Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

16:07, 02.03.2020

PNL's Orban: In principle, we agree to find form of holding parents accountable regarding mandatory vaccination of children

The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Ludovic Orban, stated on Monday that the Liberals agree, in principle, to find a form to hold parents accountable regarding the vaccination of children."We have…

20:19, 22.01.2020

PM Orban: Pensions must be calculated based on contributivity

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban declared on Wednesday that PNL [National Liberal Party] had already made the political decision that pensions be calculated based on the principle of contributivity."This is the only…

16:15, 10.01.2020

Bucharest's Mayor Firea calls on Gov't to apply "polluter pays" principle for polluting vehicles

General Mayor of Bucharest Gabriela Firea calls on the Government to apply the "polluter pays" principle for polluting vehicles."I demand that the Government apply 'the polluter pays' principle for polluting vehicles.…

21:14, 09.12.2019

PM Orban: PNL decision is very clear: we support calculation of pensions on principle of contributivity

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban asked all parliamentarians on Monday to support the draft law on the elimination of special pensions, with the exception of military service pensions, which the National Liberal Party…

18:18, 09.12.2019

Rusia şi dopajul, cronologia unui scandal fără sfârşit

Cotidianul Marca a publicat, luni, o cronologie a scandalului de dopaj care afectează Rusia de peste cinci ani, după Jocurile Olimpice de la Soci, din 2014, stat care a primit o nouă sancţiune, mai cuprinzătoare…

16:04, 09.12.2019

Rusia și dopajul - Istoria unei povești controversate

Cotidianul Marca a publicat, luni, o cronologie a scandalului de dopaj care afectează Rusia de peste cinci ani, după Jocurile Olimpice de la Soci, din 2014, stat care a primit o nouă sancţiune, mai cuprinzătoare…

15:18, 08.12.2019

Senate's Melescanu on need for revision of Constitution: It's nothing abnormal,unnatural to adapt to the demands of times

Senate President Teodor Melescanu brings to mind that, 28 years ago, the national referendum for the approval of the new Constitution of Romania was held, underscoring that currently, the need for the revision…

16:45, 16.11.2019

Stock Exchange president: Regular, diversified stock market investment is key to increasing one's financial wealth

Regular, diversified and disciplined investment in the capital market is key to increasing one's financial wealth, Lucian Anghel, president of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), told the Individual Investors Forum…

08:08, 31.10.2019

Oscilații ușoare ale principlalelor valute

Volatilitatea piețelor internaționale a fost minimă miercuri, investitorii așteptând decizia de politică monetară a Rezervei Federale americane, evoluție care s-a reflectat și asupra monedelor de la marginea zonei…

13:55, 29.06.2019

Iohannis: We have had majority that worked against Romanians

President Klaus Iohannis stated, on Saturday, that in Romania there was a parliamentary majority that "worked against Romanians" and that had as an objective "the subjugation of the judiciary to the interests of…

09:35, 28.03.2019

Crown Custodian Margareta: 'Very proud to receive award, values, principles, courage, dicussed'

Romanian Crown Custodian, Margareta, was proud to receive the Award for the most influential personality in Romania at the Forbes Woman Gala held at Bragadiru Palace on Wednesday night.Read also: PMP's Basescu,…

21:36, 19.03.2019

Stefan Oprea: Romania proposes principle of digitization in EU legislation on SMEs

Romania proposed at the meeting of the SME ambassadors the amendment of the European legislation in this sector by including the principle of digitization, Stefan Oprea, Minister for the Business Milieu, Commerce…

15:58, 02.03.2019

Deputy PM Ana Birchall: 'Globalization - enormous potential to bring prosperity, if managed in accordance with fundamental principles'

Globalization has an "enormous" potential to bring more prosperity, development and stability, provided it is managed in accordance with fundamental principles such as transparency, dialogue, peaceful settlement…

13:47, 23.02.2019

Former UDMR leader Marko says UDMR wants principle of subsidiarity, including autonomy, applied

Former national leader of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania Marko Bela told a convention of the UDMR Congress on Saturday Union Congress that the Hungarians want to the principle of subsidiarity, which…

23:12, 23.01.2019

Tudorel Toader at LIBE: Romania won't stray from observing rule of law principles

