Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

10:29, 01.04.2020

Romania's unemployment rate stands at 3.9pct, in February 2020

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 3.9 percent in February 2020, maintaining the level recorded in the previous month, according to the data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INS)…

09:40, 01.04.2020

Senators adopt draft law to regulate some social protection measures

Senators on Tuesday adopted a draft law initiated by the PSD (Social Democratic Party) MPs to regulate some social protection measures in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The draft that is meant to supplement…

17:37, 31.03.2020

Several trade unions ask Gov't to ensure universal minimum income for all citizens

Several trade union organizations have requested on Tuesday that the authorities adopt a series of measures to overcome the social crisis, of which the first is to ensure a universal minimum income for all adult…

11:48, 31.03.2020

GCS: Three more persons with COVID-19 die; death toll reaches 68

Three more persons infected with the novel coronavirus have died and the COVID-19 death toll has reached 68, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed. The latest three persons who have died are a 73-year-old…

10:49, 30.03.2020

Romania has 5.16 millions pensioners at end-2019; average monthly pension 1,292 lei

The average number of pensioners registered in Romania in 2019 accounted for 5.157 million persons, by 50,000 persons less compared with the previous year, with an average monthly pension of 1,292 lei, up 10.2…

16:30, 29.03.2020

8,666 persons - in institutionalized quarantine on Romanian territory

8,666 persons are in institutionalized quarantine on Romanian territory, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Sunday. Another 132,641 persons are in home isolation and are under medical monitoring.Since…

14:02, 28.03.2020

GCS: 23,973 persons did not respect travel restrictions; fines worth 31 million lei

Policemen have observed, since the entry into force of Military Ordinance no. 3, nearly 24,000 persons which have not respected the travel restrictions, the fines issued totaling 31 million lei, the Strategic Communication…

13:53, 28.03.2020

GCS: 7,801 persons in institutionalized quarantine on Romanian territory

On Romania's territory, there are 7,801 persons in institutionalized quarantine, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs. Another 131,367 persons are under self-isolation and medical monitoring.Up to this…

13:53, 28.03.2020

GCS: 160 new infections with novel coronavirus in Romania; total number of people sick - 1,452

A number of 1,452 persons were confirmed, up to now, in Romania to have the novel coronavirus, 29 deaths being recorded, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs. Since the last informative bulletin, 160…

13:02, 28.03.2020

GCS: Three more deaths of persons infected with novel coronavirus

Three more deaths of persons infected with the novel coronavirus were recorded, the total number reaching 29, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Saturday. According to the quoted sources, all the…

16:22, 27.03.2020

Coronavirus/GCS: 13,611 persons break measure of movement restriction, fines of over 17 million lei

Over 13,000 people who did not comply with the measure regarding the restriction of movement have been detected so far by police officers who enforced contraventional sanctions worth 17,256,424 lei . '' Since the…

19:16, 26.03.2020

UPDATE / Streinu-Cercel announces pilot project for testing 10,500 people in Bucharest

Manager of the "Matei Bals" Infectious Diseases Institute Adrian Streinu-Cercel has announced that a pilot project for testing 10,500 persons for the novel coronavirus will start in Bucharest within a scientific…

16:46, 26.03.2020

Streinu-Cercel announces pilot project for testing 10,500 people in Bucharest

Manager of the "Matei Bals" Infectious Diseases Institute Adrian Streinu-Cercel has announced that a pilot-project project for testing 10,500 persons for the novel coronavirus will start in Bucharest. Within a…

16:46, 26.03.2020

USR-PLUS Alliance requests authorities to isolate Suceava County

The Save Romania Union (USR) - the Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party (PLUS) Alliance requests authorities to urgently make the decision to isolate Suceava County, ensuring with priority the supply continuity and…

16:35, 26.03.2020

GCS: 29 patients admitted to intensive care ward; 23 patients in serious health condition

A number of 29 patients infected with the novel coronavirus are admitted to the intensive care ward, of whom 23 patients are in a serious health condition, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs. According…

