Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

13:26, 03.11.2021

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew celebrates his 30th enthronement anniversary

His Holiness Bartholomew I celebrated on Tuesday 30 years from his enthronement as Archbishop of Constantinople – the New Rome and as Ecumenical Patriarch. The 270th Patriarch of Constantinople was enthroned on…

08:16, 18.01.2021


1821 - Death of Alexandru Sutu, last Phanariote ruler of Wallachia (June 20, 1802 - Aug. 18, 1802 (Kaymakam), Aug. 12, 1806 - Oct. 3, 1806, Dec. 1806, Nov. 5, 1818 - Jan. 19, 1821). (b. 1758) 1844 - Comedy "Iorgu…

08:15, 05.01.2021


1393 - Conclusion of peace treaty between Mircea the Elder, ruler of Wallachia (1386-1418) and Sultan Baiazid I. Accordingly, Wallachia could be governed according to its own laws and the ruler could wage war and…

08:35, 30.10.2020


Day of Military Public RelationsDay of patient with burns 1497 - Battle of Cernauti: Stephen the Great defeats last troops of invading Polish armies. The Polish military campaign ends in total disaster 1724 - Erection…

13:09, 18.10.2016

Liberals, Romantics, Revolutionaries - The Florescus and the 1848 revolution

The events of 1821, when the Greek uprising of Ypsilanti and his Philike Hetairia society clashed with the homegrown Romanian revolutionary forces of Vladimir Tudorescu, marked not just the political end of the…

13:17, 22.09.2016

Living in Byzantium after Byzantium - The Florescu family in 17th and 18th Century Wallachia

The “Phanariot period”, which lasted just over a century from 1715 to 1821 in Wallachia, has often been portrayed as a clear break from the past, due to the Ottomans’ decision, after the reigns of Constantin Brancoveanu…