Sprijinim refugiatii din Ucraina. Doneaza si tu pentru Crucea Rosie Romana in sprijinul lor. Orice suma conteaza.

17:10, 05.10.2022

Intelligence Service organizes complex cyber security exercise

The Romanian Information Service, through the National Cyberint Centre, organized the sixth edition of the CyDEx national cyber security exercise at the National Military Circle, between October 3 and 5. Fii la…

18:52, 13.06.2019

Romania, full member, as sponsor nation, of NATO Excellence Center in cybersecurity in Estonia

As of Thursday, Romania is a full member, as sponsor nation, of the NATO Excellence Center in cybersecurity in Estonia, the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) announced on its Facebook page."The decision comes…

10:03, 19.08.2018

SRI: Massive cyber-attacks on some financial institutions in Romania, from June to August 2018

The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) announced on Saturday that through its cyber-intelligence unit - the National Cyberint Center (CNC) - it has certain data and information, including of technical nature,…

22:02, 24.04.2018

CSM makes public 2014 protocol with the SRI National Cyberint Centre

The Supreme Council of Magistrates (CSM) on Tuesday made public a protocol concluded in 2014 with the Cyberint National Centre, which operates within the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). The cooperation protocol…

12:28, 27.06.2017

Intelligence official Rog: There is no legislation in Romania mandating cyberattack reporting

There is no legislation in Romania mandating legal entities to report cyberattacks, as reporting is optional, head of the National Cyberint Centre with Romania's Intelligence Service (SRI) Anton Rog told a specialist…

10:18, 26.03.2014

Trei români în Top 10 al hackerilor la nivel mondial

Trei din primii zece utilizatori ai celui mai important şi apreciat forum mondial de criminalitate cibernetică sunt din România. Afirmația îi aparține directorului adjunct al Centrului de Naţional Cyberint din…