AGERPRES special correspondent Tudor Martalogu reports: The Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union will not stray from the principles of respecting the common European values, fundamental rights…

19:06, 21.01.2019

Commissioner Cretu says EU funding conditional on rule of law in line with 'zero tolerance to fraud' principle

Linking EU funding to the observance of the rule of law has sparked an entire debate in the Commission and the European Parliament and answers the principle of zero tolerance to fraud, European Commissioner for…

22:27, 08.01.2019

Romania voices agreement in principle to take over five migrants recently stranded on Malta's coasts

Romania has voiced its availability in principle, alongside other member states, to take over five migrants from those that have recently stranded on the coasts of Malta, the gesture being "a particular one, of…

21:23, 04.12.2018

PM Dancila: 'Romania will support EU consolidation buttressed by fundamental principles'

Romania, as the next holder of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will continue to support the objective of consolidating the Union on the basis of its fundamental values and principles - unity,…

17:35, 24.10.2018

PSD team tells President Iohannis of 10 principles for real judicial independence, rule of law

The negotiating team of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), major at rule, that on Wednesday attended negotiations with President Klaus Iohannis offered Iohannis a list of 10 principles "for real judicial independence…

11:56, 27.09.2018

DefMin Fifor: Romania, among few states to observe equitable responsibility-sharing principle within NATO

Romania is one of the few allied states that observes the equitable responsibility-sharing principle within the North-Atlantic Alliance and meets all three cash, capability and contribution-related requirements,…

21:53, 25.09.2018

PN Dancila meets Udo Bullmann in Brusseles PM reconfirms Gov't commitment to Europeean principles

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, who is paying a visit to Brussels, met on Tuesday with head of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats of the European Parliament Udo Bullmann. The PM presented him…

16:56, 19.07.2018

Iohannis: 'No politician can and should trade the relinquishment of the principles which the democratic Romania was build on after 1989 to his/her own…

President Klaus Iohannis said on Thursday that no politician can and should trade the relinquishment of the principles which the democratic Romania was build on after 1989 to his/her own benefit.  "No political…

14:15, 12.06.2018

Iohannis says meeting with Venice Commission delegation provided very good discussion about principles

President Klaus Iohannis said after Tuesday's meeting with a visiting delegation of the Venice Commission that the meeting made for a very good discussion but did not focus on the words of the justice legislations,…

14:12, 15.05.2018

Senate's Tariceanu: CSM must see if magistrates' access to classified information observes rule of law principles

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu has requested the CSM head (Supreme Council of Magistrates), Simona Camelia Marcu, in a letter, to submit to the plenary sitting of the Council the regulation regarding…

22:56, 10.04.2018

Speaker Dragnea says he doesn't give up defamation law

Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber and national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu Dragnea stated on Tuesday that currently the defamation law is not a priority, but he underscored he is not giving…

08:56, 15.02.2018

PM Dancila says she did not discuss with US ambassador on laws of justice

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila said on Wednesday that in her recent meeting with US Ambassador in Bucharest Hans Klemm she did not discuss the laws of justice with him, but only about "some principles". "There…

19:42, 22.01.2018

PSD's Dragnea on governing programme: In principle, there will be no major or that many modifications

The Social Democratic Party (PSD, major at rule)'s national leader Liviu Dragnea on Monday said that in principle there will be no major or many modifications in the governing programme, adding that the programme…

11:26, 17.01.2018

USR's Barna: If our principles are assumed by liberal premier, USR will support him/her

Save Romania Union (USR) President Dan Barna said on Tuesday that to the extent to which the USR principles would be assumed by a liberal premier, his party is ready to support a prime minister from the National…

22:05, 06.12.2017

Canadian Ambassador: King Mihai remains a symbol of courage, generosity and unwavering principles

Canadian Ambassador in Bucharest Kevin Hamilton sent condolences to the Royal House of Romania over the death of King Mihai I, about whom he said will remain in everybody's memory as a symbol of courage, generosity…

23:24, 20.11.2017

Tehnici prin care ne păstrăm optimismul şi cum ne prelungeşte acesta viaţa: explicaţiile unui renumit biolog

John Medina, un apreciat biolog american, autor al bestseller-ului „Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School“, explică de ce este important optimismul în viaţă, cu câţi ani…