Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

19:50, 13.05.2024

Romanian Istvan Kovacs to referee Europa League final

Romanian Istvan Kovacs to referee Europa League final

Romanian Istvan Kovacs will referee the Europa League final, which will be played on May 22, in Dublin, between Atalanta Bergamo and Bayer Leverkusen, the Romanian Football Federation announced on Monday on its…

11:25, 06.02.2024

Primarul Lungu participă la un forum de afaceri la București pentru a atrage investitori pe terenurile de la Termica

Primarul municipiului Suceava, Ion Lungu, a anunțat că în perioada 20-22 februarie va participa la Forumul de Afaceri ”Romanian Investiment Zoom” de la București alături de ambasadori ai mai multor state dar și…

14:40, 28.12.2023

Seven in ten Romanians believe Romania is headed in the wrong direction

Seven in ten Romanians believe that Romania is headed in the wrong direction at the end of 2023; a little over a quarter of the respondents, predominantly young and educated people, consider however that the direction…

13:01, 28.12.2023

Hiking prices, region's war - main factors of concern for Romanians in 2023

The increase in prices (29%) and the war in the region (24%) remain the main factors that determined the concern of Romanians in 2023, according to a survey carried out by the Romanian Institute for Evaluation…

14:45, 15.11.2023

Romania, in top 10 countries whose populations are aging from year to year

Romania, in top 10 countries whose populations are aging from year to yearRomania is in the top 10 countries whose populations are aging year by year, and three out of 10 elderly people in our country have no one…

19:01, 02.11.2023

Another citizen with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, domiciled in Israel, hostage in Gaza

Another citizen with dual citizenship, Israeli and Romanian, domiciled in the State of Israel, is being held hostage in the Gaza Strip, according to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).The Romanian Embassy…

14:15, 31.10.2023

Wife of Romanian-Israeli citizen Tal Haimi, kidnapped in Gaza Strip asks PM Ciolacu for help, information

Wife of Romanian-Israeli citizen Tal Haimi, kidnapped in Gaza Strip asks PM Ciolacu for help, informationElla Haimi, the wife of the Romanian-Israeli citizen Tal Haimi, kidnapped in the Gaza Strip, met Tuesday…

19:25, 23.10.2023

Foreign Ministry: A person with dual Romanian-Israeli citizenship dies

Another person with dual Israeli and Romanian citizenship, residing in the State of Israel, died, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) reported on Monday.Until now, according to the information provided by the…

17:25, 29.09.2023

Două tinere din Florești au evoluat cu succes la un turneu de karate din România

Patricia Gheicean și Anastasia Țurcan, au obținut locul trei la Turneul Internațional de karate Kyokushin „Romanian Iternational Cup – 2023”, care s-a desfășurat la Sibiu, România. Tinerele fac parte dintr-un club…

08:20, 09.09.2023


1804 - Major fire breaks out in Bucharest: Curtea Domneasca (the historic Princely Court) and part of the city are destroyed 1861 - Birth of actress Agatha Barsescu (d. November 22, 1939) 1878 - King Carol I adopts…

00:15, 08.09.2023

La Ploieşti, conferinţă pentru pasionaţii de astronomie şi astrofizică

N.D. Prahovenii care sunt pasionați de astronomie și astrofizică au posibilitatea să afle mai multe informații despre aceste domenii în cadrul unei conferințe speciale, care va fi organizată la Ploiești, pe data…

14:50, 11.08.2023

ForMin Odobescu emphasises fundamental role of Moroccan intelligence services in release of Iulian Ghergut

Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu has thanked his Moroccan counterpart Nasser Bourita for the "fundamental" role played by the Moroccan intellignce services in the process of releasing Romanian Iulian…

14:10, 14.07.2023

Vestea săptămânii pentru românii cu rate la bancă. Ce se întâmplă acum cu indicele ROBOR

Este vestea săptămânii pentru românii cu rate la bancă. Ce se întâmplă acum cu indicele ROBOR după ce a început să scadă. Indicele ROBOR este cel în funcție de care sunt calculate dobânzile la majoritatea creditelor…

15:15, 10.07.2023

Chair Chirtes: SRI evolved under Hellvig into an institution consolidated on democratic values

Chairman of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) Oversight Committee Cristian Chirtes on Monday said that SRI evolved under the chairmanship of resigning director Eduard Hellvig "into an institution consolidated…

19:40, 23.11.2022

Over 1,500 Romanian, 150 foreign military to participate in 1st of December Parade in Bucharest

Over 1,500 soldiers and specialists with the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Romanian Information Service, the Special Telecommunications Service and the National Penitentiary…

