Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

15:46, 18.01.2024

Sanitas Bucharest representatives, picketing Ministry of Finance, demand 20 pct wage increases for hospital staff

Representatives of Bucharest's hospitals personnel protested on Thursday in front of the Ministry of Finance, demanding an increase in salaries of at least 20%."In front of the Ministry of Finance there were about…

14:15, 30.03.2021

Barna: Gov't respects right to protest, but will have zero tolerance to extremist demonstrations

The Government respects the right of citizens to protest, but has and will continue to have "zero tolerance" for the "hooligan, extremist, fascist" demonstrations of some of the protesters, according to AGERPRES.…

17:06, 24.01.2021

Unionists, military retirees protested at gov't

Trade unionists from various sectors of activity and civilian and military retirees protested on Sunday against abusive decisions taken by the authorities, in front of the headquarters of the Romanian Government…

10:12, 13.07.2020

Rally in Victoriei Square, planned, I don't understand why they protested, says PM Orban

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Sunday evening that the rally in Victoriei Square "was planned" and said he did not understand the reason for the protest."Unfortunately, we are facing a very strange campaign.(...)…

09:37, 28.05.2019

Several dozens of protesters outside MAE headquarters ask ForMin Teodor Melescanu's resignation

Several dozens of people protested on Monday evening outside the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE), asking the resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu, regarding the manner in which the voting unfolded…

18:23, 24.03.2018

Approx. 2,000 policemen, penitentiary employees and pathologists protested in front of the Ministry of Interior

Approximately 2,000 policemen, employees of the penitentiaries and pathologists protested on Saturday morning in front of the Ministry of Interior, unpleased with the salaries of the personnel paid from public…

16:14, 08.11.2017

Hundreds of people protested in the Victoriei Square against tax changes

A few hundred people attended a protest before the Government House on Wednesday at noon, voicing their dissatisfaction with amendments to the Tax Code.  The maximum was reached around 13:30hrs, after which most…

11:03, 29.01.2017

LIVETEXT Haos si protestedupa restrictiile de intrare in SUA instituite de Trump

Restrictiile de calatorie pentru cetatenii din sapte tari musulmane instituite de Donald Trump continua sa provoace confuzii si proteste, ordinul executiv al presedintelui SUA confruntandu-se cu proteste, procese…

09:23, 14.07.2016

Protestele deţinuţilor s-au extins în mai multe penitenciare

Protestele deţinuţilor s-au extins în mai multe penitenciare Deţinuţii au protestat pe acoperişul închisorii. Foto: Cristiana Sabău. În 12 penitenciare din ţară au avut loc în ultimele zile proteste…

17:19, 24.06.2016

Eșecul antiparlamentarismului in București: Clotilde Armand și Moise Guran

Atât Clotilde Armand cât și Moise Guran par să dorească să transforme votul de protest din București într-o mai largă mișcare antiparlamentară cu accente populiste care să se manifeste, eventual, prin manifestații…

16:19, 23.06.2016

Moise Guran, de la Biziday la Protesteday

Am avut parte de o săptămână politică extrem de agitată. Cu un Parlament care, poate mai mult ca niciodată, a profitat de neatenția societății, sau a unei bune părți a ei, și a tras tun după tun. Deh, românii sunt…