannis has not been informed or consulted on a possible relocation to the Embassy of Romania in Israel, the Romanian Presidential Administration announced on Friday, underscoring that the move…

14:33, 23.11.2017

EC's Cretu: Romania needs down-to-earth planning, thorough preparation, efficient implementation of transport projects

Romania has over EUR 5 billion within the Large Infrastructure Programme, and yet to efficiently absorb this sum of money it needs a down-to-earth planning, a thorough preparation and an efficient implementation…

11:41, 10.11.2017

Un jocheu şi-a lovit calul cu pumnul înaintea unei competiţii. Ce pedeapsă a primit VIDEO

Camerele care au surprins incidentului îl arată pe Dylan Caboche, de 22 de ani, urcat pe cal, cum încearcă să-l îndrume spre porţile de plecare. Furios că animalul nu îl asculă, acesta coboară şi loveşte calul…

18:53, 05.01.2017

PNL's Turcan: Thorough analysis must be carried out in PNL

An in-depth analysis must be carried out in the National Liberal Party (PNL), maintained on Thursday Raluca Turcan, the Liberals' leader, who also expressed her opinion that elections within the party should take…