10:45, 04.11.2022

Prime Minister Ciuca congratulates Benjamin Netanyahu for winning legislative elections

Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca congratulated the president of the Likud Party, Benjamin Netanyahu, for winning the legislative elections in Israel, stressing that he is looking forward to the strengthening of the…

19:35, 28.09.2022

Romania ranks 3rd in EU in terms of 'young people at risk of poverty or social exclusion' (study)

Romania ranks third in the European Union in terms of the percentage of young people at risk of poverty or social exclusion (31%), one out of four young Romanians between the ages of 25 and 29 has a monthly income…

17:20, 19.05.2022

FOTO Încă un viral cu Maia Sandu: Cu ce s-a dus la Paris, la întâlnirea cu Emmanuel Macron, în comparație cu Klaus Iohannis

Ceea ce pare de neînchipuit pentru Klaus Iohannis, este perfect normal pentru Maia Sandu! Femeia care conduce Moldova a ajuns la Paris cu... trenul! Fii la curent cu cele mai noi stiri. Urmărește stiripesurse.ro…

17:20, 19.05.2022

Football: Romanian Istvan Kovacs, on list of 2022 World Cup referees

Romanian Istvan Kovacs has been included in the list of referees for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, which will take place between November 21 and December 18, the International Football Federation (FIFA) announced…

12:15, 09.06.2021

Senate Chair Dragu: Israel is Romania's closest ally and strategic partner in the Middle East

Israel is Romania's closest ally and strategic partner in the Middle East, and the Romanian-Israeli relationship is based on trust and sustainability, Chair of the Romanian Senate Anca Dragu told a joint sitting…

09:01, 09.06.2021

Excellent defence, economy, tourism cooperation highlighted at Citu-Rivlin meeting

At a meeting on Tuesday with visiting Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, Romania's Prime Minister Florin Citu highlighted the special nature of the bilateral relationship between the two countries, as well as excellent…

16:20, 07.06.2021

Israeli President to participate in commemoration ceremony for soldiers fallen in 2010 Bucegi Mountains air crash

President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, will participate, on Thursday, June 10, at the Romanian-Israeli monument in the Bucegi Mountains, in the military and religious commemoration ceremony for the seven servicemen,…

16:46, 03.06.2021

Most parents agree that pupils need private lessons

Most parents agree that pupils need private lessons to gain knowledge at the intermediate level, and this activity should be taxed, according to a study launched on Thursday by the Romanian Academic Society and…

10:55, 04.03.2021

Less than 20pct of homes insured in Romania 44 years after major earthquake

Less than 20% of all homes in Romania were insured in 2020 against certain risks, and more than half of Romanians (54%) say they are worried about the danger of an earthquake, according to a survey commissioned…

13:36, 04.01.2021

Four out of ten Romanians manage to economise in pandemic (study)

Approximately four out of ten Romanians have managed to economise (39 pct) during the pandemic, as compared to a pre-pandemic normal month, when two thirds of the respondents (68 pct) managed to do so, reveals…

15:45, 04.11.2020

DefMin Ciuca says Romania committed to continuing, strengthening political, defence ties with Israel

Romania's Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca on Wednesday met Israeli Alternate Prime Minister Benjamin Gantz, and Israeli Defence Minister in the rotation Netanyahu-Gantz government of Israel as part of a visit by…

17:45, 21.09.2020

Senate: CNCD, IRDO to merge, to solve the institutional parallelism existing between them

The Senate on Monday adopted a draft law initiated by the USR (Save Romania Union) Deputies regarding the merging through absorption of the Romanian Institute for Human Rights (IRDO) by the National Council for…

08:50, 27.08.2020

Aplicația de mobil anti-COVID pentru urmărirea contactelor ajunge pe masa Guvernului. Cine își va asuma răspunderea?

Institutul de Științe Spațiale (parte a centrului de stat de la Măgurele) a dezvoltat o aplicație smartphone prin care românii vor putea afla dacă în ultimele 14 zile au fost în preajma unei persoane infectate…

15:20, 04.08.2020

"România, stare de alertă", invitat dr. Simona Pârvu, director general INSP

"România, stare de alertă", invitat dr. Simona Pârvu, director general INSP      Realizator: Ionuţ Dragu: Vorbeam în prima parte a emisiunii despre scenariile de evoluție a pandemiei pe care…

19:00, 24.07.2020

Ambassador Saranga: If number of new cases of coronavirus does not drop in Romania, Israel, we cannot resume tourism

Romanian-Israeli relations in the field of tourism will not be able to resume until the number of the novel coronavirus illnesses decreases in both Israel and Romania, Israel's Ambassador in Bucharest, David Saranga,…