16:27, 26.03.2020

Fines worth over 1.5 billion euros to persons who broke measure on restriction of movement

The Police have found Wednesday as many as 5,621 persons who were not observing the measure on restriction of movement foreseen by the Military Ordinance, on Thursday announced the Romanian Police General Inspectorate…

15:18, 25.03.2020

GCS: Average age of patients with COVID-19 is 43; most of them aged 19-50

The average age of patients diagnosed so far in Romania with the novel coronavirus is 43, with the highest share being represented by the persons aged between 19 and 50 (61 percent).According to the Strategic Communication…

15:18, 25.03.2020

906 persons infected with novel coronavirus so far

As many as 906 persons were confirmed so far infected with the novel coronavirus in Romania, with 13 deaths, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informs Wednesday.Since the latest info release, 144 new cases…

23:47, 24.03.2020

DSU's Arafat: We have 794 persons confirmed with COVID-19, 79 healed and 11 dead

Head of the Department for Emergency Situations Raed Arafat pointed out that until Tuesday evening at 20:00, a number of 794 persons had been confirmed with the novel coronavirus, 79 healed and 11 died. "The situation…

23:19, 24.03.2020

UPDATE IntMin Vela: Persons over 65 to leave home between 11 and 13

Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced on Tuesday evening that persons aged over 65 will be able to leave their homes only between 11 and 13. "Article 2 - The movement of persons who have reached the age of 65…

23:10, 24.03.2020

IntMin Vela: Movement of all persons outside home, forbidden, with some exceptions

The movement of all persons outside their home or household will be forbidden with the issue of the Military Ordinance of 24 March, with some exceptions, Interior Minister Marcel Vela announced. "The movement of…

20:22, 24.03.2020

PM Orban: Hour interval for persons over 65 to go for supplies will be set

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Tuesday in a press conference that there will be an hour interval when the persons aged over 65 will be able to go out of their homes to get the necessary supplies. "There…

14:18, 24.03.2020

8 dead, 762 persons infected with novel coronavirus, 186 new cases confirmed

A number of 762 persons were confirmed, up to now, with the novel coronavirus in Romania, and eight have deceased, the Strategic Communications Group (GCS) announced on Tuesday.Since the last informative bulletin…

13:48, 24.03.2020

Money for furlough is enough for everyone, we are preparing for a million persons

The National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) is prepared to pay furlough indemnities for up to 1 million persons, said the president of the institution, Victor Picu, in an interview for AGERPRES.The money will be…

20:14, 23.03.2020

Authorized natural persons who interrupted their activity - allowance equal to gross minimum salary

The authorized natural persons who have interrupted their activity during the state of emergency will benefit from a fixed allowance at the level of a gross minimum salary, said on Monday the head of the Prime…

16:24, 23.03.2020

USR's Barna proposes that, during the morning, stores be opened exclusively to persons aged over 65

Chairman of the Save Romania Union (USR) Dan Barna conveyed to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations the suggestion that stores be exclusively opened, during the…

15:27, 23.03.2020

President Iohannis: Our country is confronted with the tragic situation of first deaths;condolences to the families

President Klaus Iohannis conveyed on Monday condolences to the families of the persons who died because of the infection with the novel coronavirus. "Dear Romanians, unfortunately, the inevitable occurred and our…

15:17, 23.03.2020

Romania is COVID-19 Yellow Zone as of Monday

As of Monday, Romania is COVID-19 Yellow Zone, counting for over 500 persons confirmed infected with the novel coronavirus countrywide. According to the Strategic Communication Group (GSC) until Monday in Romania…

20:37, 22.03.2020

GCS publishes sworn statement model regarding movement of persons outside home

The sworn statement regarding the movement of persons outside home can be entirely filled out by hand, and it will be made available to the representatives of the Romanian Police, Gendarmerie or the Local Police…

13:17, 22.03.2020

GCS: 433 persons infected with novel coronavirus

A number of 433 persons have tested positive for the novel coronavirus so far, and two persons died, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) informed on Sunday. Of them, 64 were declared cured and discharged, 47…